Before you begin, read these few final rules...
1. An application MUST include a sample roleplay or will be thrown away immediately.
That's it. If you still do not follow these SIMPLE rules, you will be ignored and deemed the DUMBEST SON OF A BITCH!
WAIT!! Before you fill out the application, read a few HWF roleplays to see the quality we're looking for:
ICQ #/Yahoo! IM/AOL IM:
DETAILED appearance [I shouldn't need to expand, but evidently I do. I want an appearance, clothing, ETC.]:
Resembalance [To real wrestler or person, if one.]:
Brief Life History:
Alignment [Face, Neutral, Heel, or Face / Heel Combo]:
Wrestling Style [All-Rounder, Brawler, Technician, Technical Brawler, High Flyer, Luchador, Risk Taker, Hardcore, Submissionist, Martial Artist, Etc.]:
5 or more Trademark Moves:
Set-Up Move to Finisher:
Finisher Name:
Finisher Description:
*= If you should need some help finding moves, please visit The Big, Big Book of Wrestling Moves.
Theme Music [Song, Band]:
DETAILED entrance [Once again, more clarification. Read a past Suicide. What you see from when the music hits until they are in the ring is what I want here.]:
Manager [Yes, No]: (If yes, please fill out the next few questions. If not, skip to the bottom of the page.)
DETAILED appearance:
Little information as to if your manager interferes or does something special during matches:
Tag Team Name: Tag Team Finisher: Finisher Description: DETAILED Entrance: Tag Team Theme:
Now, please attach a sample roleplay. NO HTML, PLEASE!! It should be what I should see from you on a regular basis. Once you've done all that, e-mail it to the HWF Staff at hardcoreproductions@hotmail.com with the subject heading of:
You will be notified of your acceptance within a week, then added to the roster after we see a roleplay from you. If you do not receive anything from us, than you have not been accepted. Do not ICQ us. Do not E-Mail us. Do not contact us in any way. Try again or leave.