(The scene fades intoa high end jewerly store where all the people with money go to get their jewerly. Justice and Tasha walk in through the main doors with JJ's ice blinding camera with it's shine. They walk over to a counter where a women with her back turned to them is talking on the phone. JJ waits as Tasha looks around the store. There's diamond earrings on a stand next to her that she glances. Then she looks down at the counter she's leaning on and looks through all the watches amd bracelets. They're seperated into gold, silver, platinum, etc. She keeps looking through them as the women turns around to see Justice's face with a black Dodgers hat thats slanted to the right and sitting up some.)

Clerk: "Can I help you sir?"

Justice: "Sure can...I had a watch an' matchin' bracelet made for me like two weeks ago. Supposed ta be done now..."

Clerk: "Oh...you must be John Justice. Am I right?"

Justice: "Sho' nuff..."

Clerk: "Ok, I'm gonna need your receipt and for you to sign this."

(The woman slides a piece of paper at John that has some information on it. John then hands her the receipt which the price can be seen on camera at $35,000. The woman looks at the receipt and her eyes widen at the price JJ paid for a custom watch and bracelet.)

Clerk: "Ok, I'll be right back. It'll take about 10 minutes or so, so if you could take a seat or take a look around I'll be right back."

Justice: "Aight then..."

(The woman walks off and leaves JJ and Tasha to themselves.)

Tasha: "You love that ice don'tcha?"

Justice: "Fa sho'...who wouldn't love to have as much ice as me?"

Tasha: "You need to calm down on that buyin' and concentrate on pleasin' me..."

Justice: "Girl please...what, you want somethin' to? I gotcha if ya want somethin'?"

Tasha: "Naw...I'm ok...I'm gonna go an' look around for a bit, ok?"

Justice: "Aight then...I'ma be over here chillin', waitin'..."

(Tasha walks off as JJ walks over to a leather couch and sits down. He falls in kinda hard and gets settled.)

Justice: "I know you saw that receipt. Can ya believe I'd spend 35 chucks on a watch an' a bracelet? Well believe it playboy, I do and have. That's the most I've ever spent on somethin' like that though so don't go freakin' out on me...

An' seein' as how I got some time ta talk about some stuff, I figure, why not talk bout my favorite peeps, the HWF. The most important thing right now course be Trey's ass...He just did a promo that went on an' on an' on. I was about ta forget bout it cuz I bout fell asleep havin' ta sit there an' watch it. I mean, damn...you ever gonna shutup? He just wanted to go on about stuff, sayin' he respected me, but didn't respect me, that he thinks I'm good, but I'm trash. Man can't make his damn mind up. I think he's got a few of them screws loose. Maybe he's doin' some Flame shit an' beatin' himself in the head, maybe that's what be makin' him like he does. It's gotta be somethin'...

It could also be that his ass is tryin' ta talk some trash but don't wanna get me mad so he says he respects me an' stuff. Which, now that I be thinkin' bout it, ain't that bad a idea. It'd be good if I was on crack an' was a stupid mother fucker. But I ain't, I picked up on ya tryin' ta talk bout me. You must think I'm one stupid guy if ya gonna do that sorta stuff. Well, just cuz I talk like I do and come from where I come from, don't mean stuff. It don't matter bout your speakage or where you come from. It matter what you bout, whatcha got up in ya head. I got plenty of brains, I'm smart, I know stuff. You though, I didn't think you did, but ya proved me wrong.

You said that I got talent, I got ya respect, an' I can beat Lance in a fair fight. Man, those be the smartest things that man ever said. You proved ta me that you actually a little smart when ya said that stuff. You proved you ain't as stupid as I was thinkin' ya was.

An' bout Lance, oh, I'm the same page witcha, fo' sho'...I wanna get rid of his ass to. The only difference between us is that I'm a man bout my bizness. I dont like to sneak up on peeps an' do stuff to em like Sledge tried ta do. I ain't wit' all that bullshit. I'm bout what things used ta be. I'm bout the times when men was men an' the bitches was bitches. Ya know, G's up, ho's down. That stuff. But naw, Trey wanna come all up on me an' try ta get involved in my battles. Man, people from round my ways get killed for medalin' in peoples stuff...guess I gots ta represent the hood an' kill ya myself. Gonna start wit' this Saturday, finish at the pay-per view. I'm treatin' this match like your beginning. I'm gonna use Saturday as my tune up, ta get my stuff together for my big match witcha an' Lance at the pay-per view.

But I ain't gonna treat ya lightly cuz I wanna win this match, more than ya thinks I do. You be convinced that I ain't takin' ya seriously. Well, I got some news for ya, I don't take nobody lightly. I treat everybody like they be 7 feet tall, 400 pounds. I treat em like there ain't no way I'm gonna beat em an' don't nobody think I'm gonna beat em. That's when I shine by brightest. That's when I come out like high bleams, blindin' ya like I do wit' all my ice on. When I shine like high beams, ya freeze like deers, sittin' there in the middle of road, scared outcha mind, ya don't know what ta do. Ya ain't ever seen somethin' as scarry as me. How can a man only standin' 5'8'' an' weighin' 165 pounds scare me so bad? Hell, let me clue ya asses in. Ya scared of me cuz ya know I'm a ruthless little boy, ya know I drop it like it's hot, an' ya know that I'm down wit' the murda murda, kill kill. Ya know that when I step in that ring whitcha, ya know that ya might not be steppin' back out on ya own. Trey likes ta talk about all the peeps he's put in the hospital, well I ain't got as many as ya do, but that be as HWF peeps. I can't count how many times I ut peoples up in the hospital. Hell, I been in there myself a few times to. Ya see, unlike most of ya here, you think if ya get put up in the hospital by somebody than you ain't nothin'. I thinks differently. I think that ya win some, ya lose some. Myself, I win more than I lose, but everybody gots ta lose eventully. Trey ain't lost in a while, but he's gonna be gettin' what he's been missin' out on Saturday an' on Sunday. He's gonna get it right from this hot boy right here."

(Tasha walks back over to the screen where Justice is at.)

Tasha: "Hey John...they got ya stuff up there for ya."

Justice: "Sweet....lets go thaw out my ice..."

Tasha: "Boy, shutup...stop tryin' to make up words..."

Justice: *laughs* "Alright...was just tryin'..."

(Tasha holds JJ's hand as he gets up and they walk over to the counter they were at earlier. As they walk over, a man trys to cross their path but sees them and stops and waits for them to pass, then walks on behind them. Tasha and JJ get to the counter as the women comes around with a soft, navy blue pillow with gold lacing on the edges that has a bright platinum watch with diamonds on it and a matching bracelet next to it. She walks towards the camera as lights catch the jewelry and put a big light on the lens, glarring everything out. The woman sits the pillow down and the picture on the camera comes back.)

Justice: "Ah....that's what I'm talkin' bout. That's why ya spend the money ta get this stuff: for it ta shine like a light, ta come off like high beams."

(Justice picks up the watch and looks at it carefully, making sure nothing is wrong with it. After a few seconds he smiles and hands it to Tasha for her to look at. She looks at it like Justice did as he picks up the bracelet and does the samething as before. After he's happy, he takes his old watch off and lays it on the pillow and puts his new one on his left wrist. He then takes the bracelet and slides it on his right wrist. Justice looks at the two on his arms and smiles, moving them around to let the light hit them as the shine brightly. The camera fades out...

(Fading back in, we see Justice in the passenger side of his Cadilac jeep. Tasha's driving as Justice has his arm out the window, showing off his bracelet. Inside the jeep "Loud Pipes" by Lil' Wayne, Juvenile, and the Big Tymers is playing loudly. Justice turns it down so he can talk to the camera some more.)

Justice: "Now, I was talkin' bout Trey's ass wasn't I? Yeah I was. Where I leave of though? *thinking* Ah yeah, I remember now. I was talkin' bout how I was gonna beat his ass.

Trey man, I gonna have ta agree witcha on at least one thing ya said: we gots ta team up at least somehow an' take out Lance. I don't really wanna team up witcha in any way, but god damnit, sometimes we gots ta do what we gots ta do. Now ya can hang out at them amusement parks all ya want an' be by yaself ta think about ya man hood an' why ya questionin' it like Lance, but you best be thinkin' bout me when we get in that ring Saturday. Ya right, we gonna throw down an' we gonna show them fans what's up, but ya wrong when ya say ya gonna win, just ain't gonna happen. I'm gonna be the one gettin' my arm raised, gettin' the win, you layin' up on the ground, head busted open, bleedin' all up on the ring, havin' the fans chantin' *sarcastic voice* "MICH-AEL-TREY, MICH-AEL-TREY." It ain't gonna matter. I don't care how much those damn fans love ya ass, it don't matter ta me. Long as I got the love of my woman, there ain't nothin' that can stop me or anythin' I care about. She's the one person that I'd do anything for, put my life on the line for, an' the only one that is real enough to know what's goin' down as it goes down. Ya ass don't. You don't be seein' that when I'm determined to do somethin', I do it. I proved that shit at King of Violence when I beat every last one of them peeps, includin' yaself, an' won the belt I still got. I'll see ya ass Saturday, I hope ya ready for me, cuz I know this is my match to really prove myself, I know I'll be ready. There ain't no doubt on my side. It's just my time to prove it to you all. I know I should be where I am and higher...only can go up, constantly improvin'...

Then we gots Lance Sterling who was goin' off bout how I impressed em an' how don't hardly anybody do that. Well, thanks I guess. I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy ya ass was impressed by me, or supposed to be mad that you just took away whatcha said by always sayin' that I still wasn't good. You know that if it wasn't for Sledge's ass messin' round with that match, you know I woulda won. All you can do is cheat to win. Who you think you are? Eddie Guerreo or somethin'? Naw, you ain't, his ass is like way above ya. I ain't got all that much ta say bout ya except that on Sunday at the pay-per view, I'm gonna get what I shoulda gotten last Suicide. Yall gonna see that it gonna come through like it shoulda an' the next World champ is standin' right chea.

Then there's god damn Blackjack. His ass keeps throwin' in little stuff about me like I ain't gonna notice. Sayin' JJ ain't no good an' I can't beat Lance but he can. Sayin' he's better than me. Bitch please...you ain't better than me. On my worst day an' on ya best, you still couldn't come close ta me. I'm way up here, you way down there. You can't see me, I'm no another level, lookin' down atcha. Where I sit, I see you down with Sledge, an' that clown dude, an' Oakleys. You ain't at my level, hell you ain't even kinda close ta my level. So the next time you wants ta talk about me, getcha facts straight, say shit that's true, an' don't say nothin' bout me.

Same wit' ICON. His ass wanna call me a sorry champ an' a coward and a joke. What this man on? There gotta be some stuff floatin' round the locker room if Trey, Lance, Blackjack, an' ICON gotta hold of this stuff that be messin' ya up enough to think ya can talk about me like that. I'd give ya a match ICON like I said I would, but I'm busy wit' like important stuff. Ya know, the World title. Maybe one day you'll get up there an' get a shot at the title like I am. I don't care if ya been there before, I'm talkin' bout now. See, ya mighta been good back in the day, but that was back in the day. Ya ain't that good no more. Trust me, I've been watchin' ya. I've seen ya fight peeps in the past an' peeps now. There might not be that mucha difference, but there's enough to see what I see. You ain't where ya used ta be, I can tell ya that. One day though, we gonna hook it up an' ya gonna get ya shot at which ever title I go at the time an' I'm gonna bust ya head like I owe ya. Till then, shut ya damn mouth an' keep my name outcha mouth.

Lastly, Vinny Vile. My former tag partner, my partna in the X-Tremists. V-Dawg, one thing, ya my friend an' all, but I ain't gonna hold back on ya. Just like at King of Violence, I ain't gonna show no love soon as that bell goes off. I'm gonna act like I'm lookin' at that 7 foot, 400 pound man again, an' just go off on ya. C4 explosives match? That's coo' wit' me. Whatever match they wanna throw at us is fine wit' me. And damn, I got some paybacks ta get on ya to. Hittin' me wit' that move of yours at the tag tournament. Even though it mighta been an accident, I don't care. You hit me wit' that shit an' it hurt. I wanna get what I gots comin' back for me Wednesday. I hope ya don't get offended, cuz I don't care..."

(Justice does a peace sign and waves his wrist to shine his ice in the camera. The sun hits it and a big blur hits the camera lens. Tasha turns up "Drop it like it's Hot" as the camera fades off.)