
3/4 Facelock- Victim's head in on attacker's shoulders, facing the same way (i.e. Stunner position)
Argentine Backbreaker Rack- Torture Rack Position, victim lays face up across attacker's shoulders/back
Canadian Backbreaker Rack- Attacker has victim up on shoulder, face up, with their head in forward and legs back
Double Underhook- Victim is bent over and attacker has both of the victim's arms hooked behind his back
Fireman's Carry- Actual move but also term used when the victim lays face down across attacker's shoulder/back
Front Chancery- DDT Position, attacker has victim bent over, face down, and has head hooked under arm
Powerslam- Attacker has victim up on shoulder, face down, with their head in forward and legs back
Rear Chancery- Inverted DDT Position, attacker has victim bent over, face up, and has head hooked under arm
Standing Head Scissors- Attacker is standing with victim bent over, face down, and has head hooked inbetween legs
Fall Forward- Attacker lands on stomach during move
High Angle- Victim is coming down more onto head/neck than normal
Inverted- Victim is facing upside down during move
Reverse- Victim is facing opposite way during move (ex: Reverse DDT is really a Bulldog)
Backbreaker- Victim lands horizontal to the mat, face up, on attacker's knee
Brainbuster- Variation of move where victim lands on head/neck
Bulldog- Move in which attacker brings down victim's head with arms while facing same way
DDT- Move in which attacker brings down victim's head under his arm while facing opposite way
Driver- Victim lands on neck/shoulders inbetween attacker's sitting legs
Face Driver- Victim lands face first with attacker forcing them down with their legs/knees
Gutbuster-Victim lands horizontal to the mat, face down, on attacker's knee
Legsweep- Victim falls due to the fact that the attackerhas hooked their leg with his
Mat Slam- Victim lands face first with attacker forcing them down with hands (i.e. X-Factor)
Note: Some of these descriptions conflict with those in the Big Big Book. Vice President Drake realizes this. This list is to help everyone, new or old, understand what is meant in the results. Most of this stuff is basic, but some you may not have known. If you have more tricky ones, E-Mail the VP. Thanks.
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