
When did the HWF start, and how long has it been up?
--The HWF started on May 25th, 1998. It ran strong for a good year straight. A week before the PPV 'Parade of Cannibals', the site was hacked and the fed was shutdown. The identity of "Hackdaddy" is still unknown to this day, although people have their theories. The HWF re-opened a few months later and has been up ever since.
Is the HWF accepting wrestlers?
--Currently, we are accepting both single wrestlers and tag teams; though we are more in need of tag teams.
I've wrestled in other feds, do I really have to fill out a Sample Roleplay?
--Yes, you do. This is the only way we'll be able to tell your RP quality. You can either Copy and Paste an RP from a past fed or just write youe debut RP for the HWF. If you're accepted than you can post that immediately.
What's a Strat?
--A strat, or strategy, is a vital part of you involvment in the fed. It should be sent in before card deadlines and should include any spots, moves, interviews, or basic strategies you wish to employ for that particular match.
How do you decide winners?
--Matches are decided by three things: Roleplaying, Strats, and Angles. Roleplaying/Strats fall into the same basic category and are the most important. Roleplays/Strats count 80% towards match desicion. Obviously, the other 20% are determined by current angles.
Okay, I'm in the fed. How do I get a match scheduled?
--Roleplay. If we feel that you are involved enough in the fed, than we will schedule you in a match. You can also request special matches by contacting staff, but you need to back it up with roleplaying.
I sent in my strat/angle, how come it wasn't used?
--Most likely you didn't roleplay enough for the angle or another angle was overlapping it. In personal situations such as this, it is best to contact a Staff Member.
If you have any other questions, contact an HWF Staff Member...
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