[The camera fades in to a black screen. All of a sudden, an explosion goes off as "Last Resort" by Papa Roach rings out throughout the arena. The shot goes to the inside of The Bronco Bowl in Dallas, Texas; where about 6,000 screaming HWF fans are packed from wall to wall, pumping their fists and chanting "H-W-F, H-W-F". Tim Miller and Jeff Robinson stand alone in the center of the ring, staring at all of the insane fans that surround them. The noise eventually dies down and Tim slowly raises the microphone towards his mouth.]
Tim: Dallas, Texas!?!
[HUGE pop from all of the fans in the arena. A few more chants start up.]
Tim: Are you ready to get Hard to the fucking Core!?!
[The fans all scream out "YEAH" and then begin cheering again. Tim chuckles in the ring.]
Tim: Well, get ready... because the HWF is live and well...
[Dramatic pause.]
Tim: ...and ready for SATURDAY SUICIDE!!
[Another HUGE pop, Jeff smiles.]
Jeff: Now, let's get through these introductions this week...
Tim: Alright, folks... I'm Tim Miller...
Jeff: And I'm Jef-
[Suddenly, the arena lights black out and two thick red lasers begin to cross in front of the entrance ramp. The lasers create an “X” position and a red burst of pyro explodes as the music reaches its first crescendo. White lights glow from below the aisle and illuminate the smoke made from the pyro. As the smoke clears, Spike is on one knee with his arms at his sides and Chris Thrilla is standing behind him with his arms in an “X” position above his head. Spike slowly rises to his feet, panning over the crowd in attendance, while raising his arms above his head. Chris Thrilla walks back to the locker area and comes back out with a wagon filled with something big; but covered in a black tarp. They both walk in tandem towards the ring, with Chris dragging the wagon, and step in opposite directions having reached it. Chris Thrilla brings the wagon to the outside and rips off the tarp, revealing a huge dumpster with gas tanks and blow torches attached to it. After this, Chris slides into the ring and stands on the second rope in the corner, saluting the crowd with his “X” trademark. Spike climbs the steel stairs to the apron and vaults to the top rope. He then pans over the crowd, and when finished, bounces off the top rope and hits the middle of the ring in a somersault. Chris Thrilla vaults over the top rope and joins Spike in the middle of the ring, and the lights fade in. Both members of Teen Angst have a mic.]
Jeff: Look, guys, you can't keep doing this!
Chris: Shut the fuck up! Who the hell books where Suicides are held? We've been to two Suicides so far and both of them have been in total shit holes!
[The fans in the arena start boo'ing wildly.]
Spike: Jeff, Tim, you two bitches can take your seats at ringside now, you ain't needed anymore!
[Jeff and Tim leave as told. Jeff looks VERY angry.]
Chris: Tonight, Teen Angst faces The Youngbloods... And I couldn't help but notice something...
Spike: What would that be Chris?
Chris: I noticed that in Texas, everything burns!
Spike: Chris, maybe you should explain to these red necks exactly what you mean.
Chris: Well, during the summer here, it get's hotter than the steaming boils on Howitzer's big burnt face and the grass burns. When Houston Astros look like their going to do well in the season, well, in the playoffs they don't just choke, they burn their playoff chances to ashes... Speaking of the Astros, is Jeff Bagwell related to Buff?
Spike: No idea man...
Chris: Hell, any ways, back to the burnings. Does anyone remember that little Waco incident? 'Nuff said! Tonight, you can add the public burning of the Youngbloods to that little list!
[Crowd is booing and chanting "WE-WANT-JEFF, WE-WANT-JEFF"]
Chris: Well, since we know Jeff doesn't have the balls to get into the ring while we're still in it, you can have the privilege of listening to the new man on the mic, the one, the only, this man is Spike!
Spike: Spike, kicking my sweet styles, rippin' you up for miles and miles, kicking your ass from here to kingdom-come, and givin' all the bitches in this town some... 'Cause we all know the guys here are whiny pussies, and that fat fuck Robinson swallows other fat fucks' titties!
[Both Spike and Chris laugh as the fans in the arena gives them massive heat. "Bow Down" by the Westside Connection hits on the PA system, bringing the crowd up. From the curtain, are the Youngbloods, Chris Styles and Jack Daddy. The Youngbloods walk down to the ring, staring directly at Teen Angst. Jack Daddy opens the lid to the dumpster and points to Teen Angst, while Chris Styles jumps to the apron and raises his arms to the crowd. Jack Daddy slides under the bottom rope and stands up, as Styles steps through and stands beside his partner.]
Jeff: Damnit, Kristi isn't out here...
Tim: I think it was wise of Jack Daddy to keep Kristi in the back.. This is no place for a woman right now.
Jeff: Sexist pig! Woman have all the rights in the world to be out here, especial if they have big jugs like Kristi!!
[As Tim sighs, the bell rings. Jack Daddy and Chris Styles look to have patched things up for this match, while Teen Angst are a tight nit unit.]
Tim: So, let's run down the stipulations real quick. If Teen Angst wins, they're on the HWF roster. They lose, they're gone. To win, you must put BOTH opponents in a FLAMING dumpster and shut the lid.
[Teen Angst charge out of their corner, shoving Styles and Jack Daddy into the corner. Spike and Thrilla take turns pounding on the Youngbloods. Thrilla takes Jack Daddy by the arm and whips him to the opposite corner, running close behind. Thrilla isn't quick enough and gets a boot to the face as he runs right into Jack Daddy. Spike has Chris Styles a front chancery and looks to try for a vertical suplex, but Styles blocks each attempt. Styles then tries his own suplex and lifts Spike vertical. Chris Thrilla looks to run back at Jack but sees Styles holding his partner in a stalling suplex. Thrilla charges and dropkicks Styles right in the left knee, causing it to buckle. Styles drops Spike right on the back of his neck., while dropping to hold his own knee. Thrilla kneels down to check on Spike, who is saying something to Thrilla. Thrilla gets up and turns to Jack Daddy but catches a standing side kick right in the face!!]
Jeff: This match may be over quicker than we could've ever thought!
[Thrilla stumbles back then falls over Styles' into the corner. Jack Daddy walks to the edge of the ring and demands a steel chair. The timekeeper takes the best route and hands Jack a chair. Before the timekeeper can get back to his seat, Jack Daddy reaches over the ropes and smacks him with the chair, dropping the poor guy to the cement.]
Tim: Now that was completely uncalled for!
Jeff: Shut up! The Youngbloods have to win... Teen Angst keeps wrecking my speil at the beginning of the show... Bastards.
Tim: As long as you are neutral...
[Jack Daddy then runs towards the corner and jumps a bit, "skateboarding" the chair into the face of Chris Thrilla ala RVD.]
Jeff: OH! That's the way!
[Thrilla is slumped over, his head hanging over the bottom rope. Jack Daddy gets to his feet and grabs Spike and pulls him up to his feet.]
Tim: C'mon, now! Spike could have broken his neck!
Jeff: Even better!
[Jack Daddy kicks Spike in the gut and gets him in a standing head scissors. Spike immediately grabs Jack's legs and sweeps him onto his back. Spike then bends down and locks his hands, powering Jack Daddy up onto his shoulders. Spike then walks to the edge of the ring and lets Jack Daddy drops, crashing through the timekeeper's table!!!]
Jeff: DAMNIT... He was supposed to be hurt!
Tim: Listen to yourself!!
Jeff: Hmm.. I do sound sexy, don't I?
Tim: Grrr...
[Chris Styles has hobbled to his feet, favoring his knee. Spike turns towards Styles and charges at him. Styles ducks a clothesline as Spike goes by him and into the ropes. Styles catches Spike with a kick down low, causing Spike to keel over. Styles grabs him in a front chancery, then swings it around and nails a neckbreaker!!]
Tim: Inverted Spin Doctor!!
[Chris Styles gets to his feet and walks to the turnbuckle, slowly climbing to the top. As he reaches the top, he stands up, his back to the ring. As it looks he will attempt a moonsault, Chris Thrilla is to his feet but goes to step, instead falls on the ropes, causing Styles to lose his footing and get crotched on the top turnbuckle!!!]
Jeff: OOH!!!
[Thrilla stumbles over to the crotched Styles and climbs to the second rope behind him. Thrilla puts his back to Styles and grabs Styles' arms in a crucified position. Thrilla then stands with Styles' arms spread eagle. Thrilla jumps off the ropes and basically throws Styles off and into the mat!!]
Tim: Crucifix Powerbomb off the second rope!!
[Outside the ring, Jack Daddy is on his feet and goes looking under the ring. Jack pulls out a black ladder and slides it into the ring to the delight of the crowd.]
Jeff: This'll show them rejects not to screw with Jeff...
Tim: Shut up!
Jeff: DAMNIT! One of these days, I'll get my last name out before a bitch cuts me off...
Tim: *muttering* dumbass
Jeff: What's that?
Tim: Oh, nothing.
[Jack Daddy rolls into the ring and begins to set up the ladder as Chris Thrilla goes to the outside, beginning to light the dumpster on fire!]
Tim: Thrilla has a gasoline can!
[With the drop of a match, the entire inside of the dumpster goes up in flame, causing Jack Daddy to turn and see what's going on. He smirks a bit, then positions the ladder in about mid-ring. Jack picks up the chair in the ring as Chris Thrilla climbs onto the apron. Jack Daddy turns and throws the chair right into the face of Thrilla!! The blow knocks Thrilla senseless, not to mention right into the flaming dumpster!!!]
Tim: Thrilla is in the dumpster!!
Jeff: Yes!
[Spike is back up as is Chris Styles. Styles tries to run to Spike but can merely hobble. Spike scoops Styles above his head in a gorilla press and walks to the edge of the ring, meanwhile Jack Daddy has climbed halfway up the ladder and is watching from above. Spike gorilla presses Styles from the ring into the dumpster!!!]
Jeff: Ah! Intensity is on fire! ...and NOT the good kind!
Tim: It's down to Spike or Jack Daddy..
[Spike turns as Jack Daddy is on the opposite side of the ladder. Spike sees Jack Daddy, before Jack Daddy can get to the top and jump off. Spike grabs the ladder and begins rocking it. Jack Daddy has the ladder gripped tight but can't get away as the ladder begins to fall!! With a THUD, Jack Daddy falls right into the ladder!!!!]
Jeff: No!!!
[Spike goes to the apron and reaches in the dumpster, pulling out his partner--Chris Thrilla. Spike then grabs the lid and shuts the dumpster, as the bell sounds!!!]
Tim: Teen Angst are the newest members of the HWF roster!
["Born of a Broken Man" hits once again to a fury of boos, while Teen Angst celebrate and walk to the back. Officials rush to the dumpster, extinguishing the flames as we go to commercial.]
Tim: Whew, let's move on, what's next?
Jeff: Well, the 5-man was supposed to lead off the show, so I assume it's right now.
Tim: Oh, okay...
["Inner Fury" hits over the PA as the fans stand up and boo as the know the man coming out unlike last week. After about fifteen seconds of "Inner Fury" though, it cuts off and you can hear in a low, Insomnia like voice say "I don't give a damn" and then "Don't Go Off Wandering" by Limp Bizkit hits as the fans aren't sure what to think now. But then about another ten seconds later Insomnia does indeed walk out to a chorus of boos from the fans. Insomnia stands at top of the rampway, looking down at the crowd with his arms up in the air almost teasing the fans to boo him. Insomnia pulls a mic out of his pocket and puts it up to his mouth. Chants of "Mother Fucker clap, clap, clap clap clap" go over and over again as Insomnia smirks a bit and bites down on his lip. Insomnia puts the mic back up to his face and begins to speak]
Insomnia: Congratulations, you ALL CAN SAY MOTHER FUCKER AND CLAP!
[The fans boo some more as the same chant starts up again and gets louder and louder. Insomnia starts pacing around the top of the rampway as the talks.]
Insomnia: Well this week you guys know me a bit better. You know that I don't give a damn about your welfair, I don't give a damn about your kid getting beat up on the playground, hell, I got beat up so many times when I was a kid, your kid doesn't even know pain! But hell, you want me to show him pain throw his ass in the ring and I'll show him a thing or two.
[The fans boo more and more as Insomnia continues on.]
Jeff: I said it last week and I'll say it again, I like this guy.
Tim: Would you shut up Jeff, this guy is a complete loser.
Jeff: Complete loser? What the hell you been smokin' Tim?
Insomnia: But see, tonight I'm not here to beat your kids, thats your alls job here in Texas.
[The boos continue but not as loud as some people are just getting annoyed but him and are now pointing those red light beams at him.]
Insomnia: Oh yeah, I forgot, go Cowboys.
[Now the fans are back to booing Insomnia. Insomnia raises his hands and tells them to lower their voices so that he can speak.]
Insomnia: But anyways, like I was saying, I'm not here to beat your kids tonight, I'm here to beat four guys by the name of Extream, Blake Frost, Renegade, and Trevor Lasek. Four of the most ignorant sons of bitchs I've sure as hell ever come across. I mean, lets take Extream for example. Extream, last week you beat me.
[Fans have a few cheers at Insomnia in a way admitting an error of his.]
Insomnia: But see fans and Extream, that match meant nothing. That match put you nowhere in the standings and put me right up there because the two of us are still in this match to decide who gets a shot at that Hardcore Title. This match means something Extream, this match means a hell of alot to all of us. This match could put any man in this match on the map or back on the map. This is my match, this is my time. It's time for the greats to have their hand raised and the losers to be laying in a pile or their own blood, sweat, and tears. Tonight is the night Insomnia will be heard of. Remember that threw the entire show, and the rest of your lives. Now bring my dumbass opponents out here so I can win this thing.
[The fans boo as Insomnia walks down the rampway. Insomnia puts the microphone back up to his mouth to say one final thing though.]
Insomnia: Oh yeah, fans, just remember, tonight you can cheer all you want, BUT I JUST DON'T GIVE A DAMN!
[Insomnia drops the mic and slides into the ring waiting for his opponents to come down to the ring.]
[The lights in the arena slowly fade as the fans come to an abrupt silence. The lights are completely out and the arena is pitch black. Then, a red spotlight shines on the top of the aisle. Starting at the bottom of the aisle, and continuing to the top, fireworks go off, and as soon as they hit the top, "Thunder Underground" by Ozzy Osbourne blares over the speakers. The crowd cheers and some hold up lighters in the near dark, as the lights return and Renegade comes out from the back. He looks at the fans and raises his arms, then walks down the aisle and gets into the ring as the music fades.]
Jeff: Renegade's return hasn't been as strong as I thought it would be...
Tim: Me neither Jeff.
[As the lights in the arena dim a cloud of smoke filters onto the entrance way. Green and white lights flash through the fog. Out of no where the words "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" blares over the P.A. as a harsh guitar strikes and a loud explosion happens in the entranceway. A few moments later Extream emurges with a chair in his left hand. He walks till he is completely out of the smoke and leans on the the chair with his left hand. Suddenly he throws his right hand up in the air and another smaller explosion happens behind him. Then he starts to walk to the ring. He pushes the chair in the ring under the bottom rope and rolls in himself. He grabs the chair, stands up and puts both hands in the air, one holding the chair. He then opens the chair and places it in the corner. He stands on the seat and looks around at the fans getting a big reaction. He then takes a seat as he waits for his other opponents.]
Tim: Extream's had quite the impressive return though.
Jeff: You said it.
[All of a sudden "Wake up" by Rage Against the Machine blasts onto the speakers as Trevor Lasek walks out of the entry way, Trevor begins to walk to the ring with abit of a smirk on his face, when Trevor gets halfway to the ring, he stops and begins to look at the crowd with his smirk still on his face. Trevor then continues to walk to the ring. He finally enters the ring and goes to sit on top of a Turnbuckle as "Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine comes to a close.]
Tim: Speaking of returns!?!
[Just then, "Hells Bells" by AC/DC hits the PA system. The fans rise and cheer as they turn to the entrance way to await Blake Frost. Suddenly, the music cuts out and you hear somewhat of a record scratching. The noise cuts out, and the entire arena is in silence.]
Tim: What the hell was that?
Jeff: I don't know...
Tim: No, I don't think we did... because Blake Frost would be out here regardless.
Jeff: Hmmm... what's going on with Frost anyway!?!
Tim: I don't know, but he's hardly on HWF-TV anymore.
Jeff: Whatever... screw Frost...
Tim: I guess all the members that wanted to show up, have shown up...
Jeff: Good. Let's get this motha-sucka underway!
Tim: Huh!?!
[The bell sounds and all four men immediately begin brawling in the center of the ring. After about 20 seconds, Extream pairs off with Lasek and Insomnia pairs off with Renegade. Renegade gains the advantage on Insomnia and starts choking him into the corner. Extream and Lasek starts brawling on the ground as Renegade whips Insomnia to the other side. Insomnia slams up against the turnbuckles and gets spears instantly by Renegade. Renegade begins laying in punches as Extream pulls Lasek to his feet and starts chopping his chest.]
Tim: What a spear by Renegade!
Jeff: This is a bedlam!!
[Extream kicks Lasek in the stomach and applies a standing head scissors. He somehow lifts up Lasek into a canadian backbreaker rack. Extream slides his hands under Lasek's arms, lifts him up, and then slams him to the mat with a fierce crucifix bomb.]
Jeff: Crucifix Bomb!!
[Extream punches Lasek a few times and then lifts him back to his feet. Extream tries to whip Lasek into the corner, but Lasek reverses and sends Extream right into Renegade. Renegade goes for a clothesline, but Extream ducks. Lasek catches Renegade, however, lifts him up into a spinebuster, and switches it into a flatliner in midair. He goes for the pin.]
Tim: Dream Eater on Renegade!!
[One... ...Two... ..]
[Extream breaks up the pin. He stomps on Lasek a few times and then lifts him to his feet. Extream plants him with a quick DDT and then runs to the near ropes. Insomnia gets up and tackles Lasek to the ground, and Renegade takes his place. Extream finally gets to the top rope and then dives off. Renegade, however, catches him in a choke, lifts him right up again, and then slams him down with a chokeslam.]
Jeff: Extream's gotta be hurting after that one.
[Renegade drops down and goes for the pin, as Insomnia and Lasek brawl in the backround.]
[One... ...Two... ...Thr-]
[Lasek breaks up the count, and all four men begin brawling again.]
Tim: I think it's pretty obvious now that the winner will have to eliminate at least one or two of the others before getting an actual pin here.
[Lasek and Renegade pair off in a corner and start fighting back and forth. Extream and Insomnia also go to a corner and start fighting. Renegade and Insomnia gain respective control and then whip both Lasek and Extream towards each other. Extream goes for a clothesline on Lasek, but Lasek ducks, applies an inverted double underhook, lifts Extream up int air, and spins him right into a DDT. Extream rolls towards a neutral corner as Lasek begins to stand up.]
Jeff: Extream just got hit with the Neck Snappa!
[Renegade slides to the outside of the ring and grabs Extream's legs. He yells something to the fans, and then crotches Extream on the ring post, face down. From there, Renegade crosses Extream's legs and starts pulling down with a weird leglock around the ringpost.]
Tim: He's trying to snap Extream's legs!
Jeff: So?
[Inside the ring, Lasek charges at Insomnia. Insomnia moves though, and Lasek flies into the corner. He turns around and instantly gets lifted into a bearhug by Insomnia. Insomnia locks on a midair front chancery and then brings Lasek to the mat with a cradle DDT. The fans cheer a little.]
Tim: That's The Sleeping Pill!! This one is over!!
[Insomnia goes for a pin, and Extream starts yelling at Renegade to let him go. Renegade doesn't, however, and the ref begins to make the count.]
[One... ...Two... ...THREE!!]
[The bell sounds as Extream finally shakes off Renegade and gets to his feet. Insomnia gets up but Extream immediately rolls himself up Insomnia's chest and switches it right into a DDT.]
Tim: Too the Extreme!!
[Extream stands up and starts walking away, as "Don't Go Off Wandering" by Limp Bizkit plays on the speakers. Extream starts arguing with Renegade, as both men walk to the back. Both Lasek and Insomnia lay in the middle on the ring motionless, as the music continues.]
Jeff: I don't think we've seen the last on Extream and Insomnia...
Tim: Not by a long shot... we'll be right back.
Tim: Alright, the Tag Title Match is coming up...
[The lights dim down as a computerized voice counts down from three.]
[ ....3.... ]
[ ....2.... ]
[ ....1.... ]
[Red and Gold pyro erupts from the rampway as "More Human Than Human" by White Zombie begins to rock the arena loudspeakers. Valerie comes out first wearing a red mini-T with a pair of black leather shorts, toking on a cigar. She stops mid-way down the aisle and points towards the curtains, as Ethan Scruggs and Gavin Coens rip through simultaneously, and head straight for the ring.]
Jeff: What an entrance by... um... what's their name?
Tim: I believe Scruggs and Coens are now going by Twisted Circle.
Jeff: Twisted Circle!?! Well, that's just a joke waiting to happen...
[Suddenly, a HUGE explosion is set off at the entranceway as strobe lights cut on and an instrumental of Limp Bizkit's "Rollin" blasts throughout the arena. The lights dim down, with a little bit of light still left, enough to see the entranceway down to the ring. "The Hardcore Hero" Jayson Starr comes out of the back with his black shades and leather jacket on and looks around as the crowd cheers. He turns towards the ring, then starts walking towards it. Jayson slaps two or three hands on the way to the ring. He gets to the ring, slides in, and starts walking around the ring some, looking at the seemingly endless sea of screaming fans. Jayson makes his way to the center of the ring, then raises both fists into the air, as four red rockets shoot up from behind him, alternating from left to right, then back again. The lights slowly come back on, and the music dies down to nothing.]
Jeff: And there's out World Champion, Jayson Starr!
Tim: Yeah, but the quest... wait, look what they're doing!
[In the ring, Scruggs and Coens have jumped Starr. Coens has put Starr on his shoulders and Scruggs is climbing to the top rope. When he gets there, he dives off and clotheslines Starr right to the ground.]
Tim: Oh my god!
Jeff: They call that Total Choas!!
Tim: Who cares what they call it... where's Justin Storm!?!
[Scruggs and Coens begin stomping on Starr as the bell sounds, signaling the start of the match. They pick Starr up again and Coens lifts up Starr onto his shoulders yet again. Ethan positions himself in front of Coens. Coens drops Starr down with an electric chair drop, as Ethan catches Starr in a stunner. Ehtna goes for a cover.]
Tim: What was that Jeff!?!
Jeff: That's Game Over Tim!!
[One... ...Two... ....Thre..KICKOUT!!]
Jeff: Whew... that was close!
Tim: That move looked like a pancake powerbomb from the shoulders with an Icon Drop!
[As soon as Tim says that, all of the lights cut off and you hear someone scream the words "The Game Is Over!!!" as "The Game" by Disturbed begins to play. White and yellow pyro begin to go off in the back. The words "ICON DROP" appear on the entrance ramp, leading down to the ring. In the midst of the pyro, Justin Storm emerges. He is wearing a black Disturbed t-shirt, and a pair of silver and black pants, like Lance Storm's ECW tights, with the silver in the middle. Going down one leg is the text "Justin" and down the other leg is the text "Storm". He is also wearing a pair of black wrestling boots. Justin runs down to the ring as the fans are going crazy for him. He slides in and his music fades out.]
Tim: There's Justin Storm!!
Jeff: ...oh no...
[Justin charges at Ethan, but Ethan ducks his clothesline, kicks him in the stomach, locks on a front chancery and then switches it into a diamond cutter.]
Tim: Fatality!!
Jeff: Twisted Circle are just dominating The Starr Jammerz!!
[Ethan starts to go for the pin, but Coens shakes his head 'no' and then points to Starr and signals the belt-sign. Ethan smirks and then nods his head. The two pick up Starr and Coens sneaks up behind him. He locks on a double chickenwing, and forces Starr around; much like a tomikazee. Ethan quickly grabs Starr's legs and gets him in position for an inverted powerbomb. The two pause for a moment and then drop down, impacting Starr's face and stomach right into the mat.]
Tim: Oh my god, that's enough...
Jeff: Scruggs and Coens just gave the World Champion a Facelift!
Tim: ...christ almighty!
[In the backround, Justin Storm rises to his feet. Ethan starts parading around the ring, but Storm kicks him in the gut and drops him with a stunner.]
Tim: Icon Drop on Ethan Scruggs!
[Gavin sees this and charges at Storm himself. He goes for a clothesline but Storm ducks. Storm plants a quick kick and then drops Gavin down with a stunner. Gavin flips over backwards and lands on Starr, as Storm falls onto Scruggs.]
Jeff: Icon Drop on Gavin Coens!
Tim: Double pin...
[The ref drops down to his knees and pins both men.]
[One... ...Two... ....THREE!!]
Tim: What happened!?!
Jeff: I dunno...
[Gavin gets to his feet and raises his arms in the air, as Justin Storm does the same. The ref runs over to the ring announcer and whispers something in his ear. The ring announcer nods to him, and then picks up a mic. Gavin and Storm watch intently.]
Tim: Who's it gonna be!?!
Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen... the referee on duty tonight has informed me that both teams have won a respective pinfall, therefore, there is no clearcut winner...
[The fans start to boo a little.]
Ring Announcer: ...and the Tag Titles are now deemed VACANT!!
Jeff: Huh?
[The fans start to boo even louder as Storm leans up against the ropes in disappointment. Scruggs and starr begin to rise, as Gavin grabs Storm and gives him a stiff russian legsweep down to the mat. Gavin pops up to his feet and yells something at Scruggs, who stands up and slides out of the ring.]
Tim: What are they doing?
[Gavin slides out of the ring and grabs the tag belts from a ring attendant. Gavin throws one over to Scruggs and the two begin running away with them.]
Jeff: Hey, that's great!!
Tim: No it's not, they're stealing!
Jeff: Tim, you know they deserve those belts...
Tim: No they... whatever... I give up!
[Starr gets Storm up and they begin giving chase. The fans start to throws garbage at the ref, as he starts walking away from the ring as well.]
Tim: Well, hopefully we'll get this whole mess straightened out when we come back.
Jeff: Stay with us.
As the camera fades in, the lights go out and an alarm goes off buzzing as the screen lights up with a giant "C" on the left side, then a "K" on the right, followed by the Canadian Mask in the middle, which then rips in half as an explosion of red and whire fireworks shoot up in a wall formation along the entrance. "Naveed" by Our Lady Peace then echoes throughout the arena and the "Canadian kid" Kyle Corman stands emerges from the sea of red and white. Dressed in his black trenchcoat, lugz boots, and black oakleys, CK begins to walk straight down the aisle to a large pop of the crowd hanting "CK"! Kyle slides under the ring ropes and goes to the far corner and climbs it raising one fist in the air, he jumps back down and with one twirling motion, removes the trenchcoat to reveal a ref's shirt, and then places the shades with them.]
Tim: Well, I guess it's time for the Hardcore Title Match.
[The roaring HWF crowd, stirs in anticipation, as the opening riff of "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward plays, the fans blend in noise, as green pyros abruptly go off, as the Canadian born, "Vicious" Vic Williams steps out and stalks down the aisle. Piercings shine from his nose, lip, and right eyebrow, and his black military boots slightly flicker, under the strobe lights. Fitted in black tights, with a purple and silver, gothic like barbwire design run up his legs, and his barechest bares all his tatoos. Black designs under his eyes can be noticed, as he runs down the aisle, and enters the ring, his black trenchcoat trailing behind, he stands in the ring, arms outward, head tilted to the sky, as the lights, flash back on.]
Jeff: Vic Williams has looked strong in anticipation to this match.
["Close the Door" by Prong hits the speakers and a chorus of boos begins in the arena. After a few seconds, Phoenix bursts through the curtains wearing his torn black corduroy shorts and his black “Zero” t-shirt with the sleeves torn off. He slowly walks to the front of the stage, dragging the Hardcore belt behind him in his right hand. He stands there for a second and the fans begin to boo even louder. As Phoenix hears this, he raises the belt in the air and then begins to slowly walk down to the ring. When he gets to the apron, he tosses the belt into the ring over the top rope and then slides in himself. Phoenix walks over, picks up his belt, hands it to one of attendants at ringside, and then turns and faces Vic. The ring bell sounds.]
Tim: And this week's Main Event is underway!!
[Vic runs out of the corner but gets caught with a Phoenix dropkick. Vic bounces right up, but Phoenix drops him with a side headlock takeover. Vic forces himself back to his feet and then whips Phoenix to the ropes. Phoenix comes off and shoulderblocks Vic to the ground. Vic kips up, lifts Phoenix right into a fireman's carry and drops him to the ground with a flapjack. Phoenix starts clutching at his midsection, and almost shaking. Vic gets up and start stomping on Phoenix.]
Jeff: Phoenix seems to be favoring his midsection.
Tim: Oh yeah, I forgot about that... he looked pretty tender all week long.
[Vic stomps Phoenix a few more times and then slides to the outside of the ring. Vic reaches under the apron and pulls out a ladder. The fans cheer a little as Corman starts to yell at Vic. Vic pulls the ladder all the way out, and then lays it in midair; suspended between the apron and the guardrail. Vic, then, slides into the ring and meets Phoenix near the corner. Vic lays in a few chops and then positions Phoenix in the middle of the ropes, by the ladder.]
Tim: Oh no... what's Vic thinking!?!
Jeff: I don't know, but ANY move onto that ladder is gonna be painful.
[Vic attempts an irish whip, but Phoenix reverses it. Vic bounces off the ropes and Phoenix back body drops him over the top rope and... CRASH ...right onto the suspended ladder.]
[Phoenix runs to the near corner and scales the ropes. Vic stays down on the ladder as Phoenix dives off the top rope, performing a corkscrew legdrop and landing right on Vic's head; sending both men and the ladder to the concrete floor.]
Jeff: These guys are insane!!
[Phoenix stands up, breathing quite heavily, and stomps on Vic. Phoenix picks up the ladder and slides it into the ring. He then picks up Vic and slides him into the ring as well. Vic crawls to the ladder and picks it up. As soon as Phoenix enters the ring, Vic slams him right in the stomach with the ladder. Phoenix drops like a ton of bricks and Vic continually slams the ladder down on Phoenix's sturnum. Vic drops the ladder and then goes for the pin.]
[One... ...Two... ...Thr..KICKOUT!!]
Tim: Oh, I thought that was it!
Jeff: Vic is really attacking Phoenix's injury...
[Vic lifts up Phoenix and whips him to the corner. Vic follows it up with a clothesline and then a bulldog. Vic goes for another quick pin.]
[One... ...Two... ..Th..KICKOUT!!]
Tim: Whoa, Vic really wants this Hardcore Title!
Jeff: Ya think!?!
[Tim glances over at Jeff.]
Jeff: ...dumbass...
Tim: I heard that!
[Vic pounds his fist on the ground and then picks up Phoenix again. He slaps on a standing head scissors and then lifts him into a canadian backbreaker rack. Phoenix slips out, though, and lands in an inverted bulldog. Phoenix quickly turns it into an inverted facelock and backs up towards the ladder. He grabs Vic by the tights with his other arm, lifts him in the air, and spikes him into the ladder with an inverted implant DDT.]
Jeff: There it was... Into the Ashes!!
Tim: This match is over, all he has to do is pin him!!
[Phoenix doesn't move towards Vic however. He just lays there clutching his back and side. Vic is motionless as well, and has blood dripping from the back of his head. Kyle Corman starts yelling at both men to get up.]
Tim: Corman is showing no remorse to these men.
Jeff: Why should he!?! If they want the title, they better get their asses up!!
Tim: What's gotten into you?
[Vic is the first to his feet, and he picks up Phoenix. He opens up the ladder and places it in its side. He kicks Phoenix in the stomach a few times and then locks on a standing head scissors again. Vic backs up to the corner and then lifts Phoenix directly into a canadian back breaker rack. Phoenix slips out onto the top rope, but Vic turns around and forearms him in the back of his head, so he stays there motionless.]
Tim: I think Vic was going for a Sideshow on that ladder...
[Vic steps through the ropes and scales the ropes. He forces Phoenix into a powerslam position and then yells something down at Corman, who is trying to move the ladder out of the way. Vic stands up vertical and then dives off, slamming down Phoenix with a super powerslam. The entire ring shakes, as Vic falls off of Phoenix.]
Jeff: Oh... ...my... ...GOD!!
Tim: Sudden Silence!!
[Vic somehow makes it to his feet and yells something at Corman. He then lays down on the ground and pulls Phoenix's lifeless body on top of him. Corman gives Vic a weird look and then drops to his knees.]
Jeff: What the shit!?!
Tim: What's Vic doing here, he has the match won!?!
[One... ...Two... ...THREE!!]
[The bell sounds and Vic rises to his feet, as Phoenix lies there clutching his ribs. Vic calls for a mic and one gets thrown into the ring. Vic picks it up and raises it to his mouth, while looking down at Phoenix.]
Vic: You got your fucking title, you have your soul, but this victory is still as hollow as your future!
[With that, Vic drops his microphone and "Close the Door" by Prong hits the speakers again.]
Tim: What just happened here!?!
Jeff: God, you're clueless!!
Tim: Well, would you like to explain it to me?
["Close the Door" by Prong continues to play as Corman throws the Hardcore Title Belt on top of Phoenix. Vic walks away from the ring and reaches the top of the ramp. When he does, he turns around 180 degrees and then points down at Phoenix. Suddenly, the lights in the arena cut out and another explosion is heard. The footage goes directly to commercial.]