Hardcore Productions™ is proud to introduce a *NEW*, *FREE*, and most importantly *HARD TO THE CORE* e-mail service! Before you turn away, thinking you do not need another e-mail account to check, STOP! This service is very unique, in that you DO NOT need to check another account. Simply fill in the form below and all e-mail sent to the new '@hard2thecore.com' address with be FORWARDED to your existing e-mail account! For example, President Chaz Manson's e-mail is chaz.manson@hard2thecore.com but e-mail sent to that address will appear in the inbox of his primary e-mail, tal9279@eohio.net. Just fill out the form below and you will be notified within 24 hours in the operation of your new e-mail address! Before you do, this service isn't strictly for those in the HWF. ANYONE may sign up!
Your *NEW* @hard2thecore.com E-mail Address: _ _ _ _@hard2thecore.com