![]() The following terms of agreement must be followed in order for the HWF to work at it's best. I chose not to entitle these as 'rules' because I think of being treated like a child when I hear 'rules'. 'Terms of Agreement' simply is saying that these are what will determine whether the HWF succeeds or fails. So, without further ado: + Only original wrestlers will be even considered for a spot on the roster. +Only two singles, one single and one tag team, or one tag team per person. + Wrestlers must not be unbelievable. I will not consider 7'5" / 400 lbs. guys. If you feel bigger is better, that's your opinion. The bigger you are will only slow you down and limit the variety of moves in which you can pull off. + Profanity on the roleplay board is allowed. No censors are required, but if you feel you want censors, that's fine. + Although I'm lenient on the profanity, I will not even think twice to take someone off the roster if that person(s) gives racist remarks. It will simply not be accepted. + I understand most people will only be able to roleplay 2 or 3 times a week. I will not be discouraged by this, but I must see a roleplay from you a week. Each time this rule is broken, you will recieve a warning E-Mail. + Strategies should be sent in Thursdays, before Saturday Suicide; and Mondays, before Radiactive Wednesday. Include any angles, interviews, or new entrances (from what you include on your app), etc. These are NOT required. + There is also a new format in which I want e-mails to be in. The subject should read: [HWF] Date & Title of Card, plus your name. So, if I were to send a strategy for 6.24.00's Suicide, it would look like this:
+ Interviews with misspellings, no capitalization, etc. will be scrapped, not appearing on the card. + No OOC-Only posts are to be posted on the RP board. OOC posts inside roleplays are allowed but do not do this on a regular basis. E-mail, ICQ, Y!M, & AOL-IM are better ways you can talk OOC. We also now have an OOC board specifically for this purpose. + I do not play favorites, nor do I hold down people I do not get along with OOC. Certain angles happen and others don't. I usually use people's angles if they put a lot of effort into the fed. No complaints will be taken, as appropriate actions will be taken. +If you do feel the need to complain, try and keep it off of the OOC Board. Using ICQ is a much better way to communicate and get information from staff. + Other than that, people, just use common sense in the fed and you should be fine. Have fun... or don't. I don't care.