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First, this is VERY important! We oftentimes forget what e-wrestling is about and meant to be. This entire premise of e-wrestling is to have fun. Now, I know this is in just about every rulebook at respective feds, BUT I'm not sure if everyone understands this to it's full meaning. The word fun goes way beyond self enjoyment. In actual wrestling, the wrestlers are good friends. They do their jobs, which is to make the fans happy. In e-wrestling, it's supposed to be the same thing. Now, I know there are no "fans", meaning no people who watch every week. In e-wrestling, you must take upon the "fan" role as yourself. Not the wrestler, the person. If reading a match or making a roleplay brings a hint of interest to you, the e-fed has done it's purpose. Winning or losing, in the long run, DOES NOT MATTER! Whether you win or lose, you are entertaining yourself or others. For that, is why sometimes people forget. People believe if they are not winning every match, the e-fed owner is at fault. I admit, I'm sure as hell not perfect. I sometimes may make mistakes on who the actual winner would be. Everyone believes they are "normal", others are "weird". In the same sense, everyone believes they should've won a match. In someone else's mind, you shouldn't have. In closing of this paragraph, just always remember what you're actually in the fed for. It'll make everyone more happier and easy to have fun with.

Everyone wants to win, right? Although the above is important, everyone still wants to be respected and win. To win, you must shape yourself to be the best you can be. Here are some things that need to be practiced and followed.

Put 110% into your work at all times. If you do not want to put effort forth, then get out of the fed because clearly, you're not having fun.

Angles, storylines, interviews, in-rings... call them what you want, they are a MUST! What makes wrestling popular? It's not wrestling... It's showmanship. Entertainment. If the Rock didn't come out every Monday and do his gig, would he be popular? NO. If Stone Cold did not plan to attack the McMahon's and also do his little gig, would be popular? NO. I cannot stress this enough! You need to always have a little plan brewing in your head. Wrestling week to week is not entertaining! Back-stabbing, heart-breaking, on-the-edge-of-your-seat type of stuff! If you want popularity, make people anticipate your next move. Make them drool with patience, wanting to kill you after your recent interview. Roleplays aren't the only way to win. Most feds consider angles and interviews to count towards your matches. The HWF does. Don't be afraid to e-mail your arch nemesis. Although the wrestlers hate each other, the handlers should still be friends. E-mail them, asking to talk. Maybe agree to have your wrestler do a segment in the ring, his wrestler attacking you to spice up the feud. A good feud MUST be built by BOTH handlers. Also, talk to the officials. They write the cards, so they can also add to the mix. All of this makes great entertainment, along with a great anticipation until the big fight!

Gimmicks. You must know what your wrestler is. Where is he from? What is his background? What are his favorite foods?! All of this adds to a better character, and from there you can form a gimmick. Good examples: Gangrel (Vampire), Stone Cold (Authority Defying S.O.B.), The Rock (Cocky, will do anything for the fans) Understand? Good! Now get yourself a gimmick and don't be afraid to change once and a while.

Roleplays. What a lot of new people to the sport believe, is that every roleplay should be in a ring. I see thousands of roleplays, from inside a ring or arena. House shows, before and after cards... this is something that definitely must be corrected! A federation DOES NOT have shows every day! After a few ring roleplays, they become very boring. Hearing your music and talking to the crowd sounds great, doesn't it? That's where you need to send in an in-ring or interview, to the card writers. That's where the ring roleplays should happen, not in the actual roleplay board. Follow your wrestler behind the scenes. Maybe see him at a McDonalds or something... Always have your brain running to think of different settings for your roleplays.

Popularity. A lot of people make roleplays, where their wrestler is on a popular talk show. First of all, it's illegal to use someone's likeness without permission. You're putting words in someone's mouth to better yourself. Besides, wrestling is a joke. The media has made fun and attacked professional wrestling since it's beginning. No matter how you feel, that's the way it will always be. Only the big two (WWF, WCW) actually show up on these talk shows. I can think of about 20 guys that've been on talk shows who were wrestlers. All were from the big two. You've never seen any ECW stars on these shows, right? E-Feds are meant to be even smaller than that. Although most try to seem huge, if they were real, they would be renting bingo halls and auditoriums. They would be independent circuits, not recognizable names among wrestling. So, think about that before you begin to have your wrestler on Jay Leno...

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