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HWF Application

Tricks of the Trade


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Gimmick Matches

Moves Tutorial

Video Game CAW's

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Roleplay Board

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News & Rumors Board

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Commish's Corner

Saturday Suicide Card

Saturday Suicide Results

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Hall of Hardcore

HWF: The Magazine

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Wrestler Contacts


Bold: <b>text to be bold</b> | ITALICS: <i>text to be italic</i> | UNDERLINE: <u>text to be underlined</u>

In order to change font size, use <font size="SIZE">
Replace SIZE with a number. This font is 1, so larger number = larger font.

In order to change the color of a font, use <font color="HEXCODE">
Replace HEXCODE with a hex code. Visit Webmoment's Color Chart to view TONS of HEXCODES.

In order to change the font style or face, use <font face="STYLE">
Replace STYLE with a font name. This font is Tahoma. Please check you FONTS folder on your hard drive to see some fonts or visit Acid Fonts and download new fonts or see other fonts to use. Only fonts on your hard drive will show up in the rp board, so make sure to install them and possibly have a link in your roleplay for others to download that font to see your rp in full effect.


To link to a certain site, use <a href="http://SITEADDRESS">SITENAME</a>
Replace SITEADDRESS with the address in which you want to link to. It should start with www.. Replace SITENAME with the name of the link.

!ATTENTION!: You MUST keep the http:// before the address, or it will not work correctly. Also, you must use the </a> to end the link.

In order to post a picture in your roleplays, use <IMG SRC="PICTUREADDRESS">
Replace PICTUREADDRESS with the address of the picture, making sure not to leave out the http://

For more code or help, e-mail The President or the Vice President.

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All images and other content contained in this website are solely the property of the HWF and Hardcore Productions 2000.