Voice Over: Ladies and gentlemen. Live from the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California… Commissioner’s Corner! With your host – SHAWN COLLINS!
[Shawn comes out with a referee shirt, a pair of black pants, Lugz boots, and his red sunglasses. He takes a seat at his desk.]
Shawn: Welcome to the B2B Countdown Edition of Commissioner’s Corner!
[Pop from the crowd.]
Shawn: Well, this is the first episode of Commissioner’s Corner that is not in Toronto. From now on we will be moving around to different cities in North America for each week’s show. Tonight happened to be SAN FRANSISCO because tonight will be the Pay Per View – BORN 2 BLEED!
[Another large pop.]
Shawn: Well, let’s get this show on the road. Tonight I’ll be taking a look at each match scheduled for the PPV, and talk to some of the men involved in the card. When we come back from break, we’ll talk about the Triangle Match for the #1 Contenders place to the Tag Team Titles. Don’t touch that dial folks! We’ll be right back!
[Commercial: Microsoft and Konami are proud to bring you the top selling Playstation game – Metal Gear Solid Intergral now for your PC.]
Shawn: Ladies and gentlemen, one of the participants in the Triangle Match - Jack Daddy!
[Jack daddy stomps out on stage, in black cargo pants, a black "wife beater" tank top and a leather top hat, topped off with his Rolex, glistening under the studio lights. Jack Daddy saunters to his seat carrying a water bottle in one hand and picture of himself in the other. He quickly makes his way up to the front of the stage, where Daddy fanatics reach out trying to get a handshakes or something. Jack cautiously avoids any fan contact and just swigs his water and spits it in the fans face. He then blows a kiss to the fans that are either slight amused, or now angry. Jack Daddy sits next to the Commish, handing the picture to him as a present. Daddy carefully sits, trying not to rumple his new black cargo pants. Typical Daddy fashion.]
Shawn: Welcome to Commissioner's Corner, Jack Daddy!
Jack: Pleasure, to be here, Shawn.
Shawn: Now, you're new here to the HWF. How do you like it in our promotion?
Jack: Love it; although it is hard in the beginning, I'm finally getting the recognition I deserve.
Shawn: You have a #1 Contender for the Tag Titles match tonight at Born 2 Bleed... how do you feel at already getting an opportunity at the Tag Team titles?
Jack: I feel good, and I'm ready, I'm soon going to have one of those leather straps around my waist regardless of who it is with.
Shawn: What is your opinion on the two men you are facing - Krow and Chris Styles?
Jack: Styles, as you know, we have created the "Youngbloods" the newest HWF tag team, so we're cool, but he better carry his weight at B2B, or I may just have to be champions with Krow. Now, I have no problem with Krow, and he's pretty good as far as I see, but one of these men are gonna be my co #1 contender so I'll deal with them!
Shawn: Well... at least you're confident! You're new to the fed, and I'm sure a lot of people don't know you very well... tell us a bit about your past.
Jack: Well, my past, ha, um, well I come from the outskirts of San Francis... er... Jamaica, and became a wrestling legend down there, everyone loves me, but if you ask people down there, they won't remember since I used a different , um, alias, yeah that's it, and I won lots and lots of gold, and now I wish to do the same, no wait scratch that, I WILL do the same here in the HWF.
Shawn: What's up with all the uncertainties?
[The crowd chuckles.]
Shawn: We wanna know the truth, right?
[Large pop.]
Shawn: Seriously... Jamaica?
Jack: what uncertainties? Are you calling me a liar?
[Turns to the fans.]
Jack: SHUT UP!!!
[Lots of Heat, few pieces of garbage are thrown up on the stage toward Jack Daddy.]
Shawn: Well... they haven't taken a liking to your "truths".
Jack: Well, none of these people would, since they cannot relate to our types of lifestyles, fame, fortune, and money...they gotta be content with their sorry little lives and just wishing they could be us.
Shawn: Careful! You're talking about Shawn Collins fans... these guys have been through everything I went through! From zero to hero, man... Ya know what I'm sayin?
Jack: Yeah, but you made it to hero, all of them are still zeros.
[The crowd bursts into a chorus of "boos" and "asshole!".]
Shawn: What can I say? The crowd is always right!
Jack: Whatever, fans are all stupid. Enough about them, let's get back to me.
Shawn: So... Jamaica you say? What was it like down there?
Jack: Um, you know...hot. And beachy, lots of beaches.
Shawn: Of course! Plenty of beaches! Let's get back to wrestling now... What happened with the whole Youngbloods situation?
Jack: Right now, myself and Styles, are holding down the fort, but for the future we hope to expand and become a major driving force in the federation, such as the Hardcore Revolution once was or the Forgotten Souls...
Shawn: You seriously think you two have the potential of those two stables?
Jack: You better turn up your hearing aid pops, cause if you were listening you would've noticed I said "we hope", we hope to be as significant as those two stables were.
Shawn: Yeah, well, you two better keep "hoping" and maybe take up wishing and praying while you’re at it, cause...
[Jack Daddy leaps up pointing his finger straight into Shawn's face]
Jack: You know what, Commsh, I've had it up to here…
[Gesturing with his hand.]
Jack: …with your damn attitude and comments, so just do your damn job and talk about how great I am.
[A smirk creeps across, Shawn's face, undeterred that a HWF Superstar wants to beat the living hell out of him...]
Shawn: Well, I wouldn't want to bore the audience with your life story.
[Shawn's audience laughs at this, as Jack Daddy's face turns crimson red, but like a true HWF superstar, Jack Daddy takes a seat...but not before launching a massive wad of saliva into the Commissioner's Crowd, the crowd throws tremendous amounts of heat aimed in Jack Daddy's direction, along with assorted pieces of trash. Like a classic asshole, Jack Daddy casually dodges and bats away the garbage taunting the crowd to throw more, when a beer can hits him smack in the face, shocking the cocky little wrestler for a second, but in matter of seconds, Jack Daddy was up and the humiliated cruiserweight was being dragged back to his chair by HWF Security as "Lo-ser" chants started among the angry crowd. Shawn chuckles sarcastically again.]
Shawn: Wow, Jack Daddy, such integrity, such manners, now you have impressed me! I mean before I thought you were rude!
[The crowd giggles as Jack Daddy sits in his chair with his arms folded, pouting like a little baby...]
Shawn: But, I now have a new found respect for you, you carried yourself like such a man out there… … … NOT!
[Jack Daddy bursts out of his chair, throwing down his mic on the ground, and stomping it...]
Jack: You guys all suck, I'll show you tonight, you just wait, when I win, you'll all be eating these words, and kissing my ass!
[Jack Daddy flips off the crowd before stomping backstage.]
Shawn: See ya tonight, JERK DADDY! Another participant in that match, Chris Styles, will be on our show next week. We'll be right back after these commercials.
[Commercial: Rubber Lips from Bendai! Next time someone makes you kiss his or her ass you wont have to worry. Only $2.95 plus shipping and handling.]
Shawn: We’re back. Another match on the card is the Glass Platform of Death Match with Gavin putting his Hardcore title against Phoenix and Renegade. I spoke with Renegade last week, and he seemed pretty confident about this match. However, I’m sure Phoenix and Gavin are just as, if not more confident than Renegade is. The rules for the match are there are no rules. There will be a glass platform surrounding the match, and it will be covered with everything from thumbtacks to nails to broken glass. Pinfall wins the match. However, I don’t know how any of these men could bare to make a pinfall after the pain they will endure. Gavin seems to have the upper hand in this match due to his experience. Renegade is also a legend in the Hardcore division, but some fans seem skeptical as to whether he can get the job done or not. Then there’s the underdog, Phoenix. He’s fairly new to the HWF, but seems to bring quite a bit to the ring. He may be the underdog due to his lack of experience, but he will be a large factor in this match. There’s my opening synopsis on that match.
[Couple cheers.]
Shawn: I can’t say much about the Tag Title match. All I’ve heard is rumors on who the Mystery Opponents will be. Some say that it’s going to be The Brotherhood, while others say it’s the Wildbirds. No one will know until tonight. So what you folks gotta do is pick up that phone and call your local cable company. Order Born 2 Bleed now!
[Commercial: Born 2 Bleed on PPV tonight at 9:00pm Eastern time.]
[When the show comes back on the air, the ‘Canadian Kid’ Kyle Corman is sitting next to Shawn Collins. Both men have a beer. CK with a Molson Canadian, and Shawn with a Molson Dry.]
Kyle: I don’t know how you can drink that Dry shit.
Shawn: It’s better than the stuff you’re drinking.
Kyle: Argh… whatever. Let’s get down to business.
Shawn: We’ll be talking about both the Proving Grounds Match and the Canadian Title Match.
Kyle: That’s right. And we’ll be part of both of them.
Shawn: Kyle, you and that IDIOT, David Zakin, will be fighting in a Last Man Standing match. Now, he called you stupid and said you lacked all common sense because you were Canadian… Zakin, you moron – I AM CANADIAN! And that Canadian Belt stands for everything that is good about wrestling! I mean, we ARE the greatest technical wrestlers! And would you look at that? You were born on the 1st of July? That’s Canada Day, isn’t it, CK?
Kyle: I believe it is!
Shawn: And Zakin hates Canadians… right?
[Corman nods his head, smiling.]
Shawn: Well then I guess you’re going to have to stomp a mud hole in his ass for all of us, don’t you Kyle?
Kyle: Oh hell yeah! There is no doubt about it, I will win that match and then go on to beat the winner of the Canadian Title match!
Shawn: Speaking of the Canadian Title match. You are the Special Enforcer, and I am the referee. Now, you were saying that you would take out whoever comes out of the cage. I know you want to make it your rules outside of the cage. I know you don’t like my Canadian rules for this match… Here’s the deal: Blackjack and Blake Frost are gonna start in the cage. The man to submit first within the cage loses. However, if they get out… Fine. It’s your rules. Anything goes. But only this once.
Kyle: I knew you’d see it my way. Anyway, it’s been fun and all… but I DO have to get ready for tonight. I suggest you get in gear too. We’re not too far from the event. So just to finish off this segment… the Main Event at B2B will consist of Michael Trey putting up his title against Blackjack, Vic Williams and J. Simon Rykopathe.
Shawn: Yeah, and speaking of Trey. He couldn’t make it here tonight due to B2B. He wants to take the time to get ready for his big match: The Final Solution Match. Watch the promo after we go off the air for that match and the PPV. We’ve run out of time folks. Only a couple of hours until Born 2 Bleed begins, so chill… grab a Molson beer, sit back, check out some other shows on HWF-TV… and then get ready for possibly the greatest Pay Per View spectacle ever shown on National Television! Good night folks!
[Shawn and Kyle wave to the crowd, and sit to talk to each other while the credits show on the screen. The scene fades out to show the upcoming Promo:]
[One: An Icon in the world of wrestling, on the verge of ending his career - Born 2 Excite. Two: This man is arguably one of the most legendary and Vicious men, trying to complete a 3-year climb on the ladder of success - Born 2 Destroy. Three: A man who believes Authority is pushing him back; wanting to destroy the man who stole everything he wanted - Born 2 Prove. Four: Another who holds the World around his waist, trying to overcome the greatest odds in the history of wrestling - Born 2 Succeed. Five: The three Authority figures that hold the keys to safety - Born 2 Judge. Six: A 30-Foot Cage, Barbed-Wire Ropes, 4 Pits of Pain with Tables over Pits, Brick Turnbuckles, Noose Hanging from Scaffold, and 4 signature weapons; So many options, but only one Final Solution – BORN 2 BLEED.]