[The preview channel counts down the final seconds before HWF's Born 2 Bleed. They play a short previews of the movie 'The Hurricane' but that footage is cut out and the screen suddenly fades to black. A few seconds elapse with nothing happening... suddenly, the Copywright & Warning information pops up on the screen for 10 seconds or so. They fade to black again; where they stay for a good 30 seconds. In the backround, you can hear the fans inside of the Cow Palace chanting "H-W-F, H-W-F". The words 'Hardcore Wrestling' fades in and then fades out. These words are followed by 'hard2thecore.com' which fades out again to black. Just then, the cheering from inside of the arena stops. Nothing happens for about 5 seconds but then you hear a thud. The screen fades in to see a clip of Michael Trey covering John Justice. The whole screen gets a red tint and they start a montage of clips, with a deep voice narrating it in the backround.]
Voice: This is your life...
[A clip is shown of Vic Williams hitting the Descending Angel of Flame on the outside of the ring. Immediately after this, a clip is shown of Espionage planting Distorted Penguin with the Hollow Point.]
Voice: This is your time...
[A slow motion clip of J. Simon Rykopathe doing the Icon Bomb on Blackjack is shown.]
Voice: Do not deny your destiny...
[A clip of Blake Frost's Cold Day in Hell is shown, followed by Phoenix hitting Into the Ashes on some jobber.]
Voice: You were born for this...
[Clips of Blackjack, Michael Trey, Vic Williams, and J. Simon Rykopathe are shown. Each one them doing their finishing maneveurs, and then posing for the fans. Still shot of all of their faces are shown on the screen. Suddenly, a cage-like effect appears over their repsective faces.]
Voice: ...you were Born 2 Bleed!!
[The faces and chain on the screen suddenly explode and the screen cuts to the shot of the Cow Palace in San Fransisco, California. Hardcore HWF fans are packed from wall to wall, all chanting "H-W-F, H-W-F" and pumping their fists in the air at the sound of each letter. Inside of the ring, stands Tim Miller and Jeff Robinson; decked out in their best suits, waiting for the cheers to die down. The camera gets a shot of the entrance way, which displays a HUGE Born 2 Bleed banner next to the HWF-Tron. The cheering finally dies down as Tim and Jeff take a moment to look around at the arena. They smile a little and then Tim begins the introductions.]
Tim: Hello everyone and welcome to the Hardcore Wrestling Federation's Born 2 Bleed!!
[HUGE pop from the fans, followed by a "B-2-B, B-2-B" chant.]
Tim: I'm Tim Miller...
[Jeff pushes Tim backwards a bit and then readies himself. The crowd starts to cheer even before he begins speaking.]
Jeff: And I... am the one and only American gigilo... Jeff...
[Dramatic pause.]
Jeff: When I'm here in 'Sisco, I must watch my back, because all the men around me are looking at my crack... but I will always find the women, and without anticipation, I'll fill them with my sperm... filled with Californication!!
[HUGE pop and laughter from the fans.]
Jeff w/ Fans: ...Robinson!!
[Round of applause from the fans. Jeff takes a bow and then gives a sly look to Tim, who is almost laughing himself.]
Tim: Oh god... anyway, folks, this proves to be one of the HWF's biggest cards to date. Almost every match could be the main event, but only one will tonight...
[Tim pauses as Jeff stares up at the cage and scaffold overhead.]
Tim: Four pits of pain will surround the ring covered by California Redwood tables, these pits will be filled with thumbtacks, broken glass, flourescent lights, and rubbing alcohol!
[The fans cheer a little.]
Tim: In addition to that, barbed-wire ropes will replace the regular ring cables; and the turnbuckles will be replaced with bricks!
[Bigger cheers from the fans.]
Tim: And in addition to that, there will be a thirty foot high chainlink cage, with the top parallel to a scaffold with a noose hanging from it!!
[Even bigger cheers from the fans.]
Jeff: And don't forget, each man will be bringing theis own weapons with them...
Tim: Yeah, in case the match isn't hardcore enough right?
[Small laughter from the fans.]
Tim: Well, it's only fitting for an HWF Pay-Per-View... how will Blackjack, Rykopathe, Trey, and Williams survive tonight... when the Hardcore Wrestling Federation is...
[Tim is about to finish but Jeff snatches his microphone from him.]
Jeff: ...BORN 2 BLEED!!
[The fans pop as a few HWF technicians comes out to setup the Glass Platform of Death in the first match. Tim and Jeff walk out of the ring to the announce table. The platform is quickly setup and nails, broken glass, and thumbtacks are sprinkled over each side of it. Tim and Jeff put on their headsets and await the competitors.]
Tim: Well, Jeff. I suppose it's about time to start this night off right!
Jeff: Yes! Hardcore Title Match!
Tim: You'll definitely like this one... There is a glass platform constructed around the ring with wood and and 1 inch thick glass secured on top. Nails, thumbtacks, and other assorted pricklies are on the glass... This makes for a sure hit.
["Close the Door" by Prong hits the speakers and the fans begin to boo. As the second guitar hits, Phoenix walks through the curtain carrying a three-foot long cardboard box under his right arm. He is wearing his torn, black corduroy shorts and a torn black shirt that says ִThe Insider Is My Hero? on the front of it. When he gets to the front of the stage, he raises his free hand in the air and the fans boo even louder. Phoenix then begins the long walk down the ring. When he gets to the glass, he feels it once and then slides into the ring. He walks over to a corner on the far side of the ring, sets his box under the bottom turnbuckle, and looks up to the stage to wait for his opponents.]
Jeff: I wonder what that psycho has in that box?
Tim: Time will only tell... I have to think it can't be good for his opponents, whatever it is.
Jeff: Definitely!
[A black cloud cast a shadow over the fans. They begin to quiet down. Thelights go out slowly, leaving only a faint red and blue light pointingtowards the entrace. Fans hold up and spark their lighters and wait inanticipation. A string of fire shoots down the ramp and ends. Then, ThunderUnderground by Ozzy Osbourne begins. The crowd gives a faint cheer. After afew moments, Renegade walks out and looks around and the fans surroundinghim. He takes off his bandana and throws it into the crowd and raises hisarms as they cheer. Renegade walks down the aisle and up the stairs and getsinto the ring over the top rope. The ring announcer cowers behind aturnuckle as Renegade stands in the center of the ring and fireworks go offall around the ring. The music fades.]
Tim: Diamante reincarnated. Renegade is a powerhouse with either name, and tonight he has the chance to regain the Hardcore title.
Jeff: Renegade is all bronze. This guy can shell out some pain!
["Heavy" plays over the loud speaker as the lights dim and red strobe lights begin to flash. . Gavin steps forward with his arms out towards his fans. The music is almost drowned out by the amount of boo'ing. Gavin doesn't seem to notice as he reaches out to his fans. He makes his way down to ring and steps in between the ropes. Gavin enters the ring and holds the Hardcore belt up as the ring lights back up.]
Tim: Mark.
Jeff: Who's Mark?
[As Tim sighs, the bell sounds. Renegade tears off towards Gavin with a football tackle and the two begin to trade furious blows, rolling back and forth, each one gaining momentary control.]
Tim: We've heard the hateful words these two have shared this past week... It's more than personal, now!
Jeff: Look at Phoenix! He hasn't moved!
[Indeed, Phoenix is almost frozen in the corner.]
Tim: Maybe he has stage fright or something...
Jeff: No, I think he's afraid he'll be killed!
Tim: He's got a right to be worried, especially in this sort of match.
[Renegade and Gavin get to their feet, still trading punches. Renegade blocks a right hand from Gavin and headbutts Coens square in the forehead! Gavin drops to his knees, holding his head as if he'd been struck with a nasty ice cream headache. Renegade pushes Gavin to the mat then gets a glimpse of Phoenix in the corner. Renegade smirks as he slowly strolls over to Phoenix.]
Tim: Uh oh! Phoenix might want to move now!
[Renegade comes face to face with Phoenix, then extends his hand.]
Jeff: Renegade wants to align with Phoenix to take out Gavin Coens!
[Phoenix just looks at Renegade's hand, almost shaking in uncertainty. Renegade just nods his head and turns to go back to Gavin. Phoenix then quickly drops to his knees, opening the cardboard box. He grabs ahold of something and pulls it out...]
Tim: Fluorescent light bulbs!!!
[The crowd pops as Phoenix raises back up with the light bulb. He snaps into action, shattering the long light bulb across the back of Renegade's head!! The crowd goes insane as glass flies in all directions. Renegade drops to his knees, then face first to the mat. Gavin has slid into the far corner, nodding his approval of the move. Phoenix looks down at his hands, holding what's left of the shattered light bulb. Phoenix slowly begins to nod, then gets a smirk across his face.]
Jeff: Phoenix is alive!!!
Tim: I think he's found his niche in the HWF...
Jeff: Hitting people with light bulbs?
Tim: Hey, everybody's different...
[Phoenix throws down the rest of the light bulb and then takes off running towards Gavin. Before Coens can react, Phoenix hits a baseball slide style dropkick to a sitting Gavin!! Coens is rocked back into the turnbuckles as Phoenix gets to his feet. He grabs Gavin by his hair and pulls him up. Phoenix then rears back and connects with a loud chop across the chest of Coens!]
[Phoenix rears back and connects with another nasty chop.]
[Phoenix rears back again but Gavin grabs him by the collar and throws him into the corner. Gavin himself rears back and connects with an even louder chop!]
[Gavin looks to go for another chop but Renegade is back to his feet. He charges into the corner, smashing Phoenix and Gavin together!]
Jeff: Splash into the corner!
[Renegade grabs Gavin by the arm and whips him to the ropes. Renegade scoops Gavin up and twirls Gavin around then drops with a sidewalk slam. As Renegade gets to his feet, Phoenix charges out of the corner but is stopped by a kick to the stomach from Renegade. Renegade gets Phoenix in a standing head scissors and locks his arms around the waist of Phoenix.]
Tim: Renegade is going for something big here!
[Renegade easily lifts Phoenix up onto his shoulder in position for a powerbomb. Instead of powerbombing him, Renegade starts to walk with Phoenix on his shoulders.]
Jeff: What's he going to do?!
Tim: He's walking towards the ropes... Renegade's going to powerbomb Phoenix through the glass platform!!!
[The crowd rises to their feet, seeing what's about to happen. Renegade makes it to the ropes and forces Phoenix off his shoulders! Phoenix tucks his arms around his head in mid air, knowing where he's going.]
Jeff: OH MY GOD!!!
[The fans chant "HWF! HWF!" as Phoenix falls through the glass, then to the arena floor!! Glass shards pierce into the back and arms of Phoenix and cover the concrete floor.]
Tim: GOOD GOD! Phoenix went through the glass platform!!
[On the floor, Phoenix rolls onto his side, in great pain. Renegade stares at him from the ring, while Gavin Coens is on his feet behind Renegade. Gavin runs and dropkicks Renegade in the back, sending him over the ropes. Renegade catches himself and lands on the apron, barely missing a trip through the glass. Gavin then runs at Renegade again but Renegade holds on and lofts Gavin through the air in a high back body drop to the outside! Gavin completely missing the glass platform and THUDS back first onto the cement aisle way!!!!]
Tim: Jesus Christ Almighty! Gavin Coens is broken in half!!!
[The fans are almost too shocked to react, but the "HWF" chant grows much louder as Gavin Coens barely moves on the arena floor.]
Jeff: I can't believe what I've just witnessed! Gavin Coens hit that arena floor with a THUD!
[Renegade raises his arms out to a pop from the crowd, then he hops to the floor. Stepping through the broken glass, he grabs the ring curtain and tosses it into the air. The crowd cheers as Renegade pulls out a table. He slides it out completely and turns it on it's side and begins to open the legs.]
Tim: Here comes a table!
Jeff: I love this!
[Renegade sets up the table then walks to Phoenix. He grabs Phoenix by the head and pulls him up to his feet. The cut up Phoenix won't go easy as he nails Renegade with a right hand. Renegade retaliates with one of his own, knocking Phoenix back a bit. Phoenix then nails a kick to the stomach and grabs Renegade in a front chancery, and quickly DDTs Renegade into the broken glass and cement floor!!]
Jeff: JESUS! DDT into the glass!
[Phoenix gets to his feet and grabs Renegade, pulling him up and rolling him onto the table. Phoenix glances over to Gavin Coens, who is still in a fetal position on the floor. Phoenix then slides back into the ring and goes over to the cardboard box he brought to the ring. Phoenix picks the box up and dumps it out, allowing numerous fluorescent light bulbs to fall to the mat. Also in the box: a roll of duct tape. Phoenix begins to go to work, holding the light bulbs around his body.]
Tim: What the hell is wrong with this guy?! He's duct taping light bulbs to his chest!!!
[Incredibly, it's true... Phoenix is now duct taping three light bulbs to his chest!! The crowd cheers as Phoenix smirks a little bit. He tears off the roll and begins walking towards the corner. Phoenix climbs up the turnbuckle and reaches the top rope. Camera flashes begin to go off as Phoenix prepares for flight. Phoenix then dives off, almost in slow motion, crashing onto Renegade and the table!!!]
[The crowd shares Jeff's words, only in chanting fashion. The light bulbs are completely shattered over both Renegade and Phoenix. Phoenix slowly takes his shirt off, getting most of the glass out of his flesh. His body is all cut up, blood flowing freely from his abdomen.]
Tim: Damn! Phoenix is cut up bad!
[Gavin Coens has decided to "put up" so to speak, as he struggles to get to his feet. Heavily favoring his back, Gavin slowly limps to Phoenix. He grabs Phoenix by the back and lifts him to his feet, rolling him into the ring. Gavin rolls in himself, and struggles to get to his feet.]
Jeff: Gavin's back is really hurting him...
[Gavin uses the ropes to get up, as Phoenix has gotten up also. Gavin hammers Phoenix with a right hand that knocks Phoenix back. Gavin grabs Phoenix by the head and walks him to the corner. Gavin puts all of his strength and hoists Phoenix up onto the top rope. Gavin yells in pain, holding his back again.]
Tim: I don't know if this is wise for Gavin Coens... He may have ruptured disks or cracked vertebrae or something...
[Gavin slowly steps onto the second rope and uses Phoenix to pull himself onto the top rope. Gavin then jumps and wraps his legs around Phoenix for the top rope hurricanrana... Phoenix reverses it and won't allow the hurricanrana, connecting with a top rope sit down powerbomb!!!]
[Gavin is in unbelievable pain as Phoenix manages to pull Gavin up to his feet. He swing Gavin around so he's behind the Hardcore champ and hooks on a rear chancery. Phoenix grabs Gavin by the waist and lifts him into the air then drops back with an inverted implant DDT!!!]
[Phoenix crawls on top of Gavin Coens.]
[One... ...Two... ...Three!!!]
Jeff: Ah, son of a...
Jeff: What a HWF pay-per-view debut!!
["Close the Door" plays as a shocked Phoenix is handed the Hardcore title. The ref raises his arm as Phoenix raises the belt into the air. The crowd cheers loudly for the new champ, while he stumbles to the back.]
Tim: Unbelieveable! I knew this kid was HWF material!
Jeff: Yeah, yeah... Bandwagoner!
Tim: Whatever, Jeff... Fans, we're going to take a moment to get this ring area cleaned up...
[The HWF ring crew comes out to get everything cleaned up. The fans talk with each other as more officials come out, telling the fans in the front row something. The fans turn towards the HWF-Tron; marking the soon-beginning of the Proving Grounds Match.]
Jeff: Are we going outside now?
Tim: Yes, Jeff, we're going outside now.
Tim: It looks like everything is in place for the Proving Grounds Match.
Jeff: Yeah... and that ref looks scared.
[Suddenly, "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot begins blasting through the outside speakers and one of the 18-wheeler's cargo doors begins to open. The camera zooms in to find "The Insider" David Zakin hopping out onto the cold pavement. You can hear the fans in the arena cheer as Zakin walks towards the referee. The ref has some words for Zakin, as a few officials close the 18-wheeler door in the backround.]
Jeff: What an odd entrance...
Tim: Only in the HWF Jeff, only in the HWF.
["Naveed" by Our Lady Peace replaces Zakin's music and another cargo door on one of the 18-wheelers opens up. Just as expected, "The Canadian Kid" Kyle Corman is standing alone inside of the truck. He lowers himself down to the pavement and begins charging at Zakin.]
Tim: Uh-oh... it looks like Corman is a house of fire!
[Zakin readies himself and drop toe holds the running Corman. Corman's head smashes up against the ground and he immediately grabs at it. Zakin pops up to his feet and starts stomping Corman's back into the cement. Corman somehow grabs hold of one of Zakin's feet and thorws him right onto his back.]
Jeff: These two are brawling!
[Zakin crawls into a mounting position and begins laying in a fury of lefts and rights to Corman's jaw. Corman tries to cover up, and the ref gets inbetween the two. Zakin quickly gets to his feet and kicks Corman in the stomach. Zakin muscles Corman back towards one of the cars and hiptosses him onto the hood.]
Tim: And there's the first dented hood of the night.
Jeff: I'm sure it will be the first of many Tim...
[Corman clutches his back as Zakin gets up onto the hood. Zakin lifts Corman to his feet and attempts some sort of scoop slam maneveur. Corman, however, floats over and locks on a rear chancery. From there, Corman lifts up Zakin as if for a inverted suplex; and drops him forward into a modified michinoku driver. The hood dents majorly upon impact as the ref checks on Zakin.]
Tim: Oh god... Michinoku Driver Two-B on the hood of that car.
Jeff: Zakin's head has to be throbbing.
Tim: Throbbing if he's lucky. That could have caused serious damage.
[Corman leans forward and attempts a pin.]
[One... ...Two... ...Thr...KICKOUT!!]
Tim: Oh, he almost had him here in the early-going.
[Corman stands up and picks up Zakin with him. He grabs Zakin by the hair and throws him from the hood of the car, into the back of a truck next to them. The ref gets up onto the dented car to get a better view.]
Jeff: The ref is gonna have a hard time keeping it together, I can tell already.
[Corman hops into the back of the truck, and waits for Zakin to turn around. When he does, Corman shuffles sideways and hits a standing side kick. Zakin catches it right in his mouth and bounces back off the cab of the truck. Corman runs at him, but Zakin catches his head and spins him around into a tornado DDT; planting Corman's head hard on the steel. Zakin floats over and the ref dives onto the cab of the truck.]
Jeff: Zakin is going for the pin after that stiff DDT!
[One... ...Two... ...Thr...KICKOUT!!]
Tim: And Corman is still with us!
Jeff: This match is about to get out of hand.
[Zakin slowly gets up, and Corman follows. Corman spins around a couple times and then gets caught with a flying clothesline by Zakin; sending both men rolling over the cab of the truck, onto the hood, and then onto the ground. The ref qucikly follows them and then checks on both men. Zakin is the first to his feet, and he stumbles over to the other side of the aisleway. Corman begins to get up, just as Zakin begins to dig underneath one of the car's fenders.]
Tim: What's Zakin looking for?
[Zakin pulls out his arm and you see a barbed-wire wrapped Singapore Cane in his hand. The crowd inside of the arena cheers as Zakin begins to slowly creep back towards the rising Corman. Corman gets up and looks at Zakin, who immediately cracks him over the head with it. Corman drops like a ton of bricks, and Zakin raises both arms, and the cane, in the air victoriously. The ref checks for blood and finds plenty running down Corman's forehead. Zakin cracks him over the leg with the cane one more time and then throws it off screen.]
Tim: Zakin really looks in control of this match.
[Zakin is about to pin Corman, but then points to a nearby dumpster. Standing atop the dumpster is a man, wearing a red sweatshirt, red cargo pants, and a red ski mask. Red points over at Zakin, who gets a pissed off look on his face and begins walking at him. Red hops off the back of the dumpster and disappears into the darkness.]
Jeff: That Man in Red is really getting to Zakin.
Tim: Yeah... but he better stay focused on Kyle Corma-
[Before Tim can finish his sentence, Zakin drops to the ground via a Corman low blow. Corman quickly gets to his feet and throws Zakin into a car. He pulls Zakin to the side of the car, and uses Zakin's head to break the driver's side window. Zakin's forehead immediately begins dripping blood, as Corman unlocks the door and throws Zakin backwards. Zakin rolls back onto his knees and starts crawling to the other side. Corman hops into the broken car and starts to search around for keys.]
Tim: What the hell is Canadian Kid thinking?
Jeff: I don't know, but it looks like Zakin is thinking the same thing.
[Sure enough, Zakin has broken into a car of his own, and is now searching around for keys. The camera zooms into Corman's car where you see that he found a set of keys hidden behind the mirror. The camera quickly pans back towards Zakin, where you see him rip off the casing on the steering wheel; and starts it up by hand. Corman starts his car up too, as the ref runs away from both men and takes shelter behind a minivan.]
[Corman revs his engines at Zakin, and Zakin does likewise. The ref starts yelling at both men.]
Jeff: They wouldn't...
Tim: They couldn't...
[Both cars shift into gear and accelerate towards each other and.... CRASH! The impact shakes the camera and the surrounding cars. Zakin's airbag deploys and his head gets jerked back. Corman's airbag never deploys though, and his head smashes into the windshield. The fans in the arena are going crazy!]
Jeff: What is going on here!!
Jeff: Oh...
[Both cars are a mess; smoke is flying everywhere as car alarms start to go off everywhere. Zakin falls out of his car and starts crawling towards Corman's. The ref runs at Zakin and quickly turns off the car. He does the same with Corman, and forces Corman out of the car. Zakin slowly crawls over at Corman and lays an arm across his chest. The ref drops to his knees and attempts a FAST count.]
Tim: Here it is!
[One.. ..Two.. ..Thre... KICKOUT!!]
Jeff: WHAT!?!
Tim: How did Corman just kick out!?! He was just in a car accident!!
Jeff: Yeah, but so was Zakin.
[Zakin tries to get up to his feet, but he collapses back to the ground. Both men lay there motionless for a few moments; and then begins to pick themselves up. Zakin is the first to get a kick in, which sends both men down to the ground again.]
Tim: These two are out of it.
Jeff: That car crash was OVER THE EDGE!!
[Both men get to their feet once again, and stumble away from the accident scene. Zakin starts walking towards the 18-wheelers, and Corman gives chase. Zakin crawls onto the hood of a limo and Corman still gives chase to him. Zakin stands up and Corman hops onto the limo and attempts a clothesline. Zakin ducks it, and lifts Corman up as if for a scoop slam again. Zakin spins a little and then plants Corman onto the windshield with a northern lights bomb; compltely shattering the glass.]
Jeff: This is beautiful!
[A nearly unconcious Zakin slides off the hood of the limo and onto the concrete. The ref checks on both men, who are now soaked in their own, and each other's blood. Zakin pulls himself up to his feet and gives the cut-throat sign. Just then, from the right of the screen, a man appears and turns around Zakin. The camera gets a better shot and you see that it's... it's... it's...]
Jeff: EXTREAM!?!
Tim: What's he doing here!?!
[Extream bends over and flips himself onto Zakin's shoulders. From there, Extream slips out and switches it into a DDT, right onto the cement.]
Tim: Too the Extreme!!
[Extream clutches his back and quickly scurries off camera. The ref tries to run after him; with little luck however. The ref runs back to check on Zakin, who seems completely out of it. The fans inside the arena begin to cheer for both men, however, causing them to somehow reach their respective feet.]
Jeff: How are they doing this?
Tim: I don't know... I'm still recovering from the great Extream returning!
[Zakin stumbles over and leans against the back of the 18-wheeler. Corman looks down at Zakin and tries a high cross body. Halfway through the move, Zakin leaps into the air and hits a dropkick; right to Corman's chest. Corman goes down hard; and starts shaking a little.]
Jeff: What the fu-
[Zakin stands up and forces the lifeless Corman onto the hood of the car he just flew off of. Zakin then walks towards the 18-wheeler; walking toward the front of the semi to be exact. Zakin disappears behind the 18-wheeler and the camera begins seaching for him.]
Tim: What is he doing?
Jeff: I don't kn... wait... LOOK UP THERE!
[Standing on top of the 18-wheeler is Zakin, holding a steel chair in hand. You hear a chorus of cheers coming from inside the arena. Zakin looks down at Corman cautiously, who still hasn't moved.]
Tim: Oh no!
[Zakin holds the chair in his right hand, and takes one final look at Corman. He turns around 180 degrees and then yells something out towards the sky. Zakin, then, leaps off the top of the 18-wheeler; performing a spinning legdrop with the chair... RIGHT ONTO CORMAN'S HEAD on the HOOD OF THE CAR!! The front end of the car completely collapses as both men roll off onto the ground; with Zakin laying on top of Corman.]
Tim: IT'S OVER!!
[One... ...Two... .....THREE!!]
[The bell sounds inside of the arena, and "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot kicks on the outside speakers again. The ref starts to frantically call out EMT's, who are right on the scene trying to treat Zakin and Corman.]
Jeff: Well, it looks like Zakin will be fighting for the Canadian Championship.
Tim: If there's anything left of him, that is.
[Corman gets put onto a gurnee with a brace supporting his neck, while Zakin is getting the same. The ref is shaking his head in disbelief as the camera pans around at all of the wreckage. The camera cuts back to Zakin and Corman, who are being wheeled away now. The camera starts to fade into the arena. Everything is calm inside of the arena, and they're awaiting the next match.]
Tim: What havoc!
Jeff: Let's just get on to our next match... what is it?
Tim: Um... I believe it's the Triangle Match for the Number 1 Contendership for the Tag Titles.
Jeff: Oh...
["Bow Down" by the Westside Connection hits, a gold light flashes on each note, until the singing starts. Once the singing starts, the stage and rampway are lit by a black strobe light as, the audience is showered in flashing colored lights, as they bow to Jack Daddy. Jack Daddy then enters, only his white articles of clothing are shown, glowing in the black light. On his way down the ramp, he flexes his muscles and blows the audience kisses getting them all excited. As soon as Jack Daddy hits the bottom of the ramp, he raises one hand and fireworks shoot up, he raises the other more fireworks shoot out and then he brings both arms down simultaneously, and fireworks explode from the border of the tron. Jack Daddy then slides into the ring and climbs one turnbuckle giving one lucky section of the crowd, a pose for pictures.]
Tim: Jack Daddy is an explosive new face in the HWF and he has his time to shine TONIGHT.
Jeff: You got that right.
["Eyeless" by Slipknot hits the speakers. As Slipknot finishes the line "How many times have you wanted to kill..." Krow emerges from the curtain in his trenchcoat. He looks at the ground for a while, seemingly fascinated by it. He drops to his knees, points at the ground, then points at the sky and flips it off. He stands up and slowly makes his way to the ring. He slaps a few hands along the way and rolls into the ring and lays down in the middle.]
Jeff: Krow is a weird sumbitch...
Tim: *chuckles* He's definitely not your run-of-the-mill Joe Blow...
Jeff: You said blow... Hehe.
["Boys N the Hood" by Dynamite Hack starts and there is a short pause before Styles explodes from the back stoping at the of the ramp to pose and gesture to his fans. He then makes his way down the ramp to towards the ring acknowledging the crowd the whole way. When he arrives at the ring intensity jumps onto the appron and flips over the top rope into the ring and "grooves" to the music for a short while. Then music then cuts out as he goes to sit in a corner.]
Tim: And Chris Styles is our last entry...
[As the match is just about ready to begin, the lights dim and a computerized voice starts counting down from three...]
Tim: What the hell is this about?
[A series of red and gold pyro erupts from the ramp and "Hollywood Babylon" by Crazy Town erupts from the arena loudspeakers.]
If you've got an itch to catch some havok,
Theres Mayhem in the plastic,
City of La La, I mean the Land of Holy Zsa Zsa...
[ Valerie makes her way out, wearing black leather shorts and a red mini-T. She has a cigar in her hand, which she tokes on repeatedly as she spins around and points towards the back...]
The "Wood" is hot and you can spot the flocks...
of people like sheep, those with dreadlocks to jocks with Reeboks, fleeing hard rocks
A la cafe', Bambatta flashy fashion. Imagine crashing bashes with bitches that be bad,
and wishing for the Fame and Recognition....They on a mission for self, baby...
[ Another round of red and gold pyro rocks the arena. ]
We're like the Twelve...my tribe is crazy deep,
We got the beats that are hot, we like Clinque...
[ Finally, after taking a moment to unbutton his black and red silk shirt, Ethan Scruggs tears through the curtains then pulls his shirt off completely with Valerie's help. He then tosses it to the crowd, flexing his abs in the process. ]
Foundation resonates when I speak. And if by chance you catch it, then listen, the wisdom, Epic open hitting, choki---
[ The music cuts as Ethan grabs the mic. ]
Scruggs: Can the music, kiddies, cause I've got something to say!
[ The crowd starts quieting down as the lights return to normal once again. ]
Scruggs: San Francisco, tonight is the dawning of a new era for the HWF. Normally, I would be disgusted to be standing in front of 20,000 steers and queers *pointing at the crowd* . . .
[ A loud chorus of "FUCK YOU!" begins to rise up from the crowd. ]
Scruggs: You know, usually someone telling me to fuck off would get me going. . . but considering that it's coming from the filthy mouths of all you fruit loops, it just doesn't have the same effect.
[ The chants slowly begin to grow louder. ]
Scruggs: At this moment, I don't really have any intentions on criticizing all of you dirtbags out there in attendance. . .cause I've got much more important things that I could waste my breath on.
[ A few people from the crowd begin throwing trash into the ring. ]
Scruggs: See, I came out of a conference earlier today between myself and the HWF Executive Committee, and it turns out that as of today, Ethan Scruggs is officially signed under this barn yard. Can you guess what that means? It means that from here on out, I'm going to be making each and every of your lives a living hell. . .starting from the bottom, and working my way up to the top of the food chain. *smirks* I guess it also means that you three punks are going to be my stepping stones for the evening. *pointing at the three wrestlers*
[ Ethan tosses the mic aside as the bell is rang.]
Tim: Evidently, this match is now a FOUR WAY DANCE...
Jeff: And I guarantee this will not be a rest your head on your partner's shoulder type dance... More like a 'swing your partner round and round' then powerbomb him through a table type dance...
Tim: Well said, Jeff...
Jeff: Thank you.
[The camera is centered on the ring with the pole wrapped in barbwire on the back right ring post. Scruggs, Jack Daddy, Styles, and Krow stand in each corner, waiting for one to make a move.]
Tim: we're in a bit of a stale-mate here...
[Suddenly Jack Daddy and Chris Styles rush to Krow, beginning a double team.]
Jeff: Screw that! We're on!
[Ethan Scruggs stands in the corner, watching "The Youngbloods" beat the hell out of Krow in the corner. Jack and Chris hammer Krow into a sitting position in the corner. They continue to stomp a mudhole into Krow, as Scruggs surprisingly comes out from his corner. Scruggs walks behind the Youngbloods and steps in between the two, and hits a modified DOUBLE Russian legsweep! Jack Daddy and Chris Styles roll away, showing some pain from the move. Krow gets to his feet and nods thanks to Scruggs, but Ethan kicks Krow right in the stomach! Scruggs stands beside Krow and grabs him in a headlock, what could be called a reverse front chancery. He takes off running and dives and plants Krow face first with a bulldog.]
Tim: Ethan plants Krow with a bulldog!
Jeff: This Scruggs guy is a good strategizer...
[Scruggs gets up and goes through the ropes to the apron. Scruggs begins to climb the turnbuckle while Chris Styles gets to his feet. As Ethan gets up to the top turnbuckle, ready to dive onto Krow, Styles comes from the side and jerks the rope, causing Ethan to crotch himself on the turnbuckle!!]
Jeff: Oh!
[Chris Styles climbs to the second rope and grabs Ethan in a front chancery, then hooks his arm. Styles grabs onto the waist of Scruggs and lifts Ethan off the top turnbuckle, falling back. Styles performs one hell of a superplex, then to top it off, Scruggs lands square on the chest of Krow!!!]
Tim: Good God! Right across Krow's chest!
[The crowd cheers in appriciation of the move as the ref drops to count, seeing as how Ethan is on top of Krow.]
[One... ...Two... ...Th... KICKOUT!]
Tim: Krow kicked out! I would've never thought he could've kicked out!
[Jack Daddy is back to his feet, pulling Ethan Scruggs up. He whips Scruggs across the ring into the ropes. He catches Scruggs off guard with a drop toe hold, with Ethan's face driven right into Krow's knee!]
Jeff: Ouch!
[Krow grabs his knee in pain as Chris Styles drops an elbow across his sternum.]
Tim: Krow is just being beat on here early in this matchup...
[Jack Daddy goes through the ropes and to the floor. He grabs the ring curtain and throws it up, to the excitement of the crowd. Jack Daddy grabs ahold of a ladder and pulls it out to a nice pop from the crowd. He picks the ladder up and opens it up, hitting the supports to stablize the 10 foot tall ladder. Jack Daddy then slides into the ring as Chris Styles has Krow held in front of him. Jack Daddy steps back then leaps forward with a superkick, but Krow gets free and the kick connects with Styles!! Chris drops to the mat as Krow kicks to his feet. He kicks a surprised Jack Daddy in the stomach and thrusts him into a standing head scissors.]
Tim: Jack Daddy hit Chris Styles with a superkick!
[Krow locks his hands around Jack Daddy and lifts him up with great force. Jack Daddy almost falls off the shoulders of Krow from the force, but Krow catches him and grips tightly around his thighs and pushes Jack Daddy with all his strength behind it, powerbombing Jack Daddy onto his back and nearly flipping him over to his stomach!!]
Jeff: What a powerbomb!! Krow has POWER!
[Ethan Scruggs is back up and connects with a running clothesline. Krow is knocked to the mat but is quick to get back up. Ethan goes for another clothesline but Krow ducks. Ethan is disoriented as he turns back around. Krow grabs him by arm and hiptosses him to the mat. Ethan hits the mat but gets back to his feet. Krow kicks him in the stomach. Krow hooks him up in a front chancery and lifts him vertical, but Scruggs wiggles free and lands behind Krow. Krow goes to elbow Ethan but Ethan catches the arm and grabs the other in a full nelson, then steps over and drives Krow face first into the mat with a forward Russian legsweep!!]
Jeff: Full Nelson Forward Russian Legsweep! Ethan Scruggs is showing some ring savvy here tonight!
Tim: You've got that right! This kid isn't a rookie.
[Chris Styles is waiting for Ethan as he stands up. Styles runs at Scruggs and leaps up, grabbing a front chancery in mid air and swinging around in an amazing leaping tornado DDT!!! Krow has rolled over to the edge of the ring, nearest the ladder. Chris Styles is up and goes towards Krow. He pulls Krow to his feet and nails him with a huge right hand. Krow is rocked back onto the ladder, but catches himself. Krow turns and nails Styles with a right hand of his own, knocking Styles to the apron. Krow turns and starts climbing up the ladder. He climbs to the third rung from the top and turns to face the inside of the ring. Jack Daddy is just getting up, now seeing Krow.]
Tim: What's Krow looking for here?
Jeff: I don't know, but it's gonna be big!
[As Krow looks to leap off, Jack Daddy makes a running start towards the ladder. He makes use of the top rope as a springboard, shooting himself towards Krow. In what has got to be one of the damndest things anyone has ever seen, Jack Daddy catches with his legs and flips backwards with an INSANE hurricanrana OFF THE LADDER and into the ring!!!]
Jeff: OH MY GOD!!!
[The crowd is estatic with a chant of "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" as Jack Daddy and Krow are practically out cold. Chris Styles dives on top of Krow to make the pin.]
[One... ...Two... ...Three!!]
Jeff: I don't think it's a surprise to anyone! Can we take a look at that damn hurricanrana again?!
[A crashing sound is heard as a graphic comes onto the screen, displaying the reply of Jack Daddy awesome hurricanrana from multiple angles, then back to normal action.]
Tim: That's incredible! I have never seen anything like that... EVER!!
[Ethan Scruggs dives onto Jack Daddy to make the cover.]
Jeff: Scruggs is going to pick up the easy pin!
[One... ..Two... ...Th- Chris Styles leaps onto Scruggs to break up the cover!]
Tim: Chris Styles saved his partner there!
[Chris Styles is a bit angry, while the referee tells Krow to go to the back. Styles grabs Scruggs and runs towards the corner with the barbwire pole, throwing him up into the air and into a collision with the barbwire pole! Scruggs falls back to the mat, as Styles grabs the pole and pulls it free. Styles tosses it to the mat then goes to Scruggs. As he tries to pull Ethan up, he is on the bad end of a low blow! Ethan gets up and applies a standing head scissors. He quickly lifts Styles vertical and steps towards the pole, drilling Styles with a piledriver onto the barbwire!!]
Tim: Piledriver onto the barbwire! Styles is busted open!
[Scruggs quickly goes back to Jack Daddy and hooks his leg for the cover.]
[One... ...Two... ...Three!!!]
Jeff: Jack Daddy is out! Chris Styles and Ethan Scruggs are the tag team title number one contenders!
Tim: They can't be that cohesive of a team, can they?! Scruggs just piledrove Styles onto barbwire, for God's sake!
Jeff: Uh... some people have odd relationships.
[Jack Daddy is rolled out of the ring as Ethan Scruggs gets to his feet. He pulls Styles to his feet. Styles swings wildly but Ethan ducks. Styles spins right into a scoop up, as Ethan scoops him onto his shoulder. Ethan has Styles in position for a tombstone piledriver as the crowd is on their feet.]
Tim: Moment of Silence!!
[Chris Styles wiggles his legs and reverses the piledriver, flipping to his feet, and lifting Ethan up for a tombstone. Chris then drops to his knees, driving Ethan Scruggs into the mat!!!]
[Styles gets to his feet, while Ethan's wife and valet-Valerie-begins to seductively pose for Chris. Chris is momentarily taking aghast but then fingers Valerie to a huge pop, as Styles goes through the ropes and to the apron. Chris climbs the turnbuckle and reaches the top rope. He raises his arms out then leaps off and hits an awesome frogsplash onto Scruggs!!!]
[One... ...Two... ...THREE!!]
Jeff: Chris Styles wins! Styles has won his HWF pay-per-view debut!!!
["Boys-N-the-Hood" plays as the crowd cheers for Chris Styles. The ref raises Chris' hand into the air, while Valerie helps Ethan to the outside, still shocked that Styles gave her the finger.]
Tim: What a match!
[As the wrestlers and officials leave the ring, the camera pans around the building getting shots of various fans. They get to the look-a-likes section and see about 40 fans dressed up like current and past HWF superstars. The camera begins to shake and then gets moved off towards the ring; which is now empty except for a single referee.]
Jeff: What else could happen tonight, Tim!?!
Tim: I don't know, but we still have three matches left!
Jeff: Oh, goody! What's next up on the format sheet.
Tim: Kyle Corman looks battered after that Proving Grounds Match about an hour or so ago.
Jeff: Yeah... but you gotta admire the guy's courage for coming out here to keep Blake Frost in line.
Tim: Blake Frost!?! I'd be more worried about Blackjack if I were Corman.
Jeff: You know, in some ways, we a REALLY different people.
[Suddenly, "Oh Hell Yeah" by The H-Blockx hits the speakers as Blackjack appears at the top of the ramp. He looks down at Corman and laughs to himself. Blackjack casually makes his way to the ring and slides in; with a few choice words for Commish Collins. Collins issues a warning and Blackjack starts to stretch out for his match. He yells something at Corman, forcing Corman to try and get in the ring.]
Tim: The odds look stacked for Blackjack tonight!
Jeff: Damn Canadians...
[Blackjack's music fades out and "Hells Bells" by AC/DC replaces it. Suddenly, an explosion goes off at the top of the ramp and Blake Frost almost magically appears through the smoke. He walks down to the ring, with a pissed off look on his face. He slaps a few hands also. Blake walks up next to Corman and syas something to him. Blake motions for the belt and Corman hands it over.]
Jeff: What's Blake doing?
Tim: I don't know...
[Blake looks at the belt, then at Blackjack, then at Collins, and finally back at Corman. Blake smiles a little, breathes in... and SPITS all over the Canadian Title.]
Tim: WHAT!?!
[The fans start to cheer as Corman starts to beat on Blake with his good hand. Collins also runs out of the ring, to see what he's doing. Corman and Blake being brawling up the rampway as Collins picks up the title and looks around the arena, where the fans are chanting Blake's name.]
Jeff: What just happened?
[Blackjack slides out of the ring and looks at Collins. He motions for the belt but Collins nods his head 'no'. Blackjack tries to grab the belt, but Collins won't let it go. Just as Blake and Corman disappear through the curtian, Blackjack decks Collins and takes the belt. Collins pops up to his feet, but doesn't counter-attack. Blackjack starts walking away with the belt as "Oh Hell Yeah" rings out through the PA system again.]
Tim: Is Blackjack the Canadian Heavyweight Champion?
Jeff: YES HE IS!! And I would like to be the first to congradulate him!
Tim: Oh, you would!!
[Blackjack gets to the top of the rampway and flips off Collins, who is standing there staring a hole through him. Blackjack gives a nod to the fans and then walks to the back. Collins follows him as Blackjack's music fades out.]
Tim: Man, I was looking forward to that match Jeff.
Jeff: Well, Blake Frost screws us again!!
Tim: Shut up!
[Just then, HWF ring technicians begin wheeling out a HUGE dumpster to the ring. One is spotted at the top of the HWF-Tron, oddly enough, also. A spotlight goes on the dumpsters as the fans cheer for the match.]
Tim: Alright folks, next up is our Tag Team Title match. Who will be Espionage's mystery opponents?
Tim: Alright... the moment has arrived. Who will come out to face Howitzer and Shrapnel!?!
[You can hear someone shout the words "The game is over!" as "The Game" by Disturbed begins to play. As the guitar chords begin to pick up, a man walks out of the back, holding the same steel pole from earlier tonight. He is wearing a pair of black and silver tights, which say "Justin" down one leg, and "Storm" down the other. The man is wearing a black Disturbed t-shirt, with the sleeves cut out of it. His hair is cut short, and is a brown color. He has on a navy blue Adidas visor, turned around backwards. He also has on a pair of black wrestling boots. The fans are cheering for him, but some are booing, as if not knowing what to do. The man makes his way down to the ring and circles it. He makes his way back to the ramp and stops.]
Jeff: The TRUE "Hardcore Icon" has made his return to the HWF. The HWF's second Triple Crown Champion has returned to the HWF!
Tim: So he was the one who hit all those people with his pole.
Jeff: *snicker*
Tim: What's so funny?
Jeff: Nothing... *cough*dumbass*cough*
[Suddenly, a HUGE explosion is set off at the entranceway as strobe lights cut on and Limp Bizkit's "Rollin" blasts throughout the arena. The lights dim down, with a little bit of light still left, enough to see the entranceway down to the ring. "The Hardcore Hero" Jayson Starr comes out of the back with his black shades and leather jacket on and looks around as the crowd cheers.]
[Jayson turns towards the ring, then starts walking towards it. Chants of "JAYSON! JAYSON!" can be heard throughout the arena. He gets to the ring, slides in, and starts walking around the ring some, looking at the seemingly endless sea of screaming fans. Jayson makes his way to the center of the ring, then raises both fists into the air, as four red rockets shoot up from behind him, alternating from left to right, then back again. The lights slowly come back on, and the music dies down to nothing.]
Tim: Folks... those of you who are with us at HWF-Online have heard the rumors about Starr having backstage problems with staff; most noticably Johnny Drake.
Jeff: What's he doing here?
Tim: I guess he and Justin Storm are gonna make a run for the Tag Team Titles.
[Storm and Starr talk to each other in the corner for a bit, as Espionage gathers their gameplans also. The bell sounds and all four men run out to the middle of the ring; duking it out bigtime. Shrapnel is paired off with Starr, and Storm is paired off with Howitzer. Storm wins his battle and forces Howitzer into the corner; where he lays in a few hard chops. Shrapnel wins his battle, and he does the same with Starr.]
Tim: These two teams look like they hate each other.
[Shrapnel lays a few more kicks in to Starr's gut, and Starr drops down in the corner; in a sittin position. Shrapnel runs over to the other side and clubs Storm right in the neck. Storm goes into the corner now and Howitzer comes out. Both members of Espionage grab an arm and whip Storm towards Starr's corner. Storm flies back into the corner, slamming into Starr's head, and then stumbles out. Shrapnel positions himself in front of Storm and lifts him right up into a bearhug. Howtizer runs towards Storm and nails a flying clothesline, just as Shrapnel hits a spine bomb slam. The fans go nuts for this move.]
Jeff: Storm may still have some ring rust after that long HWF vacation.
Tim: Or maybe Espionage is just THAT good.
[Starr gets up and waits for Howitzer. Once he gets up, Starr drops him right back to the ground with an STO. Starr looks to be getting his second wind now, as he kicks Shrapnel in the stomach and slaps on a standing head scissors, and signals to the crowd.]
Tim: What's this?
[Starr lifts Shrapnel into the air, as if for a piledriver. Starr lets his right leg slip out from under him and sits down; with a botched piledriver. The crowd gasps in unison as Jayson raises his arms in the air and smiles.]
Jeff: HEY!! He meant to do that!!
Tim: Shrapnel could have broken a vertebrate there!
[The ref finally gets involved and forces Howitzer and Storm out of the ring; leaving Starr and Shrapnel alone. Starr picks up Shrapnel again and locks on a front chancery. Starr then falls back, impacting Shrapnel's head into the mat with a flowing DDT. Shrapnel gets right up though, and spears Starr right back down to the ground. Shrapnel starts to pound on Starr; forcing Storm in the ring to break it up. Howitzer tries to get in as well, but the ref stops him. Storm and Starr perform the old swicth-a-roo, and Storm begins wailing on Shrapnel.]
Tim: Dirty play by Storm and Starr.
[Storm picks up Shrapnel and whips him to the ropes. Shrapnel ducks a clothesline and bounces off the ropes again. Shrapnel ducks yet another clothesline, but this time stops running and waits for Storm to turn around. When he does so, Shrapnel lifts him up into a tombstone and sits down with it. Around gasp from the crowd; followed by cheers.]
Jeff: And there's the Crimson Mass!
[Shrapnel slowly gets up and points towards Howitzer, with even more cheers from the crowd. Shrapnel begins walking to his corner, but Storm somehow gets to his knees and low blows him. Storm begins to get and, picking Shrapnel up with him.]
Tim: If it wasn't for that low blow, Espionage would be in firm control of this match.
Jeff: Howitzer is salivating over the idea of getting in the ring.
[Storm whips Shrapnel into the ropes, and as he comes back, Shrapnel goes for a clothesline. Storm ducks it into a toe-drop hold. Storm now comes back, and locks in a Sharpshooter as Shrapnel begins to scream out in pain. Storm goes to bend back and pull up on Shrapnel's head, but Howitzer runs and kicks Storm in the ribs. Storm releases the hold as Starr runs at Howitzer. Starr whips Howitzer into the corner and follows him up. Starr sets Howitzer up on the top rope and then climbs up. He puts Howitzer's arm over his head, to protect it, as Starr goes for a suplex. Starr positions himself a bit different, this time, his back facing the announce table.]
Jeff: What does he think he's doing?
Tim: I don't know, but I don't wanna find out.
[Jeff and Tim get out of the way as Starr jumps off with Howitzer, nailing an AMAZING suplex through the table.]
Jeff: What in the hell? Starr has some power in him, to lift that big man up!
[Back in the ring, Storm and Shrapnel are up. Shrapnel goes to grab him by his throat for a chokeslam, but Storm kicks Shrapnel in his gut. Storm staggers back, but immediately responds with a quick standing side kick to the jaw of Shrapnel. Shrapnel screams out in pain as he staggers back. Shrapnel slowly turns around as Storm is waiting for him. He kicks Shrapnel in the gut and executes a 3/4 turn neckbreaker.]
Jeff: The Icon Drop!!!
[Storm immediatly stands up and does a little finger gesture at the fans as he drops out of the ring. He then grabs Shrapnel by his feet and pulls him outside of the ring. Storm grabs Shrapnel by the head and begins to drag him up the ramp. They reach the top as Shrapnel comes to it, and begins to hammer Storm with hard right hands to the ribs. Shrapnel then grabs Storm by the arm and whips him into the bottom of the HWF-Tron. Storm hits the steel hard as he screams out in pain. Storm falls to the ground, clutching his back as Shrapnel walks up over him and grabs him by his head. Shrapnel lifts him above his head, in a gorilla press slam, and tosses him onto the bottom level of the HWF-Tron.]
Jeff: What strength by Shrapnel!
[Shrapnel climbs up after Storm, as Storm is breathing hard, clutching to the steel, like it's a security blanket. Shrapnel grabs Storm by the head and tosses him up the vertical steel part of the HWF-Tron. Storm begins to climb, as Shrapnel goes up, right behind him. Storm makes it to the top, as Shrapnel follows behind him. Storm lets Shrapnel get up, as he opens up with hard right hands. Shrapnel goes for a clothesline, but Storm ducks it. Storm waits for Shrapnel to turn around, as Storm is now waiting to hit The Icon Drop. Shrapnel turns around as Storm goes for the kick to the gut... but Shrapnel counters it with a hand around Storm's throat. Shrapnel lifts Storm high and brings him down onto the steel, hard, hitting a MONSTER chokeslam.]
Tim: Justin Storm is broken in half!
Jeff: Someone get the EMTs up there now!
[Shrapnel, now laughing, looks over at the broken announce table, where Starr is now up and standing, as he begins to kick Howtizer with big boots to the ribs. Starr stops and grabs Howtizer by his head. Starr begins to walk with Howitzer up the ramp. Starr grabs Howtizer by the head and tosses him into the bottom scaffolding of the HWF-Tron. Starr, now looking to help out Storm on the top, jumps up, and grabs the bottom rail of the HWF-Tron. Starr pulls himself up as he goes after Shrapnel on the top. Starr begins to climb the vertical scaffolding as Howtizer now sees what is going on. He jumps up and pulls himself up as well. Howtizer follows in Starr's footsteps as Starr makes his way up to the top... to be hammered on by Shrapnel. Shrapnel grabs Starr and pulls him all the way up. Storm is now on his hands and knees, trying to catch his breath as Shrapnel picks up Starr for a gorilla press slam. Storm quickly low blows Shrapnel as he drops Starr. Starr and Storm both put an arm over Shrapnel's head. They lift him up and hit an amazing double suplex, right onto the open dumpster, causing Shrapnel to go in it.]
Tim: Shrapnel is in the dumpster! All they have to do is close it with Howitzer in it, and they are the new champions!
[Howitzer, now on top, goes after Starr and takes him down with an elbow to the back of the head. Storm sees this and waits for Howitzer to turn around. Storm nails a kick to the gut of Howtizer, and hits a 3/4 turn neckbreaker, The Icon Drop!!!]
Jeff: The Icon Drop!!!!
[Howtizer falls back and right into the dumpster as Storm closes the lid. The bell sounds but Starr is now up as he and Storm give each other a suicidal look. Storm and Starr grab the end of the dumpster and run with it, as they toss it over the edge.]
Tim: NO!!!!!!!
Jeff: Shrapnel and Howtizer are gonna be killed!
[As the dumpster hits the ramp, there is a huge explosive on impact. The dumpster flies up as Howtizer and Shrapnel fly out of the dumpster. The dumpster lands a few feet away from the two lifeless bodies. Howitzer is burned bad, as Shrapnel isn't as hurt, but he is still hurt pretty bad.]
Tim: That's it, Storm and Starr have just ended the careers of both Howtizer and Shrapnel.
Jeff: At least Justin Storm and Jayson Starr have won the Tag Titles.
Tim: What are you smoking?
Jeff: I'm just looking on the upside.
Tim: Just shutup Jeff, Shrapnel and Howtizer could very well have had their careers ended here tonight.
Jeff: Tim... look at Storm...
[Storm, now looking over the edge, has a glare in his eyes as he flashes the Snuka sign to the crowd and jumps. He does a frogsplash motion in mid-air as he lands on Howtizer. Howtizer and Storm break through the stage and lands on the conrete, 10 feet below the stage.]
Tim: Oh my...
Jeff: SHIT!!!! Call the EMTs now!!!! Storm is dead! Storm is dead!!!
Tim: Justin Storm is the craziest sumbitch I've ever seen.
Jeff: I'll say, crazy... but still the Tag Team Champion...
Tim: In all my years in announcing, I've never seen ANYTHING like this before.
[EMT's rush out towards the rampway, and into the hole; picking up the lifeless humans onto stretchers and gurnees; as Jayson Starr begins to climb down the HWF-Tron and to the floor.]
Tim: Take the cameras off it, do something! We don't need to see this!
[The cameras go to the ring, where about 15 to 20 HWF technicians are setting up for the main event. The 4 Pits of Pain are the first to be set up, followed by the tables over the top of them. As the scaffold gets lowered to the ring, a few technicians begin taking down the ropes and turnbuckles. The camera pans back to the dumpster, to see everyone out of sight.]
Tim: Well, it looks like Storm, Howitzer, and Shrapnel will be spending the night in the local San Fran hospital.
Jeff: I'm betting they won't be the only ones... especially with the main event still to come.
Tim: You said it Jeff...
[A wheelbarrow is rolled out from the back, filled over the top with thick looking bricks. The man pushing it seems to be struggling, as a few others behind him push the dumpster into the hole left by Justin Storm just a few minutes earlier. The man with the wheelbarrow reaches the ring and begins loading the bricks onto the mat. The fans start to cheer at the sight of this.]
Tim: Fans really like the bricks, Jeff.
[The bricks continues to be loaded in the ring, as another technician walks out towards the ring; holding rolls upon rolls of barbed-wire in his hands. Heavily wrapped gloves prevent him from getting hurt, but you can see the sparkling come from the tips and points. The crowd starts to go crazy, as the ringside technicians throws on gloves and grab the barbed wire from him.]
Jeff: I think the barbed-wire won the popularity contest here tonight.
Tim: Yep.
[The technicians begin to wrap the barbed-wire around the ring, resembling ropes; as another man begins stacking bricks in each corner. Papa Roach's "Last Resort" starts to play over the PA to entertain fans until they finish.]
Tim: Well, the hour has finally arrived Jeff. In a few minutes, total chaos is gonna break out right here in California.
Jeff: I know... and this will be a HISTORIC night in HWF history for sure. Men's lives will be changed forever. The future of the fed lies in the balance. Who will possibly win!?!
Tim: I don't know Jeff... I'm going with Rykopathe.
Jeff: Rykopathe?
Tim: Yeah, I bet he's been working his ass off in preparation for this match. This could very well be his last match, he's got to want it the most.
[In the ring, the ropes are almost fully set up. They're just wrapping the barbed-wire around some of the bricks in the corners.]
Jeff: True... but you can't really take that into consideration because all four of these men want this title bad. Even though Trey's held it for a long time, he still knows its importance.
["Last Resort" fades out and a 30-foot high chainlink cage begins lowering down to the ring. The cage is actually more like a Hell in the Cell, without the roof though. A man is on the top edge of the cage, holding onto a cable for dear life. The fans start to cheer wildly. The bottom of the cage reaches about 8 feet off the ground, and the man on top hops off onto the scaffold and throws the noose over the edge; so it is dangling there.]
Tim: This is SO dangerous.
[The man grabs hold of the cage and starts climbing down. He hops into the ring and quickly scurries away from the menacing-looking cage. The cage lowers the final 8 feet to the groud. The door stays open. The technicians make some final adjustments and then all leave ringside. Four more men come out from the back with a table and three chairs, setting it up next to the dumpster hole.]
Jeff: And that's why it's so dangerous. Not only do they have all of these weapons out here, but there is no pinfall, no countout, or no disqualifacation. It's no holds barred!
Tim: Wel-
Jeff: In fact, the only way to lose is to be SO out of it that Chaz Manson, Johnny Drake, and Shawn Collins all rule in favor of taking you out of the match!
[Just as Jeff says that, "Minority" by Green Day kicks in and the fans start to cheer. From behind the curtain comes first Shawn Collins; to a chorus of cheers. He waves at the fans and then takes a seat at the table. Following him is Johnny Drake, to a even larger chrous of cheers. Johnny does a Justin Credible-esce pose and then takes a seat next to Collins. Finally, Chaz Manson appears through the curtain to one of the biggest pops of the night. He acknoledges the crowd and then walks over to Collins and Drake; saying something to them under his breath.]
Tim: The Hardcore Staff is live and well here in San Fransisco!
Tim: Blackjack looks ready; flaming chair and all!
[As Blackjack looks around the cage, "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward hits the speakers and the fans begin to boo even more. "Vicious" Vic Williams appears through the curtain; staring intently at Chaz Manson and the rest of the HWF staff. He walks down to the ring with nothing in his hands. Green and orange strobe lights kick on as images of past Vic matches play on the HWF-Tron. Vic walks through the open cage door and slides into the ring. Blackjack shows him his chair, and the matches. Vic smirks a little and shrugs his shoulders. The music fades out.]
Jeff: That's right! Vic doesn't need a weapon!
Tim: Well, that's a disadvantage for sure. Everyone was supposed to bring something...
[Tim is cut off by the sounds of "Black" by SeVendust. The lights in the arena go black. A orange storbe light kicks on and you see a man come out from the back, to a HUGE round of cheers. The ligths kick on and you see that the man is none other than J. Simon Rykopathe, holding an identical chair to that of Blackjack. Rykopathe nods over at the staff members and then runs down to the ring. He runs through the door and slides into the ring. His eyes haven't left Blackjack the entire time. The two look at each other and there weapons, as Vic paces around the ring waiting for the match to begin.]
Jeff: Hey, what's the big deal?
Tim: Huh?
Jeff: Rykopathe stole Blackjack's weapon!
Tim: He didn't steal it. Both men have used that weapon frequently in the past.
[Just then, "Sleep Now In The Fire" by Rage Against The Machine begins to play over the PA. The guitar starts alone as the lights go out. Then the drums kick in and red and silver lights flash all over the arena. You hear Michael Trey scream "SLEEP NOW IN THE FIRE!" and the entire band begins to play as the HWF-tron explodes into flames! The crowd pops loudly, waiting for the HWF Champion to come down for the main event, but he doesn't show up.]
Tim: What in the hell is going on... Trey wouldn't miss this.
Jeff: ICON probably locked him in the locker room, the dirty bastard.
Tim: *sigh*
["Sleep Now In The Fire" hits again as the red and silver lights flash. The HWF-tron remains on fire, but no one comes out. Blackjack, ICON, and Vic have all paused inside the ring and now are looking and waiting to see if Trey is going to come down or not. Suddenly, all the lights and fires in the arena go out and the entire building is in total darkness.]
Tim: Wha...?
[On the HWF-tron, the screen begins to slowly strobe white light. Within a few seconds, the words "Back 2 Basics" flash up on the screen and strobe for a moment before fading. A few opening notes sound in the arena quietly in the darkness. A HUGE explosion rocks the place as the music hits the first beat of "The World is Not Enough" by Garbage. The crowd explodes in cheers for Michael's old music. Silver laser lights flicker all over the place as some slight fog fills the entrance. As the music continues towards the chorus, you see Michael and Claire Matthews finally enter the arena from backstage. The silver laser lights race around the entrance area and finally center on Trey, who is very solemn and waits with his head down. The chorus begins while you hear explosions and see the laser lights begin to flicker and fly around all over. Michael raises his head and smiles. He walks down to the ring and slaps hands with the fans as Claire follows him, carrying his signature weapon: a can of gasoline. He stops just short of the cage and pulls a mic from his pocket.]
Michael Trey: This is the HWF, isn't it?! I've listened to you complain and moan about your lives and your talent and your push and your career for a month now, and it finally dawned on me that you are the same people you've always been. You still settle for less and are happy to sit back and become the victim, to place blame on the president or on your allies whenall it would take is a little guts. No more... no more will these fans have to suffer that.
[Pop as a MICH-AEL, MICH-AEL chant starts up. Michael points at each and every guy in the ring, slowly.]
Michael Trey: I am still the same man I was when I came into the HWF. I'm still the same, motivated, talented, and unsatisfied rookie, the same man with a thirst for accomplishment and new limits. The world and this title aren't enough for me. I knew that if I was to have any chance of leading this place back to the top, it meant going Back 2 Basics and showing the new wave of wrestlers what it takes to become a champion. It doesn't take talking, hoping, or dreaming. It takes DOING. It takes the courage and character to go out and put your body on the line and actually WIN for once.
[Some cheers from the fans.]
Michael Trey: You've all bad-mouthed me for too damn long. This ends here. This ends now. If I do nothing else here tonight, I want to end any dispute of who is the HWF's legend, ICON, and champion. Right here, right now. That's a challenge I'm ready to step to... now let's see if you are.
[The crowd pops and Trey rushes to the cage door and into the ring as the bell rings to start the main event. Claire tosses the gas can into the cage as the door shuts. The fans start to cheer bigtime as all four man take their corners, awaiting someone's first move.]
Tim: And the Final Solution Match is underway!
[Blackjack grabs a match out of his pack and lights it on fire. He drops it gently onto the chair and it immeditely engulfs in flames. He tosses the pack to Rykopathe and The Icon does the same. Suddenly, Trey runs from his corner to the opposite side and spears Vic Williams right into the brick turnbuckles. Both men stay down as Rykopathe and Blackjack meet in the center of the ring; swordfighting with their flaming chairs. The fans are still going crazy as Trey mounts Vic and starts pounding him down. Rykopathe gets a kick in on Blackjack and then levels him with the flaming chair. Blackjack crumbles and drops his flaming chair on the mat. Rykopathe goes for another shot to Blakjack's skull, but Blackjack moves out of the way and trips up Rykopathe; who drops face first onto his own flaming chair.]
Tim: OH GOD!
Jeff: This match is already getting out of hand!!
[Rykopathe starts waving his arms around and pushes his flaming chair out of ring. The chair lands in the pit of rubbing alcohol, setting the whole pit and table on fire. Blackjack picks up his own flaming chair and waits for Trey. When Trey rises, Blackjack baseball-swings the chair and nails him in the back of the head. Vic starts to get up, as you see the imprint he left on the brick turnbuckles. Vic runs at Blackjack, but he too gets nailed with the flaming chair. Blackjack raises his arms in the air, but gets tackled to the ground from behind by Rykopathe.]
Jeff: This is all out havoc!
[The flaming chair lands near the corner, right next to Trey; who begins rising to his feet. Rykopathe quickly gets up and he and Trey begin stomping on Blackjack. Trey keeps stomping but Rykopathe stomps and looks over at him. Trey lifts his head and Rykopathe immediately punches him right in the jaw. Rykopathe and Trey begin fighting near the far corner as Vic has gotten to his feet and has taken over stomping on Blackjack. Vic lifts Blackjack to his feet and backs him to the barbed-wire ropes. He whips him to the other side and Blackjack flies into the barbed-wire. He grunts out in pain as he rips himself from the barbed0wire and charges back at Vic. Vic ducks one of his clotheslines and then spikes him to the ground with a Michinoku Driver 2.]
Tim: Last Rites on Blackjack!
Jeff: What presence of mind by Vic Williams!
[Vic stands up and looks over at Rykopathe, who is beating on Trey. Vic charges him and forearms him in the back. Rykopathe bends backwards and Vic locks on a rear chancery. He grabs hold of Rykopathe's pants and lifts him up into the air. Halfway through the move, Trey grabs Rykopathe's legs and they drop him to the ground with an inverted brainbuster/powerbomb combination. The crowd cheers as Vic stands up and starts stomping on Rykopathe. Trey gets up and smiles a little. He then taps Vic on the shoulder and points towards Blackjack.]
Tim: What are these two doing?
[Vic nods his head and both he and Trey walk towards Blackjack. Trey picks up Blackjack by the hair and slaps on a standing head scissors. He lifts up Blackjack for a piledriver and Vic carfeully places his elbow over Blackjack's groin. The fans gasp in anticipation as Trey sits down with the piledriver and Vic graphically drives his elbow into Blackjack's groin. Blackjack starts flipping out as Trey and Vic stand up and shake hands.]
Tim: That HAD to hurt!
Jeff: Tim, I think that Trey and Vic have formed an alliance here in this matchup...
[Suddenly, Vic kicks Trey in the gut and slaps on a suplex. He lifts him up vertical and then throws him forward into a powerbomb. The fans boo as Vic laughs to himself and begins stomping Trey.]
Jeff: ...maybe not.
Tim: What a Vicious Bomb by Williams!
[Rykopathe and Blackjack are now rising, and staring at Vic. Blackjack charges at Vic, but Vic drops to the ground. Blackjack steps over and Rykopathe catches him with a sitdown spinebuster. Rykopathe pops right up to his feet and runs at Vic. Vic tries to drop down to the mat again, but Rykopathe stops and drops a knee to the back of Vic's neck. Vic starts rolling around in pain as Rykopathe kicks him out onto the apron and steps out himself. They are positioned right next to the table, over the glass pit.]
Jeff: Oh my god... what's gonna happen next!?!
[Blackjack is up now, and it taking advantage of the downed Trey. Blackjack begins pounding Trey in the back of the head, as the camera pans over to Vic and Rykopathe; who are fighting on the apron inbetween the table/pit and the barbed-wire ropes. Rykopathe goes for a powerslam, but Vic floats over and somehow stays on the apron. Rykopathe turns around and Vic kicks him in the gut. Vic slaps on a quick standing head scissors and lifts Rykopathe into a canadian backbreaker rack. Vic takes a look over at the table and then leaps off, slamming Rykopathe through it with a sitdown dominator.]
[Some fans are cheering, and some are booing. Almost all of them, however, are watching the HWF-Tron; where you see the three HWF staff members discussing Rykopathe's condition. Drake is shaking his head 'yes' but the other two say 'no'. Drake nods his head and the match continues. Vic and Rykopathe are both bloody and motionless now, as Blackjack picks up Trey inside of the ring and positions him near the flaming chair. Blackjack attempts a suplex, but Trey floats over and locks on a rear waistlock. He goes fro a german suplex, but Blackjack blocks it and reverses it into a reverse waistlock of his own. Blackjack steps through and trips up Trey. Blackjack, then, lifts up Trey for an inverted powerbomb and drops him right onto the flaming chair; face-first!]
Jeff: Oh God!
[The fire on the chair goes out on impact, as Trey rolls off of it, holding his face. Blackjack pulls Trey up to his feet and quickly gives him a DDT. Blackjack quickly gets up again, and keeps the pressure on. Blackjack locks Trey in suplex position and lifts him up vertical. From there, Blackjack drives Trey down to the mat with a suplex to powerslam; just as Vic starts to get up on the outside, and begins climbing to the top of the cage.]
Tim: Blackjack Driver on the Champ!
Jeff: Forget the Blackjack Driver, where is Vic going?
Tim: I dunno.
[Vic keeps climbing up, he's about 15 feet high now. In the ring, Blackjack has picked up Trey and is grinding his forehead into the barbed-wire. Blood starts dripping out of Trey's skull, as the camera gets a close up shot of it. Blackjack whips Trey backwards and Trey drops to the mat hard. Blackjack lifts him up again and whips him to the corner. Trey reverses however, and Blackjack flies into the bricks HARD. The whole ring shakes as Blackjack struggles out of the corner towards Trey. Trey waits on him and goes for a standing side kick. Blackjack ducks, though, and Trey kicks the brick turnbuckle. Almost immediately, Trey grabs his leg and drops down. Blackjack falls to a knee himself, trying to gain his composure. Vic reaches the top of the cage, and looks over at the scaffold. He looks down towards the ground and then dives onto the scaffold. He crawls over to the middle of it and then starts yelling down at Rykopathe, who is just now stirring. Blackjack gets up and looks down at Trey, who is still clutching at his leg.]
Tim: Michael Trey looks hurt bad!
Jeff: Forget Trey, what is Vic doing?
Tim: You just said that you dumbshit!
Jeff: HEY... that's not what I said. I said whe-
[Blackjack grabs Trey by the legs and pulls him to the center of the ring. He holds the legs in the air for a while, and then applies a grapvine boston crab.]
Jeff: Trey's gonna give it up!!
[Blackjack is sitting on Trey's back, staring at Chaz, Drake, and Collins. The fans watch closely as Collins is pleading with Drake and Chaz. Chaz and Drake keep saying 'no' to him though. On the outside of the ring, Rykopathe is now standing and pulling the glass shards from his body. He takes a look in the ring and smiles a little. Rykopathe then begins climbing the cage towards Vic Williams. Blackjack wrenches in the leglock even more as Collins continues arguing with Drake and Chaz. Drake now has his head down on the table, with his hands over his ears. Chaz is not saying anything; just watching Blackjack.]
Jeff: I knew it! These three can't come to an answer on whether to eliminate Trey or not! What favoritism!!
Tim: Oh, shut up Jeff! Trey's gotten out of plenty harder situations than this!
[Rykopathe is nearing the top of the cage. His blood is dripping down all the way to the arena floor. He grabs hold of the scaffold and pulls his way onto it. Vic starts to stomp at him, viciously. Blackjack still has the hold on Trey, but Trey seems to be fighting out of it. Collins is still pleading with Drake and Chaz; with no luck however. On the top of the scaffold, Vic has brought Rykopathe to his feet. He locks on a standing head scissors and points down to the ring. The fans begin to cheer and boo as Vic lifts up Rykopathe onto his shoulder. Rykopathe amazingly slips out onto his feet and low blows Vic. Vic stumbles back and then runs as Rykopathe, who lifts him up into a fireman's carry and quickly shifts it around into a michonku driver. The fans go NUTS!!]
Tim: Icon Bomb on the Scaffold!!
[Rykopathe collapses backwards, as the scaffold rocks back and forth. Blackjack is now having trouble keeping his leglock applied, and Trey is trying to do a push-up out of it. Trey screams a little and then lifts himself into the air; forcing Blackjack into the barbed-wire ropes; completely destorying one side of them. Trey grabs at his knee instantly, bu then begins standing up. Blackjack pulls himself from the broken barbed wire and turns around, still on his knees. Trey stands up and then runs towards Blackjack and dropkicks him right between the eyes. Blackjack falls through the barbed-wire ropes but misses the table, and falls right into the pit of thumbtacks. Blackjack screams out in pain as the staff members talk amongst themselves. Rykopathe is now up o nthe top of the scaffold and is waiting for Vic to get up. In the ring, Trey looks up at them and begins climbing the cage himself. Rykopathe waits for Vic to get up and then slams him down to the ground with a Faarooq-style spinebuster.]
Jeff: They're gonna break that scaffold!
Tim: What a Violence Slam by J. Simon Rykopathe!
[Blackjack is laying on the outside as Trey gets to the top of the cage. He stands atop the cage and then waits for Rykopathe to turn around. When he does, Trey dives off the top of the cage onto the scaffold with a high cross body. The scaffold shakes a little, as Trey begins hammering on Rykopathe. Trey gets off and begins pulling up the rope from the noose. He quickly ties it around Rykopathe's neck and tightens it. Rykopathe, with the noose around his neck, slaps Trey's hand away and stands up. He and Trey begins duking it out, on top of the scaffold as the fans go crazy. Vic gets up too, and runs at Trey. He goes for a clothesline, but Trey ducks and Rykopathe catches his arm in a full nelson. Still tied up in the noose, Rykopathe lifts up Vic and slams him down with a full nelson butt slam; completely snapping one of the cables holding the scaffold, and sending all three men flying off of it. Trey falls through the table and into the flourescent lights in one of the pits, as Vic lands firmly in the ring, and Rykopathe gets hung out to dry by the noose.]
Jeff: *gasp*
[Trey begins shaking uncontrolably as Vic lays motionless, and Rykopathe struggles to free himself. Chaz, Drake, and Collins are just watching this; saying nothing. Rykopathe looks helpless, just swinging around kciking his legs. Blackjack begins to stir a little as conciousness begins to leave's Rykopathe's body and he hangs there motionless. Collins looks over at the other two and nods his head. Drake nods his head as well. Chaz takes one final look at Rykopathe and then nods his head at Drake and Collins. He stands up and signals something to the ring announcer. A single bell sounds as Blackjack slides into the ring.]
Tim: What just happened?
Ring Announcer: J. Simon Rykopathe has been eliminated!!
Jeff: Could that have been Rykopathe's last match!?! Will his legcay end like that!?!
[The crowd begins to boo, but the HWF staff members just shrug their shoulders. The scaffold begins lowering down to the ring, until Rykopathe reaches the mat, still unconcious. An HWF official makes his way out to the ring and opens up the cage. He slides in and unhooks Rykopathe. A few more officials rush down to the ring to bring Rykopathe to the back. They sloppily pull him out of the cage and put him onto the rampway. An official closes up the door once again, as Blackjack gets to his feet and looks down at Vic Williams. He picks up the lifeless Williams, and points towards the flaming pit. Trey is still down on the outside, bleeding profusely all over the broken lights and table.]
Jeff: What is Blackjack about to pull?
[Blackjack attempts to throw Vic through the barbed-wire ropes into the fire, but Williams gets caught up in the barbed-wire and falls onto the apron; which is in flames itself, along with the mats below and the side of the cage. Blackjack carefully gets out onto the flaming apron, and picks up Vic. Vic somehow slaps Blackjack's hands away, and drives him down into the flames with a reverse russian legsweep. Both men disappear into the fire as the fans pop bigtime.]
Tim: Both men are out of it now!!
[A few seconds elapse, and then you see two flaming bodies roll out of the flaming pit and into the thumbtacks pit. Both men start flailing wildly, and eventually get the fire out. The camera focuses on both men, who are breathing heavily but not moving. On the other side of the ring, Trey has now slid in and is trying to pull himself to the other side. Another "MICH-AEL, MICH-AEL" chant starts up as the HWF staff looks down at Blackjack and Vic. Trey gets to the thumbtack pit, just as Vic is getting up. Trey pulls Vic into the ring and starts pounding on him. Trey whips Vic into the corner and Vic goes sturnum first into the bricks. Trey walks over and grabs Blackjack's now-fireless chair. He opens it up and sets it facing the opposite way of the flaming pit; as Blackjack slides into the ring and looks at Trey. Trey ignores him and then grabs the can of gasoline he brought earlier.]
Jeff: Uh-oh...
[Trey walks over to the nearest corner and climbs to the top of the brick turnbuckles. He opens up the can of gasoline and then throws the liquid onto the side of the flaming fence. The fence, which was flaming before, is now completely engulfed from top to bottom; blocking the fans view on that side. Ring attendants rush to get fans on that side out of the way, as they do so to try and see what's happening in the match. Trey drops the rest of the gas into the flame pit, and then waits for Blackjack. Blackjack walks over towards Trey, and Trey dives off. Blackjack, however, catches him and thrws him right over his head with a fallaway slam. Trey clutches his back, as Blackjack gets up and walks towards Vic.]
Tim: How are any of these men still going at it!?!
Jeff: No clue, Tim... no clue...
[Blackjack grabs Vic and backs him to the opposite barbed-wire ropes from the flaming pits, and the chair. Blackjack whips Vic towards the open chair, but Vic reverses. Blackjack double-reverses though, and whips Vic hard. Vic jumps onto the chair, and then onto the top rope of barbed-wire on the flaming pit side. Blackjack quickly picks up the chair and throws it at the tettering-Vic. It hits Vic right in the back and Vic does a flip into the flaming cage wall; COMPLETELY COLLAPSING THAT SIDE OF THE CAGE. Vic falls hard as the cage wall takes out the first 25 rows of chairs.]
[Blackjack collapses to the ground, as Drake and Chaz stand up and look down at Vic. They nod 'yes' towards each other and then look at Collins; who is smiling, but saying 'no'. Drake pushes Collins a little and both he and Chaz yell something at him. Collins nods his head 'yes' and Chaz signals towards the ring announcer. A bell sounds and HWF officials rush out to try and save Vic from the fire.]
Ring Announcer: Vic Williams has been eliminated!!
Tim: And Vic's gone!!
Jeff: That was a horrendous fall!
[HWF officials retrieve Vic Williams and qucikly put out the flames on the cage wall. 3 of the walls are still standing however, and Trey and Blackjack and laying in the ring right next to each other.]
Tim: And now it's down to Michael Trey and Blackjack!
[Trey slowly gets up and looks at Vic. His eyes widen as he leans back into the brick turnbuckle. Blackjack stands up as well, still not bleeding. He runs at Trey and attempts a spear, but Trey uses the barbed-wire to hoist himself up in the air and Blackjack gets a body-full of brick. Amazingly, the brick shatters, forcing Blackjack and Trey to fly to the outside halfway in the thumbtack pit, and halfway in the glass pit.]
Jeff: My God!! They're breaking everything here tonight!!
Tim: That's true Jeff.. these four men have broken the scaffold, one wall of the cage, the barbed-wire ropes, and a set of brick turnbuckles. Not to mention all of the flourescent lights, pieces of glass, thumbtacks, tables, and chairs used here tonight.
[Both men lay there for a while, and then slowly get up around the same time. Blackjack holds his shoulder as he slides into the ring and lays down in pain. Trey does the same, only with his leg. The two eventually get to their feet, and begin laying in lefts and rights. Both men look out of it. Blackjack gains the advantage and plants Trey to the mat with a spinebuster. He quickly picks him up again and plants him yet again with a spinebuster. He picks him up yet again and forces Trey over towards the broken glass pit. Blackjack slaps on a standing head scissors and lifts Trey up. The fans boo loudly as Blackjack powerbombs Trey from the ring, all the way down onto the broken table and the glass. Blackjack yells something up at Chaz, Drake, and Collins; who are watching in disbelief.]
Tim: Will they call it!?! Will Blackjack win two titles here tonight!?!
[Collins looks at the other two and nods his head 'yes'. Drake looks at Chaz and nods his head 'yes'. Chaz looks at the other two and then down at Trey, who is slightly moving, and nods.... 'no'. Drake and Collins shake their heads and start to talk to Chaz. Blackjack flips off the staff and then starts gathering the bricks from the turnbuckles together.]
Jeff: This match is continuing! But what is Blackjack planning!?!
[Blackjack lays one set of bricks in the middle of the ring, and then puts another one next to it. He grabs the final set of bricks and places it on top of the other two. He points down at Trey and then goes and brings him back into the ring. Blackjack manhandles Trey over by the bricks and points at Chaz Manson. He slaps on a standing head scissors and then signals the belt-sign.]
Jeff: Well, it was his idea to bring them in the match!!
[Blackjack picks up Trey but Trey slips out. Blackjack goes for a forearm, but Trey ducks. Blackjack spins 360 degrees around, so he's facing Trey again. Trey plants a kick and... BAM!! Trey hits a double arm DDT right onto the bricks.]
Jeff: NO!
[Trey lays there motionless for a moment and then stand up. The top set of bricks are completely destroyed, but the bottom two still remain. Trey yells out "LIGHTS OUT" and the fans give him a HUGE pop. He forces Blackjack onto the two sets of bricks and then begins scaling the cage, on the opposite side of the broken one. Trey gets about halfway up, when EVERYONE in the arena gets to their feet; including Chaz, Drake, and Collins, who are frantically discussing the situation amongst themselves. Trey reaches the top of the cage and stands up.]
Jeff: This is almost exactly how he beat Rykopathe at Yes 2 Karnage a little under a year ago!!
Tim: Isn't it funny how history repeats itself!?!
[Trey signals to all of the fans and then yells "LIGHTS OUT" again. The fans cheer as Trey dives off the cage backwards and the lights suddenly cut out. Everyone is silent as you hear a sickening thud and crumbling from inside of the ring. The lights stay out for a few seconds and then suddenly kick on; with Trey on top of a bloody Blackjack. The crowd kicks in with a HUGE pop andthe staff members continue their talking.]
Tim: OH.... ...MY... ...GOD!!
Tim: Will they call it!?!
[Trey gets to his knees and looks down at Blackjack, who is going into colvulsions on the broken bricks. Trey has a look of hatred on his face, but his eyes suddenly widen. Blood starts shooting from Blackjack's mouth as the fans turn their attention to the HWF staff. The staff has now gotten into a huddle. A few moments later, they turn around and stand motionless. Trey looks over at them, with the fans. Suddenly; Chaz, Drake, and Collins all point at the ring announcer and the bell rings.]
Ring Announcer: Blackjack has been eliminated...
[HUGE pop from the fans.]
Rign Announcer: ....making your winner, and STILL HWF World Champion... MICHAEL TREY!!
Tim: He did it!
["Sleep Now in the Fire" kicks in as HWF staff runs down towards ringside, with a group of officials. The cage, or what's left of it, starts to be lifted up as staff and officials enter the ring to check on Blackjack. Trey stands up and stumbles out of the ring. He collapses on the outside, but instantly starts to get back up again. Chaz, Drake, and Collins watch him as he leaves, as officials try to steady Blackjack.]
Jeff: ...dammit... not again!
Tim: Ladies and Gentlemen, Michael Trey is still your World Champion!
Jeff: I'll give it to him... that was a GREAT match!
[EMT's rush out from the back as Trey climbs onto the table that HWF staff was sitting at. He raises the belt in the air victoriously, while looking around at the crazy fans.]
Tim: Folks, our next Pay-Per-View will take place on December 24th, 2000!
Jeff: It will be entitled Holy Night, but it proves to be completely the opposite of that!!
Tim: Make sure you join us... Goodnight, from San Fransisco!!
[Chaz, Drake, and Collins start to make their way to the back. Michael Trey is still posing for the fans, who are taking the oppurtunity to get some pictures of the champ. Flashes are seen all throughout the arena. Trey yells something up towards the sky and the camera begins to fade out to black.]