Signature Moves: |
"Cradle of Sin" Reverse Hurricanrana "Fall of Society" Super Pinning German Suplex "Blind Plummet" Top Rope Samoan Drop "Fit of Fury" Top Rope Rolling Samoan Drop "Chainsaw Sweep" High Angle Chokeslam onto Back of Neck "Last Rites" Michinoku Driver 2 "Supernova" Tombstone from Top Rope "Sudden Silence" Standing on the Top Rope Powerslam "Vicious-Bomb" Suplex to Powerbomb "Whisper of the Wicked" 3/4 Nelson Front Leg Sweep |
Setup Move: Kick to Stomach
Finishing Move: 3D / Sideshow / Plague of Pain / Descending Angel
Description: Flatliner / Sitdown Dominator / Super Fireman's Carry into Gutbuster / Corkscrew Splash
Brief Life History: It all started when Brian Williams
and his wife of many years, Joanne had
first of two children, both eventually rising to be professional wrestlers.
Victor Allan Williams was born into the poor, poverty stricken family in
city climate of Vancouver, British Columbia.Vic's parents both were
struggling to keep there heads above the water, and survive.At the age of
6, Vic was strucken with sorrow, the first of many times in his life.
Williams father died of an apparent drug overdose.At this age Vic was able
roam a few back alleys and scavage for food, as his mother drunk herself to
pity.When Vic hit grade 7, he was already forming a build, and had
quickness, which would eventually lead him to a career in track and field.
During Vic's Grade 7 year, his mother would give birth to another child,
Randy A. Williams.Vic grew an interest in football but wasn't big enough to
play.The next year, while Vic was in Grade 8, his mother was run down by a
large car, on one of her "magical" highs.Forced to leave school, to take
of a 2 year-old, Vic went through many foster homes, but never was able to
settle for more than a few months before he was shipped off, during this
he was interested in martial arts.By the time Vic was 15 he had been
too many homes for him to remember.As younger brother Randy grew, Vic was a
reckless teen, and started roaming the streets, always being caught by the
cops for shoplifting, and crime, due to his poverty.As Vic and his younger
brother Randy got moved out of their western Canadian roots, to the big
of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
During Vic life in Toronto, he got involved in a local YMCA, training in
martial arts.He later ended fighting in small prize fights, for only a
$100 a night.During this tenure, Vic started fighting more and more,
borrowing money from lone sharks, then fighting them when he couldn't pay
his debts.As Vic, got tougher, he got a much more aggressive and landed the
nickname, "Vicious."Williams would go on to meet a wrestling trainer, who
went by the name of "Too Tough" Tony Robertson.
Robertson, was like a father to Vic.He trained him to grapple with the best
of them, but Vic wasn't like him.They had conflicting personalitys.As Vic
grew, like many other 17 year olds, he rebelled.As Vic trained on he got
built, became quicker, then one night tradgety struck.On his way home, Tony
Robertson, was attacked by an old loneshark who was waiting for revenge on
Vic.Roberton recieved 7 bullets from a 9 nillimetre, in the chest.This lead
to the new age of madness.
At the age of 17, Vic went after this loneshark, and met up one night.Vic
outside the Dragonthorn's Lair Pub, he heard a women's scream, as he ran
behind the pub, he saw a man on top of a women, a she was struggling.In a
of rage, Vic snapped, and pulled the man off the women, who would become
wife.As the man went for the attack Vic punched him in the face, then
launched himself in the air, and spin heel kicked him to the concrete.Vic
onto the man's chest and started to choke him until he no longer wriggled.
he woman came over to Williams' side, as she called 911, the lady took Vic
to an apartment.She identified herself as Rennee Holt, a vivacious 16 year
old, as she was attacked after leaving the pub.The bright eyed blond,
took a liking to Vic, and they started going out, 15 months later she was
called Rennee Williams.
By this time Vic was almost 19, and jobless.Looking for work, he started to
think of all he knew.Not being at school since Grade 9, he only really knew
wrestling.Picking up the yellow pages he got employed by a local indy fed,
TCW, Toronto Canadian Wrestling.After signing a 6 month contract, Vic's
match was against Johnny Kinsmen.He took the ring under the persona of,
"Wildfire" Mike Fury.As the match progressed Kinsmen rocked the newcomer
a savate kick and knocked him out.An unimpressive debut.His contract was
quickly closed as Vic went back into training.Getting a job at a warehouse, he was occupied with various things, until the tender age of 24.
During the five years away from the ring, him and Rennee kept there
relationship close knit.Randy and Vic hadn't seen eachother for years and
by then Randy was a large muscular 17 year old.After being laid off from
the warehouse, Vic was once more unemployed and broke.With a build, and
intact with his lightning quickness, decided to wrestle once more.He would
move South, to the state of New York before he would be down and out.
After the move to New York, Vic signed with the LWC.Long Island Wrestling
Champions.Mking his debut once more, in a short 1:34 match-up Vic recieved
submission win over Cley Parker, via choke-out.Trainer, Jeff Carlson took a
shine to Williams, and sent him to train in a dojo, in Osaka, Japan.So off
went Vic for training.Rennee remained in New York, but moved in the
with Carlson.
Once arriving in Osake, Vic didn't know anybody, or anyone, let alone the
language.He quickly learnt there was one universal language CASH.Once
arriving to the dojo, Vic was trained in technical skills, a sharpened his lucha
skills.Quickly mastering the art of flight, he swiftly learnt how to bring
a man to his knees, but later learned the art of innovation and shoot.
Arriving to New York once more, he was met with a phone call from younger
brother Randy.Randy, 18, wanted to become a wrestler.Relentlessly agreeing
Randy moved from his home in Toronto, out to New York.In Vic's second match
in the LWC, his third career match, he destroyed Intercontinental Champ,
Greg Patterson in devastating fashion, after Vic took a chair and violently
swung it hard against Patterson's skull.Fired from LWC, for his actions
Randy, and Rennee left New York, to move to Japan.Here he would live for
another two years.
After arriving in Japan, Vic signed a contract with the HAW.Hardcore
Wrestling.In Vic's debut match-up in HAW, against Yushi Osakuri, Vic
the crafty 10 year veteran in a brutal barbwire match-up, Vic's first one.
After choking Yushi with a Triangle Choke hold, he executed a spinning ddt
onto a chair.Williams slowly battled his way up the ranks of HAW, until he
was #1 contender.He went up against hardcore gladiator, Hawk Rousinorf, and
defeated him after an attempted clothesline with a modified Russian Leg
Sweep, which would later be renamed the 3D.During this tenure Randy went
training and went to Mexico, as Vic and Rennee, remained in Japan until one
day he turned on his tv.Vic saw somethig completely revolutionary in
Wrestling, something he liked.He picked up a phone a called Hornet, and
he made his way back to North America.
After discussing contracts with Hornet, "Vicious" Vic, signed a multi-year,
multi-million dollar contract.There were other accentives so Vic moved back
to Vancouver, B.C to prove a point.On arrival to the HWF, Hardcore
Federation, Vic would start fueding with "Delicious" Dave.
Dave was,"A muscular, well skilled asshole, what more could be said?"As
Vic fueded with Davidson, one night he had his knee placed on a rope, and
snapped.Davidson endulged in the agony I faced.I was stretchered out, my
immobilized as they were about to stretcher me out of the arena, I climbed
off the stretcher, and grabbed a folding chair, possessed like a
Dave had some opponent in the "Delicious" Deathlock, I crawled up onto the
apron and destroyed his head, with a chair shot which shattered my chair,
and knocked him out.
For some reason the Davidson fued never really evolved into anything.At one
time, Vic was so enraged with Dave.He over did violence in a match, which
caused Hornet to suspend him for awhile.As Vic was off, broke without his
wrestling cash, and pissed at the world.He trained, Carlson taught Vic
by the time Vic returned from his suspension, Dave was fueding with Crazy
Chuck, a wild hardcore wrestler.Vic began to team with Chuck, but Chuck's
contract disolved so that team never really made it to the spotlight.Vic
alone once more, felt he needed a stable.The HWF's most elite stable at the
time was the Asylum.
Vic soon joined the Asylum, as Rennee moved back to Vancouver.As predicted
the Asylum's personality would soon destroy the grouping.Quickly Vic
from the Asylum and fueded with them.One man he hated, was Mortiis, this
dark character, just barely walked away with his championship, on a card,
after Vic shattered his knee cap with a chair.Afterwards, Mortiis quickly
lost the title and dissapeared.As a Canada/US fued waged in the fed, Vic
really care, but while trying to play to the fans, Vic teamed with Hunter,
a huge monster, a powerbomb monster, with the Killshot.The devastating
Powerbomb destroyed many, but after the tag-match they won, the two
eachother and Vic dissapeared.
As the HWF shut down, Vic went down to Mexico, with Randy and one night
decided to give the Mexican fans a treat.In front of the AAA crowd, Randy
Vic slaughtered the face team of Sonico and Litastico.As Randy powered
Sonico up and held him in a powerbomb, Vic jumped off the top and reverse
ddt'ed the Mexican athlete.Randy dropped to his knees, and got the one,
three, he finally proved Vic he was worth sponsoring into an elite,
As the HWF, re-opened, Vic went back, and entered an 8-man tournement for
the World title.In the following weeks Flaming Soul fueded and teamed with
Vic.It was a rouse all along.In the semi-finals Vic was fighting Psycho
Prince, with a large butler on the outside.Well, it was around December,
Vic promised a gift, and brought a rather large one.As the butler opened,
the package it was revealed Flaming Soul was inside, who fought Lost Soul
earlier in the night.Flaming Soul quickly destroyed the butler, and left
Prince shocked for the 3D and a loss.
Vic went into the finals, all for nothing, and gold was wanted.This was
second World Title shot ever!!!He took it all on Hunter, and in this epic
battle Vic won with a huge Vic soaked in the glory, people were
already trying to unseat Vic.By Monday, Vic had already joined a stable,
headed by the HWF Prez Hornet.Vic's past with Hornet wasn't that great.He
never really liked the it became the Corporate Extremists,
Extream, and Randy.As Vic beat Hunter in an electrified ladder match, Vic
a bit pissed.Hunter didn't get the clean defense he wanted.So Extream's
interference sort of tarnished Vic's name.Everyone said Vic need the team,
prove himself as a World Champ.Vic soon left the team and once again the
group joined up, all a sham, they all fueded with Hornet, the Elite was
Extream soon became the US champ, and tag-champ, and Vic, World Champ, the
Elite ruled the federation.The glamour wouldn't last long.
After the group dissolved once more, the most interesting chapter of Vic's
career started.Him and Randy were still a team, but Vic had to defend the
gold against a monster in a Scaffold Match.Boxes below was all that stopped
you from hitting the floor.The boxes filled with gravel and glass, wasn't a
great landing.It was supposed to be 3-way, Vic vs. Lost Soul vs.
plague'd in the following weeks by a masked man.During the match it was
Furor and Vic...Lost Soul never arrived due to injury.But as Vic had Furor
down and beaten with a 3D, the masked man arrived.He attacked Vic, and
him off.Vic just lost his World Title.In a revenge match, against the now
unmasked figure, Chaos an old enemy from the Asylum, they fought in a strap
match.Near the end of the epic battle, a relatively unknown wrestler, a
jobber tried to make a name off of me and Chaos.We were strapped together,
and sure as hell weren't gonna help eachother.We both took a helluva
from Jennings.Robert Jennings thought he was an Outlaw.Every Outlaw must be
stifled sooner or later.The low talent, brawler, soon learnt why Vic's
reputation was feared.As Vic entered the arena, and awaited, Jennings
in, in for the most hellacious crazy bastard ever."The Outlaw" had cost Vic
his number one contendership, and Vic was out for blood.After savagely
brutalizing Jennings, Vic climbed his way to the top of the Cell, and in a
move which scratched an image into the memory of thousands of fans, dove
the Hell in a Cell.Jennings was hit with the most suicidal of suicide
but Vic jumped a little too far, and snapped his neck across the top of the
guardrail.Injured, the modern day gladiator was stretchered out, but as
gloated and Vic caught eye on a monitor, he unstrapped himself, and as
security, and even HWF Prez Hornet, tried to stop Vic, his mind set,
him to get back into the cage to finish and win the match-up.As he lay
fatigued in the middle of the ring after beating Jennings, Vic was met to a
standing ovation, which he couldn't muster the power to even acknowledge,
Vic's in-ring career was nearly over, or was it?
As VP of the HWF, the great Ben Battiste, due to personal issues retired,
all the lawless wrestlers of the HWF walked over Hornet.The HWF needed a
power.As Hornet ws pushed to the edge, and Vic still in a neck brace, sat
home jobless, he was offered the VP position of the HWF.Vic ran the fed
an iron fist, until his old ally and nemesis became commisioner.Hell bent,
get back at Hornet, Vic soon pushed off his Hardcore Champ brother Randy,
went solo.Destroying his HWF office, and destroying the lobby of HWF
finally Vic had lost his mind.Could the reckless, careless, maniacal genius
had a game plan.Arch-nemesis Lost Soul had been being pushed around, but as
Soul got screwed out of matches, he felt he needed a partner.And in one night, as Soul walked out with a masked man, he won the HWF tag gold, in a
casket match.This was the night the legendary Misfit grouping was born.Vic
and Lost Soul soon had their own agenda trying to take over the HWF.In one card this powerful duo, destroyed every match and wrestler, showing and
proving its' dominance.Not even a grouping opf security could stop Vic from
getting in Hornet's face and slapping him.Soon the fed would have a fate,
unlike Vic had planned.As Soul, and a cocky bastard by the name of James
Lazlo, an old Elite member, fueded with Soul, he eventually destroyed the
fed, framing the Misfits.The demise of the HWF was met, it closed down.
Both men, now un-employed went their separate ways.
Now as Randy went off, leaving his wrestling career, to get a job doing
construction, Vic still had a plan.He quickly got into the ring once more,
now in the less hardcore Feudal Wrestling Federation.In the FWF it was a
different game, no chairs anymore, just pure grappling.Luckily, possessing
his past skills, Vic was very successful losing only two matches out of 15.
Joining up with a witty, yet cocky, former enemy, the man, Lost Worlds,
joined Vic and Rennee, to create the stable of the Lawless.The duo of
and Vic never got anywhere before the fed shut down due to bankruptcy.
Once again, like many times before, Vic signed a contract, a bond which he
practically made a pact with the devil, namely James Lazlo.Lazlo the VP, of
this fed, named Extreme World Wrestling Federation, EWWF for short, had
future but the ascociates in the back would be its' downfall.Hornet,
Chaz ran this fed, but his bodyguard Maniak would be a great team, but left
since no amount of cash, was worth the personal hell Lazlo hassled them
Chaz, Vic, and Maniak left, along with such greats as the Black Ninja, and
the Furor.These greats minus Maniak signed with a new fed...another era of
Vic's career.
Once entered to the NECW federation, Vic went off like dynamite taking the
ranks in a fury.Joining up with Chaz, and Ninja, the stable of Freaks
Unleashed, would soon end once Chaz left the fed, to go do the backstage
once more.As Vic exiled from a group, alone once more, he fended for
nearly winning the International Title, but soon became unfocused.Training
stopped, and the pot smoking, and booze plagued him.As he signed a
Loser-Leaves-Fed contract, losing to the most ignorant prick, Triple X.
The career of the NECW is done with.Headed for a future in a new fed, he
signed with the EWA...a great plan...
Once entering, making appearances on tv, unrecognized, behind scenes he was
talking to his old friend Lost Soul...a connection would soon be revealed.
Reborn, the Misfits were taking the fed by storm.On the night Lost Soul
out and won almost all of the feds gold, the music hit, and American Psycho
blared, out walked the Misfits, as Chaz walked out, after the Misfits
house we walked out with the EWA tag-team title.By the nex week almost
everyone dropped out of the fed, cause the competition got too stiff.
Appearance: Long blond hair, with an pierced right eyebrow, with a silver hoop through it, wears a black trenchcoat coming to the ring, or a black leather jacket.Wears a yellow or black tights with a gothic design down the side that reads, Vicious.Many scars from all his matches, and fights with black army boots on in streetfights, and hardcore matches.He wears wrestling boots for regualr matches.