Stable Moves: |
"7th Siren of the Apocolypse" Pumphandle into Emerald Fusion/K-Driller "Soul Asylum" Rear Chancery into Neckbreaker (inverted Twist of Fate) |
Stable Finisher: Forever Forgotten
Description: Super Double Chokeslam into Moonsault/Frogsplash Combo
How Stable was Formed: Michael Trey had come to a revelation about the wrestlers of the HWF. After all the backstabbings of stables formed long ago, Michael came to a conclusion that truly no one in this new age of turmoil could be trusted, not even people he had known since he broke into the business. Michael was hit by a car in the early past, and was about to break back into the federation that made him such a huge name. But to his disgust, the fans had begun to cheer for anyone, in any given week, even if they were truly evil. No one had even remembered about the man known as Trey... the HWF had turned into a world of fads and trends. This disgusted Michael to the point where he decided that he wanted revenge against anyone and everyone who turned the HWF into such a corrupt society. But with all the stables forming around him, untrusting or not, Michael needed someone to cover his ass, so he turned to the only people he could: His brother Joshua Trey and two friends that the Trey brothers had known since early childhood. This alliance would be one that would be harder to break than a chain link, for there was no weak link in this pack, all equal in importance. With no backstabbings or trechery to worry about, Michael, his brother, and friends Howitzer and Shrapnel would have no distractions into taking back the HWF.
Stable's Goal: The goal of the Forgotten Souls is to expose the HWF for what it really is: A bunch of blood hungary heartless people who want nothing more than to feed their own success and fame by making their way up the corporate ladder: and in most cases, it nvolves stepping over others, whther it be friend or foe. The Souls wish to show the fans what comradery truly is, by making their way up that same ladder together, and crushing anything that gets in the way. They wish to show the fans that wrestling hasn't all gone hardcore, and they wish to remind the fans just who they are, so they won't ever be Forgotten again
Individual Pages: Michael Trey / Blake Frost / Howitzer / Shrapnel