
Height: 6'
Weight: 202 lbs.
Age: 22
Theme Music: "Close the Door" by Prong
Alignment: Face/Heel Combo
Wrestling Style: Hardcore

Signature Moves: Twisting Bulldog in Corner
"Innocence Lost" Kick to Groin in Corner
Cradle Piledriver
Frotn Suplex onto Ropes

Setup Move: Sidewalk Slam
Finishing Move: Into the Ashes
Description: Inverted Implant DDT

Brief Life History: Phoenix was born in Brockport, NY, a small and out in the middle nowhere suburb of Rocherster, and spent the first 19 years of his life there living with his abusive and alcoholic father as his mother ran off and married a truck driver when he was only eight years old. Throughout his years at home, Phoenix’s father disapproved of everything he did and was sure to let him know about it through his drunken beatings of Phoenix. The only time the two ever got along was when they would watch the weekly Saturday morning wrestling programs. In June 1996, Phoenix returned home from school to tell his father that he had failed his senior year of high school for a second time. His father, in one of his normal drunken rages, began to attack and brutally beat Phoenix. Phoenix then ran out of the house. He didn’t stop running until reached a local arena where an independent wrestling show was being put on. Phoenix explained his situation to the show’s promoter and told him that he would do anything to stay involved in wrestling, his only comfort. The promoter took a liking to Phoenix and took him into his home allowing him to work with the ring crew at shows while he could sometimes train with a veteran wrestler if there was time. Phoenix worked and trained this way for about 2 years. Although he did learn quite a bit about pro wrestling, he became exceptionally good at taking beatings and taking falls. After these two years, Phoenix ventured out on his own to work for various indy feds including HWF.

Appearance: Phoenix has short, dark hair which doesn’t even cover his forehead. He has deep blue eyes and a plain, clean-shaven face except for a one inch scar under his right eye that runs vertically down his face. His traditional wrestling and street clothes are basically the same as he routinely wears torn up black corduroy shorts which come to just below his knees, black boots, and a plain black t-shirt with his name on it in plain red letters and the sleeves torn off. Overall, his build is somewhat muscular, but he is by no means ripped.
