In the Lime Light
John, I first must congratulate you on your championship... How does it feel to be the HWF King of Violence Champion?
-Damn man...I can't even begin ta tell ya what this title means to me. To some of ya out there, it's just a belt you win and lose, but to me, it means so much more than that. Ta me, it means evertime I had somethin' 'gainst me, I got past it, overcame those obstacles. I never had a family, never had love, I had to work from ground ass zero to get to where I am now, and to be a champion after all that, shit, it's the best fellin' in the world. The only way it can get better is when I win the World title, then really prove to the world and ta myself, that I be the real deal.
As the King of Violence champion, you must know that you will be in some very extreme and violent matches. Are you ready to go to any lengths to retain the belt?
-Well course I do. I knew when I went inta this tournament that I'd have to be doin' all sorts of crazy shit to win and that's just what I went out there and did. I ain't got any problems doin' whatever I have ta do to win. It's been like that since I can remember, so this ain't no different. On the streets ya gots to get the win no matter what, can't let somebody beat ya, you gots ta get them, so you pull out all the stops, do whatever ya can, get that win. I was born with that in my blood, so it ain't gonna be a problem.
How does Tasha feel about your new "violent" persona?
-Tasha? Well, she don't care about me so much cuz she knows that I be. Like I told ya before, this "violent" stuff you talkin' bout, that's how I've always been. She's more worried that I'll get hurt or maybe die up in the ring in some weird ass match. I can't help how she is cuz I be tryin' all the time, but...sometimes ya just got ta deal with it. If she wants to be with me, she's gonna have ta accept it. If not, don't watch, all I got ta say.
Who is the toughest opponent you've fought so far in the HWF?
-That be a tie between Howitzer and Michael Trey. I fought both of em in the tournament and they gave me the hardest matches I ain't ever had. Both of em are tough mother fuckers and I gotta give em their props, they can hang wit' me. But there's a difference 'tween hangin' with me and bein' as good as me. Trey, he got the good as me thing, but Howitzer, he can hang, just can't get above me. I'm just too much for him.
Do you ever feel your size holds you back or does it make you better?
-My size makes me better. My whole life I've always been the small kid in school and always been picked on. So, course me, I didn't take that shit and went buck ass wild on anybody talkin' bout me. Here though, I mean, course it's gonna hold ya back, but I don't think it does that much cuz as quick as my ass is, I can get out of about every move you can throw at me while their big slow asses are standin' there while I run circles 'round em. Speed is better than size any day of the week, don't care whatcha say. And also, bein' small helps me cuz I gotta focus that much more than my opponent. They don't take me serious and that's how they get beat, when they gonna learn....?
What was your favorite match to fight in during King of Violence?
-My favorite match in the tournament was the 4 Pits of Pain match. That's just some weird fucked up shit there. All those pits of nails, glass, coals, all that shit...It's just crazy to me to fight in somethin' like that. Course it be fun to, to some extent. I didn't like gettin' thrown in that glass, but overall, that's my favorite match to be in so far. I know the HWF has some other weird fuckin' matches, so we'll see what I get put in later...
Michael Trey: The World champ. I don't like him as most peeps know, but I gotta give him his props, he's one good wrestler. I can't wait till I finally get in a World title match wit' em. Already beat em once...
Lance Sterling: Man sucks cock...he has a gay man's name and has a shirt that says he sucks cock. Whatcha want me to say? Ok, he's a good wrestler and one of the best wrestler round in awhile. But don't change da fact he be playin' the skin flute.
Justin Storm: I dunno bout em, I only seen him cut a promo like one time since I been here. But, he's alright...he likes to talk bout me like everybody else. I just wanna see if he's gonna back up his words...
Chris Goings: Now you wants to talk bout gay? This man's pic he be usin' on his promos is somethin' like you'd find in one of Lance's videos. It's just, I dunno, gay. For real though, when he shows up, he's damn good and could easily be up there with us main eventers.
Jayson Starr: My boy...Jayson is one coo' man. I wish one of these days we'd tag up and win them tag belts, but we gots ta let Magnum Force get em back. I think Starr got the talent, just need to apply himself, get that World title that the X-Tremists need.
Nick Diamante: Another cool man. When he gets back from that long ass vacation he's on, it's gonna be curtains for tha HWF cuz then the X-Tremists are gonna be back in full force. One of the better mid/high carders out there, all he needs is a break to get to the main event status.
Blake Frost: This man is strange. All he be sayin' is exhaust the frost and shit like that. I dunno, maybe he's coo' but he'll have ta talk towards me for me ta find out. He's a good wrestler though and like Nick, just needs that one break.
Trevor Lasek: *laughs* Don't get me started on him. He thought he was gonna get me in his hometown and everythin' then his damn fans cheered for me. That's some funny got loyal fans there Trev. I always knew Canada was where the stupids asses lived, but damn...
Vinny Vile: His ass is hardcore. Man, he goes beyond hardcore, he needs to be locked up somewhere. I'd be damned if I lit myself on fire to jump on somebody. I just don't be goin' like that. when he wants ta be, Vinny and Mike are the best tag team out there and they best get there rematch soon. As for a singles man, Vinny is a damn good wrestler and gave me a hell of a run the other night. I'm glad I could fight em, see what my boy be like in my group, see what kinda man he be: bout it, bout it, or one of them fake ass mother fuckers. Now I know he be bout it, bout it just like all the X-Tremists.
I'd just like to thank John for taking time to answer a few questions. He seems very straight forward about his beliefs and that can only take him up, here in the HWF. Thanks for tuning in, I'll have another In the Lime Light next week!
-Chaz Manson
John Justice
June 2000