"In The Lime Light"

Edition 5

Guest: "The Hardcore Hero" Jayson Starr


The faction wars have recently engulfed the HWF. What was your main reason
to form the X-Tremists?

Well... basically I formed The X-Tremists for the purpose of restoring
fairness and order back to the HWF. Lately, I've been seeing nothin' but constant screwjobs by the former Perfect Alliance, now known as The HWF's Finest. Them and the stable that's no longer around anymore, Hardcore Revolution, have always strived to do nothin' but get what they want by any means possible. I'm sick n' tired of seein' that dumb shit every damn week. So I found some people in the HWF who haven't been sucked into either faction's propaganda, and formed the greatest GOOD stable in the HWF, with the soul purpose of ending the bullshit: The X-Tremists.

Your fellow stablemates, The X-Tremists, are all young and promising
athletes. Are you trying to represent the next wave of the HWF generation?

Yeah, I suppose you could say that. I observed all the athletes in the HWF, and all the newcomers and read up on their backgrounds. And from there I selected the best ones that I felt would fill the job. Yes, they're all new athletes in the HWF, but they're no rookies. Nick Diamante, he's a bad ass who won't take shit from nobody and is great in the ring. John Justice, grew up on the mean streets and is a soul survivor. Handles himself great in the ring, and is a all around cool guy. And Magnum Force, they we're BORN extreme. They're quickly provin' to the world, that they truly are the "most extreme team to ever grace the planet".

Lance Sterling, the World Champion, was pinned by yourself at a recent Saturday Suicide. Do you feel you justly deserve a title shot, now that you've pinned him for the three count?

Oh there's no doubt about that. I deserved a title shot BEFORE that Suicide. If you remember, at May Mayhem, I was whippin' his ass badly. Until brick-wall Bronson showed up and they had to double-team me. But hey, I STILL came out on top. The carelessness that he displayed then which got me the win, is the shit that'll get his ass dropped each and every single time he steps in the ring with me. So yeah, I definitely deserve a damn title shot at that World Championship that Lance, surely doesn't deserve.

Michael Trey and yourself seemed to beginning a friendship, but this all evidently was smashed at May Mayhem. Are you still in good relations with Michael Trey and what is your feelings about him?

Me and Michael are rivals, but not enemies. We're in constant competition with each other, and personally, I don't think either one of us is gonna win. I promised Trey that I'd have a match with him, and that hasn't happened yet. May Mayhem didn't even really count, 'cause we had distractions. Chris Goings, the FORMER Hardcore Champion, now just current dipshit supreme.. and that annoying itch that just won't go away, Blackjack. Me and Michael Trey will still have our match one day, and when that happens.. all HELL's gonna break lose when we tear that arena apart. End of story.

What do you feel your best match, so far, in the HWF has been?

Definitely, the "Shattered Dreams" match I had with Nick Diamante and Steve Perry. That was the most grueling nights of my life. A hyped-up "Hardcore Hopefuls" match, redone and improved greatly. Glass mat, weapons scattered around the ring, all inside of a Hell in a Cell. That match was truly awesome. We all went to the very extreme on that Suicide, and at the end, "The Hardcore Hero" Jayson Starr, came out on top.

Now, I'll name a few of your fellow workers and you tell me what comes to mind.

Michael Trey: A great athlete, and a HWF living legend. Although we're rivals, doesn't mean I don't highly respect him as an athlete. He's also the HWF's first and only Triple Crown Champion. The "Gates of Hell" match I had with him was great, but we unwanted pests around. Soon, me and Trey will go at it, one-on-one, man-to-man. And the best man, WILL win.

"Stunning" Lance Sterling: The most arrogant son-of-a-bitch on planet Earth. Period. He's the main reason The X-Tremists exist now. He always wants everythin' HIS way, and thinks his all this and that just because he starred in a couple gay-porn B-movies. He's floating around on his high cloud of arrogance right now 'cause he's the undeserving HWF World Champion. So very soon. I'm gonna knock him right off that damn cloud, snatch his title right out from under him, and send his pompous ass crashin' back down to Earth for a reality check.

Chris Goings: A moronic faggot. I don't even feel like wastin' my fuckin' breath talkin' about him. Next.

"The Diamond Stud" Nick Diamante: A great wrestler, and a good friend. Though, his mouth could get him into a world of trouble that he doesn't want.

"Violent" Vinny Vile: He is one INSANE motherfucker. I'm glad he's on my side. This man'll jump off of any and everythin' that's elevated. I don't think there's anything he won't do. For Vinny and his cousin, Mike Javelin, I truly think that describing them as the words "extreme" and "hardcore" would be a great understatement.

Blake Frost: I don't know much about Blake, but it surprised the hell outta me when it was announced that he's Michael Trey's brother. I think he'll be quite a powerful player in the game very soon.

"The Canadian Phat Boy" Trevor Smith: A bitch. This man holds personal grudges against people he loses to. Vinny Vile stomped a ten-foot mudhole in his ass on a previous Suicide, and he holds a grudge for it. Smith was going around before the match sayin' that Vinny was probably gonna get The X-Tremists to jump him or somethin' cause he's with 'em. No, that wasn't the case Smith... nor would it have been. Vinny single-handedly crushed your ass from bell to bell throughout that match. And if you try to attack him because he humiliated you in front of your little girlfriend that you picked up, I promise you this Smith: I will PERSONALLY, end your career.


I'd like to thank Jayson Starr for taking some time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions for "In the Lime Light."

-Chaz Manson; May 2000