"In The Lime Light"

Edition 4

Guest: Blackjack


You were the first ever HWF Hardcore champion and fought in some crazy matches at the rebirth of the HWF. How do you feel the Hardcore title has held up since you lost the belt at Yes 2 Karnage?

Well I left the MY Hardcore Title with a great competitor in "The Icon" J. Simon Rykopathe. Then my friend "The Icon" was a jackass and gave up the title. It's ok though. In my eyes "NBK" sucks. I beat him in the Hardcore Title Tournament and I beat him on a separate occasion. What makes you say I can't beat him again? Then he dropped it, then Thunder dropped it, then NBK dropped it, then Justin dropped it, finally leaving it with Michael Trey. Hell Michael Trey was the first World Champ since the re-birth and I respect him for that. But he knows he doesn't belong in the run for the MY Hardcore Belt. Tell him to go get a tag team partner or something Perfect Alliance sucks also. Maybe I'll be his partner, you never know in the HWF!

You recently reappeared from a long absence. Any explanation as to why you were away for so long?

I was appearing a fed called the XWF if you remember the wrestler Brett Logan who had a short stay here. He asked me to join there and I said ok. I had an Xtreme and US Title run there so am not complaining. Another reason I left after ICON barbecued me back in January at "Y2K". What would of you done? Then I came back and in a MAJOR, MAJOR upset I lost to Extream in a Japanese Death Match. Which includes nails, fire, and C4. What the hell do you expect? I was taking my time off. Hey I got a girlfriend in Miss Stephanie you know?

As one of the best wrestlers to be in the rebirth of the HWF, how do you feel about the talent level which is currently in the fed?

The problem with the HWF is that it has too many rookie wrestlers like Justin Storm, Jayson Starr, and Lance Sterling. Now I'll list the veterans, um Blackjack and that's it! Who else? To answer your question the talent level besides me, sucks. Maybe if you could recruit some older wrestlers, maybe bring ICON, Thunder, and Black Ninja there and that would have some people to guide the under talent in the HWF!

What title are you currently aimed for at this time?

I recently challenged Jayson Starr and he accepted however he's not putting his Number One Contendership for the Hardcore Title up. He says he's worked too hard. Now right there what we see is a lazy wrestler. Another lazy wrestler is Flame. He wins the World Belt and then leaves forever. What's up with that? It's the Hardcore Belt as of now, but when I accomplish that it will be the World.

How do you feel about the ongoing feud between the Perfect Alliance and the
Hardcore Revolution? Most people not in the feud are choosing sides just to be safe, where do you fit in?

That's another problem we need to fix here. Everybody has to pick a side to be safe. You wanna know what side am picking? Am picking myself! That's what I am going to be, myself. I could care less about the Perfect Alliance and the Hardcore Revolution, they all suck. Now I have a tag team partner in training and when his training is complete we'll have the Tag Team Gold.

Jayson Starr has recently declined a match for the #1 Contendership to the Hardcore title. Will this mean a definite hatred between Starr and yourself?

No, not at all I'll get the Number One Contendership on my own. Who is the other guy who has it now? Chris Goings right. Maybe he wont be a pussy like Jayson is. But after I get MY Hardcore Belt back I'll give Jayson the first shot as a sign of respect. The thing is it wont be for the Hardcore Belt. It will be for a match for the Hardcore Belt.

Jayson Starr: A loser, who is a very lazy man. Can't even defend what he earned.

Chris Goings:
A great competitor. I don't know much about him but he is a Number One Contender for the Hardcore Belt so he must be a good competitor.

Lance Sterling:
A pretty boy who tries to get ahead but fails. He thinks he can beat me, but he can't.

Justin Storm:
This kid must be good. Isn't he the World Champ or something? Well if he is he better watch his back.

Michael Trey:
Pretty good wrestler, don't know much about him. I'll I know is that he's a former World Champion so he must be good. I would of won if it wasn't for the Gates Of Hell though!

He is an idiot, he can't even spell extreme correctly. He is a former champ just as Trey is, so he must be good in the ring.

The Icon:
Good cook.


I'm glad to have had the time to sit down and get to know Blackjack a bit better and I'm very excited to have him back in the HWF!

-Chaz Manson; April 2000