"In The Lime Light" Edition 3 Guest: Thunder -- This time, I sit down with former Hardcore champion, Thunder. I found Thunder to be a very "in your face" styled guy, but is still down to earth and modest… You just recently lost the Hardcore title to Marcus Fernandez. You have said that you have no desire in getting the belt back. Is this just a way to avoid another match with Marcus Fernandez, or do you feel that you could do more in non-hardcore style matches?
Although shadowed by a "crybaby" image, you are undeniably one of the best the HWF has to offer. How can you take all the smack talk from the other wrestlers and still be successful in the ring, despite your incredible list of foes?
The "crybaby" image? Look, the guys in the back can think whatever they want. But when I see someone who is kept down because they are new, and guys who are washed-up running the place, that pisses me off. And when I notice something that pisses me off, I speak my mind. I’m former Hardcore Champ and soon to be World Champ, and if they’re not down with that, then I got two words for them, Fuck off!
Speaking of your foes, do you feel you could be further in your road to being number one if you hadn't made so many enemies?
I don’t think it matters who your friends or enemies are in this business. Unless you’re in a tag team situation, there’s no need to rely on others to help you through matches. Unfortunately in the HWF, many guys have to rely on their friends to help them. I’ve been in two stables since my return, and I never did well while I was in them. So it looks like I’ll probably go it alone for a long portion of my career. Vicious Vic Williams has gone it alone for the majority of his career, and he’s labeled as probably one of the best around here if not the best. I’m afraid to get in a hardcore situation with that guy. Because if I did, it may mean my demise. That frightens me a little bit, but I never have turned down a challenge.
You dropped Extream a few weeks ago after a short absence of his. Now, he is the World champion. Do you feel you could have made a crucial mistake by cutting all strings between the new World champ? If you knew ahead of time that he would be the champ, would you still have left the Elite?
A crucial mistake? No. He did beat the Icon, but the Icon hasn’t even been around lately. Neither has Extream. They both just come back out of nowhere and start fighting for the HWF World Title. As far as I’m concerned, if Chaz [you] decided to stick a ten year-old girl against a ninety year-old man, then someone would have to win the world title. It’s the same case with the World Title right now. Two guys who are hardly heard from duking it out for the greatest prize in the business. Does it make any sense? No. But is that the way it is? Yes.
Vicious Vic Williams –
The sickest motherfucker I’ve ever met. I’m nowhere near afraid of him, but I give him all the respect in the hardcore division that one can give someone. Next to NBK, the only person with any hardcore talent. The other guys are just mainly talk and bullshit. These two guys squaring off is surely going to be one for the ages.--
I would like to thank Thunder for taking time to answer a few questions and I hope to have allowed you to get to know him a bit better.
-Chaz Manson; March 2000