Trevor Lasek

Height: 6'
Weight: 257 lbs.
Age: 20
Theme Music: "The Way I Am" by Eminem
Alignment: Face/Heel Combo
Wrestling Style: Hardcore/Risk Taker

Signature Moves: "Neck Snappa" Reverse Double Arm DDT into DDT
"Fat Fuck Driver" Fireman's Carry into Spinning Half Nelson Cradle Emerald Fusion
"Forest City Plunge" Argentine Backbreaker Rack into Double Arm Mat Slam
"Splash From Hell" Splash While on Fire
"Beg for Pain" STF with 3/4 Nelson
"Sweet Shit"Reverse Full Nelson STO
"Shitty Shitty Bang Bang " Elevated Flapjack into Mat Slam
"Violent Shit" Reverse Sleeper Hold Mat Slam
"Maple Leaf Driver" Crucifix Powerbomb into Double Arm DDT
"Tooth Ache" Springboard Dropkick to face while opponent is sitting on chair in middle of Ring
"Lasek Driver" Reverse Fireman's Carry into Belly to Belly Brainbuster

Setup Move: Fat Ass Bomb
Description: Cross arm Canadian Backbreaker Rack into Cross Arm Mat Slam
Finishing Moves: Phatboy Plunge / Dream Eater / Hot War
Descriptions: Inverted Mat Slam into 3/4 Nelson Mat Slam / Spinebuster into Flatliner / Inverted Facelock Leg Sweep DDT

Brief Life History: Trevor was born In Windsor Ontario,Canada. At age three he moved to London,Ontario,Canada at age 16 he wanted to become a wrestler, he visited his friend Rod Lin to train to become a wrestler after a few years Trevor thought he was ready and tried out a Indy fed by the name "Phatboy" he was only there a few years before he tried out with the HWF. He stayed there awhile but he thought he wasn't doing that good. He left so he can train more and create his own moves. He now has returned to the HWF to make Violent Shit at it's best!!

Appearance: Trevor is ofcourse fat, no question there, Trevor has dark brown hair,brown eyes and a dark brown small goatee, he likes to wear a small black tuque but not all the time, Trevor has a tattoo on his neck of a Burning Yin Yang. Trevor wears Black Corduroy Pants, black shoes, a Red Birdhouse T-shirt and black Taped wrists. Trevor sometimes will wrestle in different clothes aswell but not all the time, he may where his black T-shirt with a White Punisher Skull Wrapped in red Barbwire.
