Signature Moves: |
Various DDT's Belly to Belly Suplex Missle Dropkick from Top Rope Fury of Kicks followed by a Dropkick DDT off Apron through Table |
Setup Move: Extreme High
Description: Frog Splash from Top Rope
Finishing Move: Too the Extreme
Description: Hurricanrana into DDT
Brief Life History: Extream grew up in Pittsburgh, PA. His family was neither rich or poor. They were living comfortably in a small suburb. By the time he was 12 he was getting into fights, which he rarely won due to his size. After a year of getting his ass kicked eh started toughen up and started whooping up on the people he fought. When he turnt 15 his parents thought he needed a way to get his aggression out so they sent him to karate classes. He got really into karate and the different forms of the fighting style. He ended up by the age of 18 having a black belt in three forms of the fighting style. He then enrolled himself in a wrestling class to see what kind of shape wrestlers had to be in. He was already in great shape due to karate. He was later kicked out of the wrestling school for being to violent and sending three of his peers to the hospital. After only a few days out of the school he saw an add for the HWF. He ran to the address on the add and started training HWF style. After a little over 2 years in the HWF training school he was brought up to the big show. Being only a tiny 6' 201lb rookie he didn't get many chances. Until one day when a wrestler by the name of Black Ninja approached him and asked him to join his faction. Extream desperate for friends, joined. He made a name for himself in this group winning the lightweight title. But Extream was urning more power. He was approached by one of the leaders of the biggest and best faction of the HWF The Radioactive Freaks, he couldn't turn them down. So later that week in a title match against his friend and stablemate the plan went down and the freaks along w/ Extream destroyed Black Ninja. This started Extream onto bigger and better things, but things came up at home and he had to leave the HWF for a little. After this break he came back and was challanging for the world title. Eventually he won the title but lost it the next week against Lost Soul. He felt out of shape, so he left again and started to train, he came back and left a few more times before this presant stint in the fed.
Appearance: Extream's attire is yet again simple. He wears a Black T-Shirt that says "I HATE JOBBERS" in white on the front and on the back in small letters it reads "Unpredictable" He wears long black and white adidas pants and a pair of black boots. He has short brown hair with a scar above his left eye. On his right arm he has a tatoo of a sun and on his left he has barbed wire wrapped around a chair digging into his skin.