Voice Over: Ladies and gentlemen... Boys and girls... Children of all ages... D-Generation X proudly brings to you its WW... Errr… Sorry, that was my last job. Ladies and gentlemen, Commissioner Shawn Collins!
[Nice pop for the Commish, who is sitting at his desk.]
Shawn: Thank you! Thank you! And welcome to Commissioner’s Corner. The greatest talk show on this side of the border! Yeah, you heard me... border. Letterman is beating us over there in the States.
[Shawn chuckles.]
Shawn: Well, today I was going to talk about...
[Just then, different coloured lights flash around the Commissioner’s Corner HQ. And after a few seconds, they go out. Then with a sudden blast, fireworks blast around the HQ, and Killroy Jenkins comes out rolling a cart with a big cake on it with the number 29 as the candle. Birthday music comes on, and a screen has the words written on it. so that the audience could sing along.]
[Shawn puts his head down on his desk, and Killroy grabs a mic.]
Killroy: Everyone, let’s give a special hand to Shawn. Yesterday, on October 17, he joined the ranks of men that are in the ‘Mature’ stage of their lives. And since he is 29 years old, I think I’ll deliver his Birthday Beats right now...
[Shawn looks at Killroy and cracks his knuckles.]
Killroy: Maybe not! But still - Happy Birthday, Shawn!
[The crowd pops to the birthday greeting.]
Shawn: Thanks Killroy... shit man... this wasn’t necessary!
Killroy: Oh, but it was! Folks, Shawn will be back after the break... and during the break, everyone will get a piece of this delicious cake!
Shawn: We got Vic Williams after the break. Stay tuned... and thanks!
[Another pop as we cut to commercials.]
[Commercial: October 26, 2000 – Playstation 2 Launch Date.]
["We Die Young" by Alice in Chains, rocks the audience, as they start to boo. The Canadian born superstar, Vic Williams, walks across the stage and takes a seat, right next to Collins.]
Shawn: Victor Williams... welcome to Commissioner's Corner!
Vic: Never fucking call me that again Collins.... you don't know what my life was like, when I was younger, you would never understand, never call me Victor.
Shawn: Hey, if ya didn't want me to call you that, why didn't you say so earlier? I've been callin you that for a couple of months now, and you didn't mind.
Vic: I didn't say anything before, because Shawn, you were always running your fucking mouth, never allowing me to get my words in.
Shawn: Hey man... that's my job!
Vic: So your telling me, Chaz didn't hire you, for all that desk "work?"
Shawn: Nope... but you'll probably still imagine it that way.
Vic: How the hell did you ever get a show? Is that backdrop over there made of bed sheets?
Shawn: Yeah! Because every time we get you wrestling on the shows, our ratings go down a whole grade. So we gotta settle for that.
Vic: That’s odd...I could have sworn the Final Solution was critically acclaimed, as one of the HWF's best matches ever...you ever wrestled in the HWF? You would never survive. If I got you in the ring, you'd just be another star, on the Hollywood trail of massacre. Slaughtered like the lamb that you are.
Shawn: Hey, I'll give you credit for the Final Solution... but remember, people wouldn't change the channel after they've paid 30 bucks for a pay per view. And about wrestling in the HWF... I haven't wrestled here, but I've had my share of pain and gold. You haven't wrestled me, so you wouldn't know what it's like to be in the ring with the Original Hardcore Showman - 'Mr. Showtime' Shawn Collins.
Vic: They paid the money for the Final Solution, some true hardcore wrestling at its' finest.....and not the glitz and glamour like some people......Starr Jammerz come to mind, fucking trendies.
Shawn: You don't like the spotlight, Victor?
Vic: This audience is within moments of witnessing a public execution...you care to stand up on that chair over their Collins??? Just put your head in that noose.
Shawn: Public execution? On my show? Without my consent? Victor... err... VIC... You’ve got another thing coming. But since you mentioned a noose. That brings us to J. Simon Rykopathe.
Vic: What about Ryker? His body dangling from that noose, his face red, horrible incident....it is horrible that greasy little punk didn't die!
Shawn: Wow... ain't you the sadistic one? That's your opinion on the happenings at B2B?
Vic: I was the one, who originated the Noose Match in the HWF. I've hung a few of my opponents, and been hung on a few occasions...nothing a man of my caliber can't handle.....Simon was the one who broke the scaffold, he hung himself, he tried to escape the reality, that he will never make it in the HWF, and now he is a cripple sitting at home.
Shawn: Correction Vic: He already made it in the HWF! He's accomplished what a lot of men here have yet to accomplish... ahem...
Vic: Such as???.........
Shawn: Did I say anything about YOU?
Vic: Are you trying to imply that I can't win the World Title?
Shawn: Why would I imply such a thing?
Vic: Why did you vote me out of the Final Solution? That match was mine, I even walked out on my own power Collins, I wasn't risking permanent injury!!!!
Shawn: Hey man, I thought you could handle it! But it came to me after some speculation that you wouldn't be able to continue!
Vic: I walked out Shawn.... I wasn't stretchered out, I walked out, on my own power, on my own two legs, and was able to drive home that night, you cost me the World Title!
Shawn: Me? Are you sure about that? Wasn't it me who thought you should go on?
Vic: Why don't you tell us, what the hell Chaz and Drake said to you!
Shawn: Hey, that's strictly confidential! It's none of your damn business!
Vic: You cost me the World Title! I'm pretty damn sure it is my business!!! I WILL MAKE IT MY FUCKING BUSINESS!!
Shawn: Listen, sit down and chill the fuck out!
Vic: It was my night.....you cost me the World Title, after taking the fall from the scaffold, everything I did, worthless, all because you didn't have the BALLS to stand up to Drake and Chaz!
Shawn: Balls? Buddy... I got bigger balls than a moose! We knew you couldn't last that match! You and Blackjack... always bitching.
Vic: Did you go into the Final Solution? Did you have the BALLS? No, if you want to fight in a Final Solution match, I'm more than willing to show you what it is all about!
Shawn: If I wanted to beat your ass to a pulp, then I would be a wrestler.
Vic: Is that a threat?
Shawn: No, not a threat. It's a fact.
Vic: Ever going to enter the ring Shawn??
Shawn: HWF? Naw... I've done my time. My job is to keep you in business now!
Vic: You can run your mouth, but you will never lay a hand on me, you don't wanna fight me, your afraid to enter the ranks, because you know, people like me, would destroy you!
Shawn: Hey... if I wanted your opinion, I'd tell you to lick my shoe and tell me what it tastes like. The matter at hand is not I in the ring!
Vic: Quit trying to avoid the question.... just tell the audience your a "PUSSY" and we can go on.
[Shawn stands up and looks Vic in the eye.]
Shawn: Get the hell out of here.
[Vic raises from his seat, looking Collins in the eye, he begins to speak]
Vic: Maybe, Drake or Chaz would like to be here, to help vote me out of this show! Would you have the BALLS to disagree?
[Shawn punches Vic picture perfect across his jaw. Vic looks a little surprised by the attack, and quickly turns his head back to stare at Collins.]
Shawn: I've got enough balls to do that!
[Vic winds his arm up to deliver a punch right back, but security holds him and takes him to the back.]
Vic: Shawn, this is just the beginning! Just wait you son of a bitch!
Shawn: Someone tell him to shut the hell up! We’ll be back.
[Commercial: Madden 2001, Kessen, Street Fighter EX 3 and NHL 2001 are just 4 of the many games EA will have ready to buy on October 26, 2000 at the Playstation 2 Launch Date.]
Shawn: Welcome back. We will now have the tag team match between ‘The Canadian Kid’ Kyle Corman and myself against Gavin Coens and Extream. Tim Miller volunteered to commentate. So without furthur adieu...
Tim: This should be quite an interesting bout. Three men are part of a faction, while the other is the Commissioner of the HWF.
[Shawn gets in the ring (yes, this is a big Studio!) and awaits his partner and opponents. “Naveed” by Our Lady Peace plays as Kyle Corman comes out onto the small ramp.]
Tim: Here comes the ‘Canadian Kid’. We are in a studio which is smaller than an arena, so the ramp way and area around the ring is smaller.
[He stands at the top of the ramp and out come Extream and Gavin.]
Tim: What the hell is going on here? Why are all three men coming out? We’re supposed to have a two on two match here! Not a three on one!
[All three men walk together towards the ring. Shawn’s face turns blank, and he backs into a corner of the ring.]
Tim: The Commissioner must be scared shitless! He cant do anything against these three men!
[The three men enter the ring, and surround him in the corner. Gavin grabs Shawn’s shirt, and...]
Tim: Let’s all say our prayers for Commissioner Collins...
[... shakes his hand.]
Tim: What the hell?!
[Shawn then proceeds to shake each faction members hand, and they all stand in the middle of the ring with their arms in the air.]
Tim: Folks... we’ve been... swindled!! These four men are in cahoots!
[Shawn picks up the mic.]
Tim: What’s he have to say?
Shawn: First of all, I’d like to tell Tim to get the hell out of my studio!
Tim: What kind of Wrestling Promotion are we running here? Commentators are getting kicked out of cards that they volunteered to commentate for? That’s unbelievable.
Shawn: Yeah, get out NOW!
[Tim gets up with a pissed look on his face and leaves the Studio.]
Shawn: I know all of you expected a tag team match here tonight.
[The fans have a mixed reaction.]
Shawn: But we’re not giving you one!
[Now boos swarm the arena.]
Shawn: You must be wondering why... Why?
[The crowd chants “Why Shawn why? Why Shawn why?”]
Shawn: Why? Because we don’t fucking have to!
[More boos come from the fans as the four men in the ring continue to celebrate.]
Shawn: Cut to commercial.
[Commercial: Masta H is now under contract with Spyder Productions! Check out the site at www.sonicice.net/icon!]
Shawn: I’m gonna give you all my ‘Best Of The Week’ for the week of October 18. I gotta do this cause I get paid for it. So shut up and listen!
Move Of The Week: The Downtown Connection - A Pedigree... Hey, that’s my move! What a coincidence? Hahaha!
Match Of The Week: The tables n ladders tag team championship match between Chris "Intensity" Styles & Ethan Scruggs and The Starr Jammerz.
Song Of The Week: ‘Souljah’s Marching’ by Bone Thugs ‘N Harmony.
Movie Of The Week: BATMAN!!!
Game Of The Week: EA Sports’ Madden 2001 for the Playstation.
Shawn: That’s all I’m saying; this show’s over. Peace!
[The fans boo Shawn, Gavin, Extream and Kyle Corman as Commissioner’s Corner goes off the air.]
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