October 13, 2000

[‘Clubbed To Death’ plays as a Commissioner’s Corner airs. This week in Houston, Texas.]

Voice Over: Houston, Texas… Welcome to Commissioner’s Corner! And your host – The Original ‘Mr. Showtime’… Commissioner Shawn Collins!

[Shawn comes out from the back and takes a seat at his desk.]

Shawn: How’s everyone doing tonight?

[A fair pop, and some people yelling from the audience indicate that they’re doing fine.]

Shawn: We have a pretty short show today. Sorry, but there have been a lot of problems backstage. But sooner or later, everything will be back on track! Today we have 3 guests: Gavin Coens…

[A chorus of boos come from the audience.]

Shawn: The Canadian Kid - Kyle Corman…

[A mixed reaction.]

Shawn: And Extream!

[Nice pop.]

Shawn: Now, let me talk about a few things right now. Mainly concerning Born 2 Bleed and Reckless Behavior. Allow me to be the first to congratulate Phoenix, David Zakin, Chris Styles, The Starr Jammerz and Michael Trey. They all put on amazing shows at B2B, and came out on top. Also, to their opponents – you all helped make Born 2 Bleed one of the HWFs best Pay Per Views in a while!

[The crowd reacts to the congrats and begin to clap.]

Shawn: But let me speak up on certain things. David Zakin… you may be the number one contender for the Canadian Title, but you better keep in mind that while you are in the Canadian Title Division, I am your god! Frost, you disrespected Canada, and every Canadian as well… that was a big mistake. And Blackjack, you and I need to talk on Saturday. As for Reckless Behavior, I have a big announcement to make on Suicide regarding our next Pay Per View. Now, bare with me… we’ll be right back with our guests folks.

[Commercial: Westwood Studios brings you Red Alert 2 for the PC. Coming to a Software Dealer near you.]

[As we come back from commercial, ‘Canadian Kid’ Kyle Corman, Gavin Coens and Extream are sitting by Shawn’s desk.]

Shawn: Gavin, Canadian Kid and Extream... welcome to Commissioner's Corner

Extream: Thanks Commish.

Gavin: Thanks Shawn, it's always an honor to help out a fellow Canadian.

Kyle: It's good to see again bud, been along time, what like since last night? When you took those two girls back to your… well that's another story.

Shawn: Hey... that IS another story! Let's get to business.

Kyle: Alright.

Extream: Alright, get to it Commish.

Gavin: Gavin says it's ok to proceed.

Shawn: All you guys have come back to the HWF just recently... how do you guys feel about its current state?

Kyle: Gavin? Would you like to open your big mouth first or what?

Gavin: Well personally I feel that the HWF is in shambles. The roster we have today is a pathetic sight compared to the HWF of old. These so called "new bloods" are nothing but whiny bucks crying for their momma's for a new bottle. They're nothing compared to the old HWF.

[Boo's from the crowd.]

Gavin: Let's face it CK, nobody sucks more than you.

Extream: Hey it's looking good, missing a few things. Mainly us with titles, but Chaz has done a good job keeping this place running better than ever.

Kyle: Well, as my Canadian Colleague and archenemy Mr. Coens has stated. The HWF sucked, then we came. But as I recall, I’m the one who kicked your ass!

Gavin: We both know why that happened… *Cough* Dive. *Cough*

Kyle: Yep, all skill baby.

Extream: I believe I whipped your ass CK.

Gavin: I bet you could.

Kyle: Dive my ass…

Gavin: If my memory serves me correctly, I hold wins over both of you.

Shawn: Whoa, whoa, whoa... just chill guys...

Kyle: Oh please Extream, in fact all of you, I've beaten every last one of you, and I'll do it again.

Shawn: Geez… so, how's life been treatin all of ya?

Extream: Treating me like shit man, with my mom and all it's been hard. But being able to say I am better than CK makes it all better!

Gavin: Life has been hectic as usual for the sole superstar in wrestling. It's hard to live up to so many expectations, especially when you know all the HWF fans are dreaming of becoming just like you. A role model’s life is never easy, but I accept it. No offence Extream but every can say their better than CK. It's not hard to accomplish.

Extream: The only one who looks up to you, Gavin, is CK, and that’s because he is so damn short!

Kyle: Life has taken a bit of a turn for me. I met my woman, been throughout too many business opportunities, and decided to come back to where the true competition is... Gavin shut your mouth before I kick your teeth down your throat!

Shawn: How's John been, Gavin?

Gavin: John is a lifeless coward who left me hanging dry. I'm sick of hearing about him, so if you have any brains left in that skull, you'd best shut your trap Collins!

Kyle: John is the better athlete out of you two. *Cough* Opps.

Extream: Ok, Commish before this gets out of hand ask your next question.

Shawn: I think it's already out of hand... and about beating CK, you're right... it's not that hard! I've done it quite a few times myself in the past!

Extream: Ha ha, the Commish is busting your balls now CK!

Gavin: It's pretty low when the host of the show can boast a win over your sorry ass CK.

Kyle: He only had the win due to outside interference if I do remember.

Gavin: A win is a win.

Extream: Damn this is fun, just the HWF of old.

Gavin: The only true HWF, when Gavin ran the show...

Shawn: Outside interference? Is that your excuse for EVERYTHING? Hahahahaha!

Extream: Haha! Actually I ran the show, I was in the front office. Remember?

Gavin: Your Mom!

Shawn: Gavin running the show? That'll be the day the HWF dies!

Kyle: The only thing Gavin ran was… well, nah, forget it.

Gavin: Dies?!? What you talking about Willis? I mean Collins! Maybe we should ask "McShane" over there a question!

Shawn: I mean you couldn't run the show if you were paid a peanut!

Kyle: The HWF will never die, not as long as I am around. Sure you got your Trey's, and Williams’ around, but as long as I am here, all I have to say is... CK = RATINGS!

Gavin: You damn bastard you stole that line!

Kyle: I sure as hell did.

Gavin: I swear if I ever get my fucking hands on you I'll ring your neck like your father used to do to that pea-sized dick of yours!

Kyle: Come on Gavin! Bring it you little ho! You're just upset cause now you know the truth.

Shawn: Gavin… shut up and let me run my show!

Gavin: Your show? I thought it was called Gavin's Playback?

Shawn: Extream... what's the deal with you and CK now in the HWF?

Extream: What about it, I mean we are old friends and enemies. Just wanted to give the little guy a hand.

Kyle: Oh god…

Shawn: Oh geez... here it comes...

Extream: Hell I helped him and he still got his ass kicked!

Kyle: Extream, if you would of helped by doing a real move instead of that garbage finisher, I would have.

Extream: What? I do believe that move knocked your ass out. He just isn't man enough to admit it.

Shawn: Gavin, you really think you can run this show?

Kyle: Don't do it Shawn…

Gavin: Yea, of course I can! If you can then so can a monkey! Sorry CK, I didn't mean to bring up your Mother again.

Extream: Hey Commish I do believe this is your best show ever! Well, funniest at least.

Kyle: Gavin, you lost your title to a guy who disses himself for a living. You have no say in this matter.

Shawn: Dudes... Chill!

Gavin: Disses himself? Listen T-Dogg! If I wanted any lip from you I'd remove it from Collins' ASS! Now when I want your opinion, I'll shake my zipper.

Kyle: T-Dogg? That's it; I'm calling the real Coens superstar out. JOHN! Where are you?!

Shawn: GUYS! GUYS!

Gavin: I say we make a tag match, me and Extream vs. Collin's and CK!

Kyle: Let’s go right now guys. 3 way dance, right here. I don't want the disadvantage... sorry buddy.


Extream: I agree, CK needs to get bent over my knee and get his ass kicked!

[CK stands up facing Extream.]

Kyle: You want a piece??

[Extream gets back in CK’s face. CK pushes Extream in the chest.]

Extream: Little man sit down before you get in over your head!

Shawn: Good God! Sit your asses down!

Gavin: We'll, just let the little ones fight it out.

Extream: Wait… too late; everything is over your head.

[Extream pushes CK back.]

Shawn: Gavin, you say you can pull in more ratings than 'Mr. Showtime'? Next week why don't you host this show? Make it Gavin's Playback for a week!

Gavin: Gavin's Playback for a week? They don't pay me enough to take over your show. I may be Mr. Ratings, but I'm not Mr. Miracle!!

[Extream pushes CK again.]

Extream: What? Are you afraid of me? Wait let me turn around so you can stab me in the back.

Shawn: Alright... then what about a tag match on the corner? Next week!

Gavin: I don’t got a problem with that!

Shawn: I don’t think they do either!

[CK pushes Extream this time, but Extream falls onto Gavin. Gavin pushes him off, and the three men start brawling. Gavin clotheslines Extream over his chair. CK begins to pummel on Gavin. They continue to brawl as they make their way into the back.]

Shawn: Well, that decides it! Ladies and gentlemen, next week on Commissioner’s Corner there will be a ‘Bragging Rights’ tag team match. The teams will be decided by you. All you have to do is go onto HWF Online, and vote for the teams on the Poll Board. We’ll be right back!

[Commercial: Masta H is now under contract with Spyder Productions! Check out the site at http://www.sonicice.net/icon!]

Shawn: Well… once again, I’m sorry folks… but that’s all for tonight. However, tune in to Suicide. I’ll be there, and I have a few announcements to make. See you all on Suicide!

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