September 27, 2000

[‘Clubbed To Death’ hits as Commissioner’s Corner comes on the air. Lights are flashing everywhere, and the fans are as wild as funky monkey’s on viagra!]

Voice Over: Ladies and gentlemen. Live from Corner Studios in HWF Canada Headquarters – Toronto, Ontario… Commissioner’s Corner! With your host – SHAWN COLLINS!

[As Shawn comes out to sit at his desk, he waves at the audience. He is wearing a white undershirt and a pair of orange "rave" pants, along with his red sunglasses. His hair is tied back in a ponytail, and he’s wearing a Canadian flag tie over his undershirt. He takes a seat.]

Shawn: Thank you! Thank you! Welcome everyone, to my show! This is our second edition of the show, and what a great show it will be! We’ve got a hardcore legend Renegade!

[Large pop from the audience to Renegade’s name.]

Shawn: We also have former World Champion - Lance Sterling on the show today!

[A mixed reaction comes from the crowd. Some loved him some hated him.]

Shawn: Hahaha. It’s now time for the new section of the Commissioner’s Corner – PET PEEVES! You know what I hate? I’m not directing this at any wrestlers in particular… but I hate cocky sons of bitches that think they are the greatest because they have won a title or two in the past. Now, as World Champion of the Bad Ass Wrestling Federation, I hear a lot of that kind of shit. A few men think that they are “all that” because they held the title a few times in the past. Okay, I admit, I may not have as much experience as those peeps since this is my first World Title reign ever! But, right now… I am their champion! And I am at the top of the federation! There’s my pet peeve for the day – Cocky Sons Of Bitches!! Stay tuned… we’ll be back with Renegade!

[Commercial: Masta H is now under contract with Spyder Productions! Check out the site at!]

Shawn: Welcome back! Now, my first guest for the night is the wrestler formerly known as Nick Diamante, and former Hardcore Champion – Renegade. Come on out!

[As Shawn Collins awaits Renegade, Thunder Underground by Ozzy Osbourne blares over the speakers. Renegade walks out dressed casually in a white shirt with a leather jacket over it and jeans. He looks towards the audience as they cheer for him. He takes a seat next to Collins...]

Shawn: Welcome to Commissioner's Corner Renegade!

Renegade: What's up Shawn?

Shawn: Nothing much. What about you?

Renegade: Just preparing myself to plant my feet up Gavin Coens' and Phoenix's asses.

Shawn: You seem pretty confident!

Renegade: Why wouldn't a former HWF Hardcore champion be confident? Why wouldn't a man that has been through fire, tacks, tables, and glass be confident? There is no reason. There also is the fact that I am pit against two rookies...

Shawn: Rookies? I guess you're not familiar with Gavin Coens.

Renegade: The only thing I will be familiar with is capturing the hardcore title. No, I'm not familiar with that sack of shit...

Shawn: He could be called a legend... in fact, some say that you are as well.

Renegade: Me? I don't want to be called a legend just yet. I don't want to be a legend until I've all together retired. That day is far away. Some may say my status is legendary, and why argue, because there are several good reasons there. If this Coens guy is so good, how come I have never heard of him?

Shawn: Perhaps it was before your time. But I've worked with Gavin a while ago... even wrestled him. And he's a great wrestler... Phoenix shows some great potential as well!

Renegade: I'm sure that you are as good as they say Shawn. But I don't give a damn when they step in the ring with me. They get praised by you guys all the time, but it won't matter when B2B comes around. Phoenix, I would have to agree, but the way I operate is not to compliment or become friends with my enemies...The hardcore title is more important than putting them on the pedestal...

Shawn: Of course it is. From what I've seen out of you... I'm sure you'd be a great competitor for that title!

Renegade: I am a great competitor for that title. After a long break, I am ready to get back into things, especially winning titles from jackasses who haven't faced the hellish experience of facing me...

Shawn: There are a lot now, since we've gotten a lot of recruits. What do you think about Gavin's Canadian style?

Renegade: Don't get me wrong on this one Shawn, you are full of charisma, and different from that asshole in many ways, and he is just completely boring...

Shawn: Well, I wasn't talking about myself. But if you're comparing my charisma and entertaining skills to anyone else's... then you really cant compare! Hahaha...

Renegade: I know. I was just saying, he has a Canadian style of wrestling, and you are Canadian. I just didn't want to stereotype all styles of Canadian wrestling cuz his SUCKS!

Shawn: Well, to each his own opinion!

Renegade: You damn right. Coens has his opinions about me, and they don't really matter because I feel damn good going into this match. I have much more respect for Phoenix that Gavin. He is well rounded, and not boring. Very up and coming.

Shawn: So you are cool with Pheonix... what do you think about fighting him?

Renegade: It should be fun for me, and a challenge for him.

Shawn: Hahahah... we'll let him decide that, wont we?

Renegade: Hell yeah.

Shawn: You got the Canadian Kid on Suicide. Any comments on him?

Renegade: My only comment is this: I am winning my return HWF match...

Shawn: I see... so he poses no threat to you whatsoever?

Renegade: If he wins...Oh well. The reason would be I was preoccupied with other things.

Shawn: You seem to be running into a lot of Canadian lately, aren’t you? Hahaha!

Renegade: It's the Canadian Curse. And believe me, after they face me, they are the ones who are cursed...

Shawn: Hahaha! Canadian Curse! Okay, that was funny... I'll write that one down! Good stuff! We have some calls... would you answer some questions from the fans?

Renegade: The fans are the only reason I dragged my ass back to HWF...Bring them on.

Shawn: Our first caller is Jake from Chicago...

Jake: Hello Shawn. Renegade, the first thing I want to say is that you should not be talking all this shit about Gavin. You have not even stepped into the ring with him. He is going to be the one kicking your ass...

Renegade: Listen, son, you are really pissing me off. So you are one of the very few, soon to be extinct after his next speech Gavin fans? Well, it doesn't matter because I am gonna chokeslam his ass...

Shawn: Hehehe... some nice comments there... thanks for calling Jake! Our next caller is Jacen from Philly!

Jacen: What's up guys? Renegade, I just want to say, I like your whole new image. I see where it's going, and I hope you kick the shit out of that little bitch Gavin. I can't wait for the first match between you two...Good luck Renegade...

Renegade: Now there is a fan. I want you all to recognize. He is not just telling it like it is, he is also a Renegade fan. Thanks Justin...

Shawn: Well... we gotta cut to commercial. Thanks for being here, Nick Diaman... I mean, err... Renegade! Hope to see you on the show again. Good luck with your upcoming matches. Any final comments?

Renegade: My final comment is this: Gavin, Phoenix, watch your back. Just because B2B isn't here yet doesn't mean I'm not ready to beat the shit out of you two...

Shawn: Thanks for coming Renegade! Folks, we'll be right back!

[Commercial: Hardcore Productions presents – Commissioner’s Corner on Wednesday’s at 9:00pm Est. and Saturday Suicide on Saturday’s at 9:00pm Est. Check out all the extreme action. All – Hard 2 The F’n Core!]

Shawn: Now, there have been a lot of questions regarding the stipulations for the Canadian title match at Born 2 Bleed. Now, I know you guys don’t really like it when I get rid of the hardcore rules in the Canadian title matches… but the belt IS a Canadian title, and Canadian rules must apply. But, for your enjoyment, and to make the Pay Per View truly spectacular… I’m going to bend those rules just a little!

[Shawn pulls out a book from his desk, which is labeled “Canadian Wrestling Rules”.]

Shawn: Okay. Now, the match will not be held in a regular ring. The ring will be replace by an octagon type structure. It will be a small cage, however unlike the octagon, it will not have an opening at the top. It will be a small octagonal ‘hell in a cell’. Inside the cell, the only way to win the match is by using a submission move. Your opponent MUST tap out! However, if by some means of unearthly power you get out of the octagon structure, the rules will be my rules…

[Shawn throws away the rulebook. The audience cheers.]

Shawn: You still MUST make your opponent tap out using a submission… but there are no countouts or disqualifications! Basically, you can do anything to your opponent, but must make him tap out to win the Canadian Title! Those are the stips! Like it or not, it’s happening! We’ll be back after these messages with Cypress Hill and Lance Sterling. And, I have a surprise for all of you. Stay tuned.

[Commercial: Masta H is now under contract with Spyder Productions! Check out the site at!]

Shawn: Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest for tonight, please welcome Lance Sterling!

[Lance Sterling comes out from the back, to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He nods at Shawn Collins and takes a seat.]

Lance: Thank you, thank you... it feels great to be back!

Shawn: Geez... it's been a while! Even though, I never really spoke with you back when you were with us... it's been a while!

Lance: Yeah, I know. I get fan mail every friggin' day saying how I should come back to the HWF. I guess this counts, ha, ha ha!

Shawn: Do you ever respond?

Lance: Nope. My secretary takes care of that crap.

Shawn: What have you been doing in your time off? Any new movies we should look for?

Lance: Not as of right now. I've been relaxing and enjoying my time off; traveling with the HWF was a pain in the neck really.

Shawn: Yeah, tell me about it! And all I do is make and break matches! Geez...

Lance: Ha, ha, ha!

Shawn: Laugh it up! Now, we've gotten a bunch of mail for you when the fans heard you were coming. Would you mind answering some of it?

Lance: I have nothing better to do... so sure, why not!

Shawn: Alright! Gabe Johnson of Calgary, Alberta, Canada says: "Lance! I think you're the greatest wrestler alive! How could I become like you one day?!"

Lance: Gabe, you can't. Plain and simple. There's only one Lance Sterling, and that's me. BUT... you can become ALMOST as great as I am with hard work and training. Focus yourself on your goal, and you can't go wrong!

Shawn: asks: "Lance Sterling is a cocky bastard! He's a pussy and I'm glad he's gone! Michael Trey can kick his ass any day! Why did he run away from his match with Blackjack?"

Lance: If I had more than this guy's email address...I'd show him a thing or two. Blackjack is nowhere in my league, and I never should have fought that JOBBER in the first place. Get the facts before you run your mouth!

Shawn: Our last one for today is from Aileen Tarma from Austin, Texas: "What was up with you and Justin Storm leaving on the same day? Was that a coincidence? And are you ever going to come back for a 'last' match?"

Lance: It was no coincidence, Aileen. We had planned that out a good week or so in advance, because both of us were fed up with the HWF. As to a return match, ya never know, it could could not.

Shawn: We have a phone call now from a Johnny Brandon in LA.

Lance: Alright, what’s he gotta say?

Johnny: Lance... speaking of you and Storm... weren't you feuding before? Why did you two suddenly become all buddy -buddy?

Shawn: Yeah Lance, why is that?

Lance: We always were friends; our whole feud was just a ploy to make everyone think we hated each other. But in reality, we knew all along what would happen. Everything we did up until King of Violence, when the bullshit started, was planned way in advance. You see, both of us had creative control clauses in our contracts, so we had the right to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted to do it.

Shawn: Thanks for the call Johnny.

[Phone hangs up.]

Shawn: Do you still keep in touch with Storm?

Lance: Not really...we haven’t talked much since our retirement speech on Suicide. But every so often we talk about our future plans.

Shawn: Well, Lance. All this talk about Storm makes me want to bring out my next special guest for tonight... but he's a bit pissed.

[Cypress Hill, who is live in the studio, begins to play "Rap Superstar" as the lighting changes a bit to a yellowish dim. Out of the back comes Justin Storm. Storm, now wearing a pair of cargo khaki pants, a gold Fila t-shirt, and a pair of Nike running shoes. His hair is cut very short now, about the length of Eminem's haircut. His hair is also a brownish color. He is also wearing a navy blue Adidas visor, on backwards. He walks out, and looks directly at Lance Sterling. Sterling is now standing up. Storm walks up to him and gets directly in his face, spewing words out at a fast pace. Most of the words are vulgarity. Shawn Collins stands up as Storm notices him. Storm shoves Collins down, with a big push. Collins falls into his chair, as the chair tips over. Storm and Sterling laugh it up as they shake hands. "Rap Superstar", which is being played LIVE! by Cypress Hill cuts off as Collins stands up. He has a pissed off look on his face.]

Justin: Collins, do everyone a favor and shut the hell up.

Shawn: What the hell is this? You were supposed to come out on the correct cue... you know, the part when I say "JUSTIN... STORM!"

Justin: You know what? Screw that. No one tells me what to do. That's part of the reason I left the HWF in the first place. I do what I want, when I want!

Lance: Just like the old days, we go where we please, we do what we want, and nobody stops us.

[Shawn sighs, and takes a seat.]

Shawn: Okay, why don't you make yourselves comfortable?

[Storm sits down in the seat beside of Sterling.]

Shawn: Now, what just happened here?

Justin: Collins, you don't get it, do you? Sterling and I have kept in contact ever since we left this hellhole. We talk to each other a few days a week. We are still good friends. You and your cocky ass attitude can't change that.

Shawn: Do you have any reasons for telling me otherwise, Lance?

Lance: Just that it wasn't any of your business to begin with. That's the problem with this entire hellhole known as the HWF; everyone thinks they deserve to know everything.

Shawn: Hey, I don't deserve to know everything... I find it out! Now, let's get down to business... How's life been Storm?

Justin: Life has been pretty damn good to be lately. I'm still getting paid by royalty checks from my merchandise, I've got an amazing girlfriend, and I don't have to get my ass kicked for a living.

[Shawn starts to laugh.]

Shawn: Sorry, I found the "get my ass kicked for a living" part funny!

Justin: You try getting in the ring 6 out of 7 nights a week, and put on a show in front of thousands of people. It's not easy.

Shawn: Storm, I've been there... but the difference is, I kick ass when I'm in the ring!

Justin: Heh, sure Shawn.

[Shawn gives a cocky smile to a loud reaction from the audience.]

Shawn: Do you miss ANYTHING about being in the HWF? Both of you?

Justin: I still miss the boos that I used to get. The loud fan reaction when I came out to the ring. The reaction of fans hating my guts. I miss that a lot. It was so much fun to piss off the crowd.

Lance: Actually, yes. I miss the fans reactions. Like Justin said, it was a riot pissing them off.

Justin: Oh, and I also miss kicking J. Simon Rykopathe's scared little ass all around the ring.

Shawn: Well, their reaction hasn't changed! Yeah, I remember that match... when you finished it off with the Light It Up submission hold?

Justin: Yes it was… one of the proudest moments in my career, and my final wrestling match.

Shawn: I guess we can safely call the Burning Pits of Flame match a 'classic'.

Justin: I defeated Chaz Manson's definition of "The Perfect Wrestler".

Lance: Perfect Wrestler, my ass.

Justin: I guess we can call the ICON, the ICOS – ‘I Cower Over Storm’.

Shawn: Hahahaha! Okay, I have to admit... that was very good... ICOS... Hahaha! What about you Lance? Any matches you were particularly proud of?

Lance: The only match, in my opinion, worthy of a Hall of Hardcore nomination: May Mayhem, when Justin and me were going at it in the Extreme Hell in a Cell. The night I won the HWF World Title, and showed that I had fooled the world.

Justin: I remember that night; it was the night that I almost killed the ICOS.

Lance: Damn right. We threw that sorry bastard off of the triple cage, and just about ended his career.

Justin: [Cough] I wish it had. [Cough]

Lance: The fans loved it...unfortunately Chaz Manson didn't... ICON was the biggest piece of garbage in the HWF.

Shawn: Many people could argue that point well.

Justin: Yeah, Chaz didn't like it at all. He suspended me after that from the PPV until the next televised show.

Shawn: About the Extreme Hell In A Cell match, I wasn't the Commish at that time, so I particularly enjoyed that match... What do you guys think about the HWF at the moment?

Justin: I think the HWF is in the pits right now. John Justice is in-active as of now, Michael Trey still sucks, Rykopathe still sucks, and Blackjack is the only person in the federation, that deserves a shot at the title... and that's not saying much!

Lance: It's the truth; the HWF is basically worthless now that we left... You have a bunch of midcarders running around, thinking they're main eventers, and thinking that they can run the damn joint. It's pathetic, Collins, it really is.

Shawn: Who is your definition of a midcarder?

Justin: Stinky Goings.

Lance: He's not even a midcarder.

Justin: Close enough.

Lance: Thank god he died or quit or was fired or something.

Justin: Yeah, if the HWF kept him, I think they would have shut down LONG ago.

Lance: Hahaha! Yeah.

Shawn: Hahaha... Goings is no longer with us. What do you think of men like Trey, Blackjack, Rykopathe and Vic Williams?

Lance: Trey is a great athlete, I'll give him that, but the man is given too much credit for what he really deserves.

Shawn: Storm?

Justin: I've kicked everyone's ass in that list, but Blackjack. I ran over Michael Trey with a car, I made Rykopathe tap out to the Lights Out Submission, and I defeated Vic Williams for the Hardcore Title. No one in that list is worthy of even tying my shoe.

Lance: Least of all a paper champ like Trey, and a JTTS like Blackjack.

Shawn: Paper champ? JTTS? Explain yourselves! Haha.

Lance: I don’t need to explain ANYTHING. Trey is a paper champ.

Justin: As was J. Simon Rykopathe.

Lance: He never earned that belt, not even the very first time; especially not at the bullshit known as King of Violence, and definitely not the third time.

Shawn: Well, many people can argue that he is a worthy champion! What is a JTTS?

Lance: Look at Blackjack, Collins, and that's a JTTS; a guy who has no business facing against REAL superstars, but gets to do it anyways. I don't believe that idiot actually thought he was worthy enough to face me, the night I retired.

Shawn: I think it would've been a great match... but Blackjack has gotten on my bad side in the past week.

Lance: Oh it would have been a good match, there's no denying that... the point is that Blackjack had no business even being booked to fight me that night.

Shawn: And what do you think of Vic Williams?

Lance: I never had the pleasure of stepping in the ring with him, but from his reputation I would have liked to do it. I have respect for the man, even if that is the only thing I have for him.

Shawn: Wow... Ladies and gentlemen... Lance Sterling respects Vic Williams. We got this all taped right?

[Shawn laughs.]

Lance: You're a real comedian, Collins.

Shawn: Hey! Another "C" word! Gotta write this stuff down! Canadian Comedian Commissioner Collins! Woohoo!

[Sterling rolls his eyes]

Shawn: I've gotten that Triple C stuff down... that extra C was worthless anyways!

Lance: Yes, very.

Shawn: You seem to really hate Rykopathe, Storm... what's up with that? It looks like it's the same with Sterling and Trey.

Justin: Well Shawn, Rykopathe has been in my way all my career in the HWF. Ever since I first was in the fed, he tried to take me out because I had the nickname "The Hardcore Icon"... simply because I won the Hardcore Title in my first fed twice.

Shawn: So you're stating that it was jealously. Is that the same with you and Trey, Lance?

Lance: No, as far as I know. I despise Trey for the simple fact that, like Rykopathe was with Justin, Trey has been a thorn in my side for the longest time. He's always taken it upon himself to try and stop me; no matter what kind of bullshit he had pull in order to do it. If you wanna know what I'm talking about, take a good look at King of Violence... that was the culmination of his bullshit plotting against me.

Shawn: So it's just rage.

Lance: Not so much rage, than just frustration that someone has to try and pull strings backstage in order to beat you. The HWF is starting to remind me of WCW because of that fact. On second thought, that's low even for the HWF!

[Sterling laughs]

Shawn: Whatever you say! Well, we've got to start rapping the show up. So, to finish off, we're gonna get some crowd interactivity. Would you guys answer some of their questions?

Lance: Have nothing better to do...

Justin: What the hell...

Fan #1: Lance Sterling... I still think you did nothing for the HWF! I think it's great the way it is now, and Michael Trey is a great champion! In fact, I think that Blackjack would have kicked your ass on your last night there! Even though I hate him too!

Shawn: That's not a question!

Lance: Yeah, really. Collins, I suggest that fan be forcibly removed from the building!

Shawn: Guards!

[A couple of CC guards acknowledge Collins, and search for the guy who yelled that out. They point at a man in a pink shirt.]

Shawn: Yeah, the one with the pink shirt! Anyways, anyone else?

[Sterling laughs as the fan is removed.]

Fan #2: Is there any chance that you guys would come back? Any chance at all!

Lance: I'm not at liberty to say. Right now, I highly doubt it. I can't trust the HWF management after what the pulled the last time, and while I don't know what Justin's thoughts are, I know for certain I myself am not willing to take that risk again.

Justin: I don't really think so. There isn't anything else left for me to complete in the HWF. I've done it all. I'm a former World Champion, I'm the second ever Triple Crown Champion, and I was the best damn World Champion in HWF history!

Lance: Aside from me, Justin!

[Sterling laughs and brushes his blonde hair aside]

Justin: Whatever...

[Shawn whispers to the camera:] Doesn't he remind you of Fabio?

[Lance looks at Collins.]

Lance: What was that, Collins?

Shawn: Uhh... Just telling Bob that he had some carrot stuck in his teeth!

Lance: Uh huh....

Shawn: We have time for one last question.

Lance: Oh, goody...

Fan #3: I've got a question for Justin Storm. Justin, you call yourself the best World Champ ever, but in reality, you needed Michael Trey's help to win the title. Why is it that you are such a sorry son of a bitch?

Justin: Why you little bastard...

[Storm jumps up from his seat and runs into the crowd. He goes after the fan and goes to punch him, but security holds him back. Storm gets drug off the set as he is screaming something.]


Lance: Hahaha!

Shawn: Hahahahaha! See you guys later! Thanks for coming! Thanks for your time Lance! You too, Justin!

[Shawn waves at Storm.]

Lance: Yeah, let me go check on him before he hurts himself!

[Justin is screaming in the background.]

Shawn: We'll be right back folks!

[The scene hops to outside of the Commish’s Corner studio, where Justin Storm is being put in a police car.]


[Fade to Commercial: Acclaim and Sega bring you one of the most high paced, mind boggling games to ever grace your Sega Dreamcast – Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2! Born 2 Bleed on October 8 is brought to you by Sega.]

Shawn: Thanks to all our guests tonight for joining us, and to Hardcore Productions for keeping us on the air! Here’s our best of the week for the week of September 27, 2000:

Move Of The Week: The Fist Of Rage – A Vertical Suplex into an Inverted DDT.

Match Of The Week: Krow vs. "Canadian Kid" Kyle Corman vs. White Tiger with Kyle Corman taking the victory.

Song Of The Week: "We Trying To Stay Alive" by Wyclef Jean and the Refugee Allstars.

Movie Of The Week: ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’.

Game Of The Week: Squaresoft’s Chrono Cross for the Sony Playstation

Anime Of The Week: RG Veda.

Shawn: Thanks for watching! That concludes this week’s Commissioner’s Corner. Next week, we got one of the promising newcomers in the HWF – Jack Daddy! We’ll also have an intensive preview of Born 2 Bleed! See you then folks!

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